Electrocatalytic systems for NOx upgrading


Chemical manufacturing utilizing renewable resources and energy presents a promising avenue toward sustainability and carbon neutrality. Electrocatalytic upgrading of nitrogen oxides (NOx) into nitrogenous chemicals is a potential strategy for synthesizing chemicals and mitigating NOx pollution. However, this approach is currently hindered by low selectivity and efficiency, limited reaction pathways, and economic challenges, primarily due to the development of suboptimal electrocatalytic systems for NOx upgrading. In this review, we focus on electrocatalytic systems for NOx upgrading and discuss newly developed components, including catalysts, solvents, electrolysers, and upstream/downstream processes. These advancements enable recent developments in NOx upgrading reactions that yield various products, including green ammonia (NH3), dinitrogen (N2), nitrogenous chemicals beyond NH3 and N2 (e.g., hydroxylamine and hydrazine), and organonitrogen compunds. Additionally, we provide an outlook to highlight future directions in the emerging field of novel electrocatalytic systems for NOx upgrading.

Graphical abstract: Electrocatalytic systems for NOx upgrading

Article information

Article type
29 Okt. 2024
10 Dec. 2024
First published
11 Dec. 2024

Chem. Commun., 2025, Advance Article

Electrocatalytic systems for NOx upgrading

S. Jia, X. Sun and B. Han, Chem. Commun., 2025, Advance Article , DOI: 10.1039/D4CC05762G

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