Issue 30, 2010

Transaminations with isopropyl amine: equilibrium displacement with yeast alcohol dehydrogenase coupled to in situcofactorregeneration


Enantiopure chiral amines synthesis using ω-transaminases is hindered by an unfavourable equilibrium, but when using isopropylamine as the amine donor the equilibrium can be completely displaced by using a specific dehydrogenase in situ for removal of formed acetone.

Graphical abstract: Transaminations with isopropyl amine: equilibrium displacement with yeast alcohol dehydrogenase coupled to in situ cofactor regeneration

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Article information

Article type
21 Febr. 2010
28 Apr. 2010
First published
12 Maijs 2010

Chem. Commun., 2010,46, 5569-5571

Transaminations with isopropyl amine: equilibrium displacement with yeast alcohol dehydrogenase coupled to in situ cofactor regeneration

K. E. Cassimjee, C. Branneby, V. Abedi, A. Wells and P. Berglund, Chem. Commun., 2010, 46, 5569 DOI: 10.1039/C0CC00050G

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