Issue 42, 2010

Simultaneous iridium catalysed oxidation and enzymatic reduction employing orthogonal reagents


An iridium catalysed oxidation was coupled concurrently to an asymmetric biocatalytic reduction in one-pot; thus it was shown for the first time that iridium- and alcohol dehydrogenase-catalysed redox reactions are compatible. As a model system racemic chlorohydrins were transformed to enantioenriched chlorohydrins via an oxidation–asymmetric reduction sequence.

Graphical abstract: Simultaneous iridium catalysed oxidation and enzymatic reduction employing orthogonal reagents

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Article information

Article type
26 Jūl. 2010
07 Sept. 2010
First published
27 Sept. 2010

Chem. Commun., 2010,46, 8046-8048

Simultaneous iridium catalysed oxidation and enzymatic reduction employing orthogonal reagents

F. G. Mutti, A. Orthaber, J. H. Schrittwieser, J. G. D. Vries, R. Pietschnig and W. Kroutil, Chem. Commun., 2010, 46, 8046 DOI: 10.1039/C0CC02813D

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