Issue 38, 2024

The synthesis of MOF nanosheets and their application in MOF-based resistance random access memory devices


High-performance memory devices play an essential role in the innovation of modern electronics. Developing ultrafast memory devices has become imperative in response to large-scale data storage and ultra-fast data processing demands. Among these, resistive random-access memory (RRAM) has attracted much attention due to its fast read/write speeds, excellent scalability, and simple structure. RRAM devices have metal/active layer/metal sandwich structures, where the active layer could convert between high-resistance (HRS) and low-resistance states (LRS) under an electric field. Common active layers include inorganic materials, conjugated polymers, organic small molecules, and organic/inorganic hybrid materials. Among them, metal–organic frameworks (MOFs), one of the typical organic–inorganic hybrid materials, possess a porous structure and diverse topologies, making them promising candidates for gas adsorption and separation, catalysis, and sensing applications. There was relatively little research on MOFs for electronic devices, mainly due to MOF films' conductivity and thickness. Although insulators could be used as active layers for memory devices, the thickness of the MOF active layers has a more significant impact on the performance of memory devices. Compared to MOF bulk crystals or MOF nanoparticles, MOF nanosheets have a unique two-dimensional morphology and nanoscale thickness, which retain the original properties of MOFs and are easy to form thin films. Recent research has been conducted on the synthesis and properties of MOF nanosheets, demonstrating superior performance compared to bulk MOFs or nanoparticles. This review first introduces the synthesis methods of MOF nanosheets, including top-down and bottom-up synthesis methods, then discusses the application of MOF materials in RRAM memory devices, and finally explores the challenges and prospects of MOFs in developing RRAM memory devices.

Graphical abstract: The synthesis of MOF nanosheets and their application in MOF-based resistance random access memory devices

Article information

Article type
Review Article
10 Jūl. 2024
10 Sept. 2024
First published
12 Sept. 2024

J. Mater. Chem. C, 2024,12, 15339-15358

The synthesis of MOF nanosheets and their application in MOF-based resistance random access memory devices

G. Cai, Z. Liu, J. Yang, H. Xie, X. Yu and B. Zheng, J. Mater. Chem. C, 2024, 12, 15339 DOI: 10.1039/D4TC02924K

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