Issue 3, 2025

Nanomaterials for spin-based quantum information


Quantum information science has garnered significant attention due to its potential in solving problems that are beyond the capabilities of classical computations based on integrated circuits. At the heart of quantum information science is the quantum bit or qubit, which is used to carry information. Achieving large-scale and high-fidelity quantum bits requires the optimization of materials with trap-free characteristics and long coherence times. Nanomaterials have emerged as promising candidates for building qubits due to their inherent quantum confinement effect, enabling the manipulation and addressing of individual spins within nanostructures. In this comprehensive review, we focus on quantum bits based on nanomaterials, including 0D quantum dots, 1D nanotubes and nanowires, and 2D nanoplatelets and nanolayers. Our review aims to bridge the gap between nanotechnology and quantum information science, with a particular emphasis on material science aspects such as material selection, properties, and synthesis. By providing insights into these areas, we contribute to the understanding and advancement of nanomaterial-based quantum information science.

Graphical abstract: Nanomaterials for spin-based quantum information

Article information

Article type
Review Article
30 Sept. 2024
11 Nov. 2024
First published
15 Nov. 2024

Nanoscale, 2025,17, 1148-1170

Nanomaterials for spin-based quantum information

P. Ding, D. Chen, P. K. Ko, M. Qammar, P. Geng, L. Guo and J. E. Halpert, Nanoscale, 2025, 17, 1148 DOI: 10.1039/D4NR04012K

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