Issue 6, 2025

Boundaries and cross-linking densities modulate domain sizes of polydomain nematic elastomers


When nematic liquid crystal elastomers (LCEs) crosslinked at their isotropic phase are quenched to the nematic phase, they show polydomain patterns, in which nematic microdomains with different orientations self-organize into a three-dimensional mosaic with characteristic correlation patterns. The orientational correlation length of the domain, which is usually in the micrometer range, is believed to emerge as a result of a competition between liquid crystalline ordering and frozen network inhomogeneity. Although polydomain patterns show potentials as the basic platform for optical, memory, and mechanical devices, no study exists regarding how they are modulated by experimentally accessible parameters. Here, using confocal polarized fluorescence microscopy, we study the effects of a solid-wall or open boundary on the domain size in conjunction with effects of cross-linking density. The LCE bounded by solid glass shows reduced domain size near the boundary. In contrast, increased domain size appears at the free surface. With increasing cross-linking density, the domain size decreases, also exhibiting the boundary effects. Guided by theoretical considerations, the results are explained by a picture that the effective strength of the inhomogeneity frozen in the polymer network, i.e., the effective disorder strength, varies depending on the cross-linking density and constrained states at boundaries. The results offer the first experimental approach to global and local modulation of the polydomain pattern in nematic LCEs.

Graphical abstract: Boundaries and cross-linking densities modulate domain sizes of polydomain nematic elastomers

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Article information

Article type
29 Nov. 2024
10 Janv. 2025
First published
13 Janv. 2025

Soft Matter, 2025,21, 1233-1240

Boundaries and cross-linking densities modulate domain sizes of polydomain nematic elastomers

T. Ohzono, K. Katoh and N. Uchida, Soft Matter, 2025, 21, 1233 DOI: 10.1039/D4SM01419G

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