Key Laboratory of Advanced Energy Materials Chemistry (Ministry of Education), Renewable Energy Conversion and Storage Center, College of Chemistry, Nankai University, Tianjin 300071, China. E-mail: chenabc@nankai.edu.cn
First published on 12th March 2019
All-solid-state sodium batteries have great potential for large-scale energy storage applications. However, constructing a compatible Na anode/solid-state electrolyte (SSE) interface is still challenging because most SSEs are unstable toward Na metal. A succinonitrile (SN) SSE shows high room-temperature ionic conductivity (10−3 S cm−1) but easily deteriorates if in contact with Na metal, leading to continuously increased interfacial resistance. Here we present an extremely simple approach to introduce a compact NaF-rich interphase on a Na surface via chemical reactions between fluoroethylene carbonate–Na+ and Na metal, resulting in a compatible Na anode/SN-based electrolyte interface. The in situ formed NaF-rich interphase can not only prevent side reactions between the SN-based electrolyte and Na anode but also regulate the uniform deposition of dendrite-free Na. As a result, the symmetric cells show a low overpotential of 150 mV after cycling for 4000 h. Furthermore, all-solid-state Na–CO2 batteries (4Na + 3CO2 ↔ 2Na2CO3 + C) with the compatible interface can run for 50 cycles with a small overpotential increase of 0.33 V. This work provides a promising method to build a stable interface that enables the use of an SSE which is unstable toward Na in Na metal batteries.
To achieve high-performance solid-state sodium batteries, one of the key challenges is constructing a stable interface between the Na metal anode and the SSE, especially if the SSE is unstable toward Na.27–34 For example, succinonitrile (SN), a representative plastic-crystal electrolyte, has been applied in all-solid-state batteries because it can exhibit an ionic conductivity as high as 10−3 S cm−1 at room temperature.27,28 However, a SN electrolyte is unstable toward Na metal because the highly active Na metal can catalyze the polymerization of CN, leading to continuously increased interfacial resistance and unfavourable Na+ ion transfer (Fig. 1a).35 Similar to the SN electrolyte, there are many other SSEs which are unstable toward Na metal such as the representative inorganic sulfide-based electrolytes (Na3PS4 and Na3PSe4).30 Up to now, two strategies have been reported to achieve a stable interface between these SSEs and the anode. One is employing Na-alloys (such as Na15Sn4) instead of Na metal as anodes, which inevitably sacrifices the energy density of batteries.36,37 The other method is adding buffer layers (e.g., HfO2, Sc2O3, and ZrO2) between the Na anode and the SSE, which has only been supported by theoretical calculations.38 Moreover, the addition of pure inorganic buffer layers would lead to increased interfacial resistance and decreased energy density. Therefore, developing an effective way to avoid the side reactions and achieve a compatible interface between the unstable SSE and Na metal is of great significance.
Herein, we report an extremely simple approach to realize the compatible interface between the Na metal anode and the SN-based electrolyte via chemical reactions of fluoroethylene carbonate (FEC)–Na+ and Na (Fig. 1b). The selection of a proper reagent (1 M NaClO4/FEC) to treat Na metal is based on first-principles calculations (Fig. 1c and d). Owing to the in situ formed NaF-rich interphase on the surface of modified Na, the symmetric cells exhibit a small overpotential increase of 70 mV after cycling for 4000 h. Moreover, the all-solid-state Na–CO2 batteries with the modified Na anode and integrated SN-based SSE/MWCNT (multi-walled carbon nanotube) cathode could deliver high specific capacity (7624 mA h g−1 at 50 mA g−1), high cycling stability (overpotential increase of 0.33 V after 50 cycles), and high-rate performance. More importantly, the compatible anode/SN-based electrolyte interface could also be extended to other solid-state Na battery systems such as Na|Na3V2(PO4)3 batteries, which show a good capacity retention of 80% after 200 cycles and a high rate capability of 94 mA h g−1 at 2.0 C.
We first dropped 1 M NaClO4/FEC on the surface of Na metal. After reaction for 5 s (the optimization of reaction time can be seen in Fig. S1†), we removed the residual NaClO4/FEC and the modified Na metal was obtained. The composition of the in situ formed interphase on the surface of Na metal was characterized by X-ray photoelectron spectrometry (XPS, Fig. 2a). The binding energy of Na 1s is observed at 1070.6 eV, corresponding to the Na–F and Na–O bonds.40 The F 1s peaks of Na–F and C–F are located at 683.8 and 688.5 eV, respectively. There are four different types of C, that is, C–C/C–H (284.5 eV), C–O (286.2 eV), RCOONa/ROCOONa (288.9 eV), and C–F (291.0 eV).41 The XPS results reveal that the interphase generated on the surface of Na metal mainly contains NaF and organic components (e.g., RONa, RCOONa, and ROCOONa). Furthermore, we use XPS to explore the spatial chemical distribution of the formed interphase. The results in Fig. 2b, c and S2† indicate that organic and inorganic components tend to be distributed in the top and bottom part, respectively. In addition, the formation of NaF was further confirmed by X-ray powder diffraction (XRD, Fig. S3†) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM, Fig. S4†). The infrared spectroscopy (IR) result in Fig. S5† further demonstrates the existence of organic constituents. Note that almost all the C, O, and F in the modified Na are only from the liquid reagent (1 M NaClO4/FEC) rather than from other contaminants, which was proved by energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy of bare and modified Na (Fig. S6†).
Compared with that of pristine Na metal (Fig. S7†), the surface of modified Na becomes gray (Fig. 2d). The scanning electron microscopy (SEM) image reveals that the surface of the modified Na is smooth. The smooth surface is also detected by topographic atomic force microscopy (AFM, Fig. 2f), where the surface roughness of modified Na metal is 6.15 nm (Fig. S8†). In addition, the elemental maps of Na and F in Fig. 2d indicate that NaF is distributed uniformly on the Na surface. The map of Young's modulus in Fig. S9† shows the good mechanical properties of the generated NaF-rich interphase. Moreover, the average deviation of Young's modulus is only 1.8 MPa (Fig. S10†). We further reveal the features of the NaF-rich interphase through the retracted force–distance curve (Fig. 2e). The results reveal that the thickness of the NaF-rich interphase is about 8 nm, which is close to the thickness of the solid electrolyte interphase in liquid electrolyte (e.g., 1 M NaPF6/monoglyme).40 The thin interphase leads to low interfacial resistance, which is very beneficial for Na+ ion transfer.
To obtain the SSE with high ionic conductivity and good mechanical strength, we optimized the weight ratio of PVDF-HFP to SN. Before optimization, we fixed the molar ratio of SN to NaClO4 as 20:
1 because of its high ionic conductivity according to previous studies.27,28 When the weight ratio of PVDF-HFP increases from 0.5 to 1.5 (calculated based on the mass of SN), the Young's modulus of the SSE increases from 3.9 to 21.4 MPa (Fig. 3f and S12†), whereas the ionic conductivity decreases from 0.61 to 0.07 mS cm−1 (Fig. 3f). Considering the ionic conductivity and mechanical properties, we finally selected the SSE with a PVDF-HFP weight ratio of 0.8 as the optimal one, which exhibits a high ionic conductivity of 0.51 mS cm−1 and a good Young's modulus of 7.3 MPa. The ionic conductivity of the optimal SSE can reach 1.32 mS cm−1 at 50 °C (Fig. 3g). The slope of the fitted straight line in Fig. 3g is −1.63383. Thus, on the basis of the Arrhenius equation, we can find that the activation energy of the SSE is only 0.32 eV, which indicates favourable ion transfer. In addition, we studied the SSE using linear sweep voltammetry (Fig. S13†), which shows that the anodic decomposition potential is 4.86 V (vs. Na+/Na), implying high electrochemical stability of the SSE.43 The melting point of the SSE is about 105 °C (Fig. S14†), indicating the wide operating temperature range of the SSE. Moreover, the SSE exhibits good thermal stability (Fig. S15†).
Then, we observed the change of Na metal in different symmetric cells after cycling. The surface of pristine Na becomes very rough and is filled with cracks (Fig. 4c), while the surface of modified Na remains smooth and dendrite-free even after cycling for 4000 h. The dendrite-free growth of Na metal can be mainly attributed to two aspects as follows. (1) The NaF rich interphase with specific spatial distribution features (top: organic, bottom: inorganic) is effective to uniformly arrange nucleation seeds of Na+ ions and induce homogeneous deposition of Na metal, resulting in inhibited growth of dendrites.45 Moreover, inorganic NaF (mainly distributed in the bottom part) shows relatively good mechanical properties, which is also beneficial for avoiding dendrites.46–49 (2) The SN-based SSE can act as an ion redistributor to homogenize Na+ ions, resulting in dendrite-free Na metal deposition.50 Furthermore, the XPS spectra of modified Na remain unchanged after cycling (Fig. S17†). In contrast, elemental N was detected on the surface of pristine Na after cycling (Fig. 4d). The binding energy of Na 1s (1071.2 eV) indicates the existence of Na metal.51 CN was detected (399.6 eV in N 1s and 286.3 eV in C 1s).52,53 Additionally, other peaks were observed, such as those for C
N–C (398.2 eV, N 1s), N–C
N (289.1 eV, C 1s), and C
C/C–C (284.4 eV, C 1s).54–57 The XPS results reveal that the polymerization products of SN (Fig. S16†) exist on the surface of pristine Na after cycling.
The electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) results of the symmetric cells at different states (initial, after resting for 24 h, and after cycling) are shown in Fig. 4e, where Rs represents the resistance of the SN-based SSE and Rct reflects the charge-transfer resistance at electrolyte/electrode interfaces.58 After resting for 24 h and cycling, the Rs remains nearly unchanged in M-Na|M-Na cells but increases remarkably in Na|Na cells (Fig. 4f), demonstrating serious side reactions between pristine Na and the SN-based SSE. The evolution of Rct is similar to that of Rs, indicating a stable interface and fast charge-transfer kinetics between modified Na metal and the SN-based SSE. The fast kinetics can be further proved by the CV curves (Fig. 4g). The exchange current for Na plating/stripping in M-Na|M-Na cells is 1.73 mA cm−2, which is nearly three orders of magnitude higher than that in Na|Na cells.
Furthermore, the cycling stability of symmetric cells was evaluated through galvanostatic plating/stripping. The overpotential of Na|Na cells increases rapidly and reaches about 10 V at 0.1 mA cm−2 after only about 16 h (Fig. 4h), indicating the rather large resistance derived from the side reactions between Na and the SSE. In contrast, the Na plating/stripping in M-Na|M-Na cells remains remarkably stable (Fig. 4h). The overpotential increases by only 70 mV (from 80 to 150 mV) after 4000 h. To further demonstrate the interfacial compatibility, we investigated the electrochemical performance of M-Na|M-Na symmetric cells at higher current densities (0.2 and 0.5 mA cm−2) for higher capacity (1 mA h cm−2). As shown in Fig. S18,† the overpotentials of M-Na|M-Na cells can still remain stable during long cycling. The aforementioned results demonstrate the vital function of the NaF-rich interphase toward preventing the side reactions of Na metal/SN-based electrolyte and regulating the uniform deposition of Na.
The reaction mechanism of all-solid-state Na–CO2 batteries was demonstrated by ex situ Raman spectroscopy (Fig. S23†), SEM (Fig. S24†), and TEM (Fig. S25†), and is well consistent with that in liquid or quasi-solid-state electrolyte-based Na–CO2 batteries (4Na + 3CO2 ↔ 2Na2CO3 + C).16–18 Then, we investigated the influence of the thickness of the SSE on the electrochemical performance (20–40, 50–70, and 80–100 μm, Fig. S26†). On the basis of the corresponding discharge/charge profiles (Fig. S27†), we selected the SSE with a moderate thickness (50–70 μm) for further studies.
The full discharge curves of Na–CO2 batteries at different rates (50, 100, 200, 400, and 500 mA g−1) with a cutoff voltage of 1.5 V are shown in Fig. 5c. The discharge capacity could reach 7624 mA h g−1 at 50 mA g−1 and still be maintained at 2689 mA h g−1 even at 500 mA g−1. Note that all the capacities and current densities are based on the mass of MWCNTs and the capacity derived from the carbon paper current collector is negligible (Fig. S28†). The overpotentials of the batteries in the second cycle are 1.53, 1.67, 1.85, 2.02, and 2.08 V at 50, 100, 200, 400, and 500 mA g−1, respectively, indicating high-rate performance (Fig. 5d). Then, we evaluate the cycling stability of the batteries with a controlled specific capacity of 1000 mA h g−1 at 200 mA g−1. The charge voltage does not increase obviously (Fig. 5e) and the terminal discharge voltage only decreases from 2.34 to 2.00 V after 50 cycles (Fig. 5f), implying good cycling performance of the all-solid-state Na–CO2 batteries.
To investigate whether the deteriorated cycling performance originated from the modified Na anode or the cathode, we replaced the integrated cathode with a fresh one after 50 cycles. The Na–CO2 batteries with the new cathode could show good cycling stability again (Fig. 5f), proving that the major problem that restricts the cyclability is the cathode rather than the anode. These results further demonstrate the high stability of the modified Na anode in Na–CO2 battery systems. In addition, we studied the cycling performance of the Na–CO2 batteries with a bare Na metal anode, which show continuously increased charge voltage (Fig. S29†) and decreased discharge voltage (Fig. 5f) owing to the serious side reactions between the Na anode and the SSE. Compared with other reported room-temperature metal–CO2 batteries, our fabricated all-solid-state Na–CO2 batteries with the modified Na anode exhibit relatively good comprehensive performance (Table S1†), which can be attributed to the compatible anode/electrolyte interface, high ionic conductivity of the SSE, activated MWCNTs, and integrated cathode.
Furthermore, we applied the modified Na metal anode in all-solid-state Na|Na3V2(PO4)3 batteries with the SN-based SSE (Fig. S30†). As shown in Fig. S31,† the batteries with the modified Na anode exhibit good cycling stability (capacity retention of 80% after 200 cycles) and superior rate performance (94 mA h g−1 at 2.0 C), which are far better than those of the batteries with the pristine Na anode. These results indicate the wide universality of the modified Na anode in batteries with the SN-based SSE. It is meaningful to extend this modified Na metal anode to match with other unstable SSEs such as Na3PS4 and Na3PSe4 in the future. Note that Na3V2(PO4)3 is actually a very stable cathode material in sodium-ion batteries.59 To reveal the reason why our fabricated Na|Na3V2(PO4)3 batteries did not exhibit excellent cycling performance, we studied the EIS plots of the Na3V2(PO4)3|Na3V2(PO4)3 symmetric batteries (with the SN-based SSE as the electrolyte) at different states. The results in Fig. S32† reveal that charge transfer resistance of the symmetric batteries gradually increases during cycling, indicating that there may be slight side reactions between Na3V2(PO4)3 and the SSE, which inevitably affect the cycling stability.
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† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available: Computational details, experimental section, and additional figures and tables as mentioned in the text. See DOI: 10.1039/c8sc05178j |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2019 |