*ab and
aDepartment of Polymer Science and Engineering, School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Hefei University of Technology, Hefei, Anhui 230009, China. E-mail: fanghg@hfut.edu.cn; dingys@hfut.edu.cn; hbwei@hfut.edu.cn
bAnhui Province Key Laboratory of Advanced Functional Materials and Devices, Hefei, Anhui 230009, China
cBiomass Molecular Engineering Center, School of Forestry and Landscape Architecture, Anhui Agricultural University, Hefei, Anhui 230036, China
dAnhui Province Key Lab of Aerospace Structural Parts Forming Technology and Equipment, Institute of Industry & Equipment Technology, Hefei University of Technology, Hefei, Anhui 230009, China
eAnhui Province Key Laboratory of Advanced Catalytic Materials and Reaction Engineering, School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Hefei University of Technology, Hefei, Anhui 230009, China
First published on 5th November 2020
Achieving mechanical robustness and highly efficient self-healing simultaneously at room temperature is always a formidable challenge for polymeric materials. Herein, a series of novel supramolecular polyurethane elastomers (SPUEs) are developed by incorporating dynamic covalent boronic ester and boron–nitrogen (B–N) coordination. The SPUEs demonstrate the highest tensile toughness (∼182.2 MJ m−3) to date for room-temperature self-healable polymers, as well as an excellent ultimate tensile strength (∼10.5 MPa) and ultra-high fracture energy (∼72100 J m−2), respectively, owing to a synergetic quadruple dynamic mechanism. It is revealed that the B–N coordination not only facilitates the formation and dissociation of boronic ester at room temperature but also dramatically enhances the mechanical properties by the intermolecular coordinated chain crosslinking and intramolecular coordinated chain folding. Meanwhile, the B–N coordination and urethane hydrogen interaction also serve as sacrificial bonds, which rupture during stretching to dissipate energy and recover after release, leading to superior notch insensitiveness and recoverability. The SPUEs restore their mechanical robustness after self-healing at room temperature and the self-healing efficiency can be dramatically accelerated by surface wetting.
New conceptsAchieving mechanical robustness and healing efficiency simultaneously at room temperature is a great challenge in self-healing materials. Previously, the dynamic boronic ester and boron–nitrogen (B–N) coordination were often used to fabricate self-healing polymers, in which the boronic ester-containing polymer was coordinated with the ortho-site nitrogen donor or that from the exotic small molecules. This coordination was reported to be effective to accelerate the dynamics of transesterification of boronic ester and beneficial to the self-healing performance, but has no contributions to the mechanical enhancement. The current work highlights the synergy between the boronic ester and B–N coordination to improve the mechanical properties and the self-healing efficiency in polyurethanes. Two types of B–N coordination are formed when the boron- and nitrogen-containing chain extenders are incorporated into the backbone of polyurethane. The resultant supramolecular polyurethane elastomers (SPUEs) demonstrate the unprecedented mechanical properties because of the coordinated intermolecular crosslinking and intramolecular folding. The coordination also serves as a sacrificial bond to dissipate energy during stretching, leading to superior toughness and notch insensitiveness. Moreover, the SPUEs show high self-healing efficiency because of the accelerated transesterification of the boronic ester, especially when healed with the aid of water. |
According to the different mechanisms, these materials can be categorized into two types: extrinsic and intrinsic.6,7 Extrinsic self-healing is based on an elaborate design in which reparable monomers and initiators are entrapped in capsules,1 vascular networks8 or their hybrids,9 which are dispersed beforehand in the polymer matrix. Once damaged, the reaction of the monomers starts with the aid of initiators, and then the crack is repaired. Even though the method is reliable, the limited number of healing times seriously inhibits its further development. In contrast, the intrinsic-type mechanism enables polymeric materials to repeatedly repair, which depends on the polymers themselves and is originated from the reconstruction of dynamic noncovalent interactions10–13 or dynamic covalent bonds.2,14–16 Intrinsic type polymeric materials lack the need for healing reagents, but external stimuli input usually is required, e.g., light,17 heat,2,15 pressure or others.3,18,19
Polymeric materials that can autonomously repair at room temperature are highly desired because most materials are used at ambient conditions under which it is inconvenient or inhibited to input external energy. To realize autonomous self-healability at room temperature, the following two criteria must be met in polymeric materials: (1) dynamic noncovalent interactions or dynamic covalent bonds that are readily operable at room temperature. Such dynamic noncovalent interactions include hydrogen bonds,3,12,20,21 metal–ligand bonds,10,22 host–guest interactions,23 ionic interactions,11 and van der Waals forces,24 and dynamic covalent bonds include urea chemistry,16 disulfide metathesis,25 oxime chemistry,26 diselenide metathesis,27 boronic ester,15,19,28,29 and boroxine.18 (2) Sufficient molecular mobility that facilitates reconstruction of dynamic bonding at room temperature. These two criteria ensure that polymeric materials self-heal within a reasonable timescale. But the mechanical robustness and efficient self-healing of the polymeric materials are contradictory properties, and the improvement of the mechanical properties is usually achieved at the expense of the self-healing efficiency. To reconcile this contradiction, scientists have proposed different strategies. Guan and co-workers proposed a multiphase design strategy, in which the covalent connectivity in the soft segments of traditional TPEs was replaced by non-covalent hydrogen bonds.20 You and co-workers proposed a dynamic covalent bond and dynamic non-covalent bond cooperative strategy in which the copper ion–oxime coordination played a crucial role. The resultant polymer possessed a tensile strength of up to 14.8 MPa and a significantly higher toughness (87.0 MJ m−3) than all the previously reported room-temperature self-healing elastomers.26
Boronic acids, which are known to form a variety of dynamic covalent bonds and dynamic noncovalent bonds, have been widely employed to fabricate covalent organic frameworks (COFs),30 molecular networks31 and self-healing polymeric materials.15,18,19,32,33 The direction of boroxines/boronic acids and boronic esters/boronic acids can be simply adjusted by temperature, the addition of water, or the addition of Lewis bases. Previous researchers have demonstrated that a nitrogen-donor, such as small molecular additives pyridine and amine29 or ortho-amino,18,28 imine,34 can coordinate with the boron atom of boroxines or boronic esters, leading to the acceleration of the equilibrium of boroxines and boronic esters at room temperature and the improved self-healing efficiency of the resultant polymeric materials.18,28 However, the coordination does not contribute to the strength of the material because it hardly enhances the interaction between the molecular chains. Herein, we present a dynamic covalent boronic ester and boron–nitrogen coordination synergy strategy to design and prepare supramolecular polyurethane elastomers (SPUEs). For this purpose, a synthetic dihydroxyl-bearing boronic ester and commercialized tertiary amine-bearing diol are used as the chain extenders to incorporate boronic esters and nitrogen-donors into the backbone of polyurethane, separately. Boron–nitrogen coordination bonds form between boronic esters and nitrogen-donors, which not only facilitates the formation and dissociation of boronic ester at room temperature but also dramatically enhances the mechanical properties by the intermolecular coordinated chain crosslinking and intramolecular coordinated chain folding. Meanwhile, the B–N coordination and urethane hydrogen interaction also serve as sacrificial bonds, which rupture during stretching to dissipate energy and recover after releasing, leading to superior notch insensitiveness and recoverability.
To verify the hydrolytic reversibility of boronic esters in the present study, HDB was evaluated in a model experiment by 1H NMR spectroscopy under both dry and wet conditions to show the extreme shifts in equilibrium. The dry sample demonstrated a clear downfield shift of the protons near the oxygen atom of the boronic esters. After adding a small amount of water and waiting for 30 min, all of the boronic esters were completely hydrolyzed to their corresponding boronic acids and triol components (Fig. 2a), clearly showing the hydrolytic reversibility. The configuration of B–N coordination between HDB and DPA was investigated by density functional theory (DFT) calculation. The phenyl group of HDB is quite coplanar with the boronic ester. However, in the tertiary amine-coordinated boronic ester, the phenyl group is noncoplanar with the boronic ester ring due to the formation of a B–N coordination bond (Fig. 2b). Two possible configurations existed in the tertiary amine-coordinated boronic ester, which is a B–N1 and B–N2 adduct with the coordination bond length of 1.707 Å and 1.754 Å, respectively. The electronic energy of eqn (S1) (B–N1) and eqn (S2) (B–N2) (ESI†) was −13.98 and 1.16 kcal mol−1, respectively (Table S2, ESI†), revealing that the B–N1 adduct is favorable compared to the B–N2 adduct. The 11B NMR spectrum of HDB exhibited a peak at around 30 ppm, which was consistent with the trigonal sp2 boron center in boronic esters. The addition of DPA led to the upfield shift of the boron center to 11 ppm, which was consistent with the tetrahedral sp3 boron center in boronic esters involving B–N coordination.29 As the molar ratio of DPA:
HDB increased, the intensity of the sp3 boron center increased and the intensity of the sp2 boron center decreased. When the molar ratio reached 1
2, the sp2 boron center completely disappeared (Fig. 2c). According to the literature, the B–N coordination facilitated the formation of boronic esters by accelerating the equilibrium of esterification at room temperature and was beneficial to the self-healing of polymeric materials.29 Meanwhile, DFT calculations indicated that the length of B–O bonds near the B–N coordination bond in B–N1 and B–N2 adducts was 1.451 Å, which was longer than those in boronic esters (1.369 Å), thereby expediting the dissociation of boronic esters (Table S2, ESI†).18 Therefore, it can be inferred that the formation and dissociation of nitrogen-coordinated boronic esters is highly reversible and can be beneficial to improve self-healing efficiency. The ATR-FTIR spectroscopy of the PU–BNx showed the complete consumption of the NCO group reflected by the absence of the peak at 2266 cm−1. The peaks at 3318, 1720 and 1698 cm−1 were ascribed to N–H, free and hydrogen-bonded C
O stretching vibrations, respectively, indicating the formation of urethane groups. The negligible peak at 1745 cm−1, which corresponds to DMAc, was confirmed to exclude solvent-mediated chain mobility for self-healing. The peaks at around 1367 and 1312 cm−1 corresponded to B–C stretching vibration, and those at 1025 and 661 cm−1 corresponded to B–O stretching vibration and out-of-plane displacement of a boron atom diagnostic of the formation of boronic esters, respectively (Fig. S3, ESI†).3511B NMR spectroscopy of the PU–BNx showed only one peak around 11 ppm, which was consistent with a tetrahedral sp3 boron center involved in B–N coordination. PU–B9 without the nitrogen-donor showed one peak around 31 ppm, which was consistent with a trigonal sp2 boron center in boronic esters (Fig. 2d). The above results indicated that the boronic ester was incorporated in the polyurethane backbone and B–N coordination formed between the boronic ester and nitrogen-donor of DPA.
The mechanical properties are shown in Fig. 3 and some parameters including the yield strength, Young's modulus, ultimate tensile strength, elongation at break, and tensile toughness are collected and listed in Table S4 (ESI†). PU–BN7 demonstrated impressively ultra-high extensibility of ∼14000% strain and relatively low yield strength (∼0.6 MPa) (Fig. 3a and Movie S1, ESI†). The strength of the material improved dramatically with the increase of the B–N coordination. The ultimate tensile strength increased to 4.2 MPa for PU–BN9 and 10.5 MPa for PU–BN11, while the elongation at break dropped remarkably to 4960% and 3120%, respectively (Fig. 3b). In contrast, the reference samples (PU–B0 and PU–B9) only possessed a low yield strength of 0.35 MPa and 0.3 MPa, respectively, and showed the typical characteristic of a viscoelastic liquid after passing the yield point (Fig. S8 and Table S4, ESI†). However, PU–BN9 and PU–BN11 showed superior strength and extensibility as compared to most of the self-healing materials and tough hydrogels. It should be emphasized that the strength and toughness of PU–BN11 reached 10.5 MPa and 182.2 MJ m−3 respectively, and the toughness is significantly higher than other room temperature self-healing polymers (Fig. 3c and Table S5, ESI†). The high strength and stretchability of PU–BNx may originate from the B–N coordination between HDB and DPA which were incorporated into the PU backbone. In the previous work, Bao and coworkers fabricated a series of metal–ligand crosslinked poly(dimethylsiloxane) (PDMS), in which the ligands were incorporated into the polymer backbone. The materials showed high stretchability, due to the reversible formation of intermolecular coordination between different PDMS chains and intramolecular coordination within the same PDMS chain.36 A similar behavior can also be found in supramolecular polyurethane elastomers with 2-amino-4-hydroxy-6-methylpyrimidine (UPy) as the quadruple H-bonding motif.12 In our materials, a similar conformation was possibly formed via the B–N coordination. In the unstretched state, the intramolecular coordination results in the folding of the PU backbone, which enables a very high chain extension under deformation. Meanwhile, the intermolecular coordination contributes to the formation of the transient network, which dramatically enhances the mechanical properties. Because of the dynamic reversible nature of the B–N coordination, the opening of the inter- or intramolecular connection by progressively disrupting the B–N coordination bonds upon stretching should bring about the unfolding and sliding of the polymeric networks, thereby enhancing the stretchability and toughness of PU–BNx (Fig. 3d).
The deformation-rate-dependent tensile behaviors of the PU–BNx were consistent with the proposed chain dynamics. The tensile behavior of PU–BN7 demonstrated an obvious rate dependence, showing that the strain gradually decreased but the yield and ultimate tensile strength increased with increase of the deformation rate. The ultimate tensile strength increased by a factor of 3.2x, but the strain at break experienced a 2.7× decrease, along with the deformation rate increasing from 50 to 500 mm min−1 (Fig. 3e and f). PU–BN9 (Fig. S9, ESI†) and PU–BN11 (Fig. S10, ESI†) showed similar behaviors but the dependence became weak. It should be noted that PU–BN11 can be stretched to over 3000% of its original length at the high deformation rate of 500 mm min−1 with the yield and ultimate tensile strength of 4.2 and 10.7 MPa, respectively. This ability to maintain high extensibility and strength at the high deformation rate was rarely reported in other materials. The above results also indicated the dynamic characteristics of B–N coordination bonds which can undergo rapid dissociation and reconstruction under strain. Then, we performed a crack propagation experiment on single-edged notch samples. Using PU–BN9 as an example, the notch area became blunt dramatically during the stretching process and remained stable up to an average elongation of 1400% (Fig. S11 and Movie 2, ESI†). The fracture energies of PU–BN7, PU–BN9, and PU–BN11 were estimated to be 18800, 72
100, and 32
800 J m−2 using the Rivlin and Thomas method37 (Fig. 3g and Fig. S12, ESI†), respectively. This fracture energy (72
100 J m−2) far exceeded the value of bulk elastomers reported by Bao and coworkers (12
000 J m−2, published in 2018)38 and Sun and coworkers (22
900 J m−2, published in 2017)39 which were calculated using the same method (Fig. S13 and S14, ESI†). In our SPUEs, the intermolecular B–N coordination and crystalline hard domains endowed the mechanical strength while the dynamic characteristic of inter- and intramolecular coordination, as well as the hydrogen bonds undoubtedly contributed to the notch-insensitivity with ultra-high fracture energy. The sufficient intermolecular physical bonding transferred the fracture stress concentrated at the notch front to the entire polymeric network via the possible synergy of the two toughening mechanisms: (1) crack bridging, which is enabled by the strong and sufficient B–N coordination bonds to postpone the transverse advancing crack front and (2) background hysteresis which is resulted from the dissociation of weak H-bonds to dissipate energy under strain.
To demonstrate the recoverability of the SPUEs, the repeated cyclic tensile test at a large strain of 500% for PU–BN11 as an example was shown in Fig. S15, ESI.† The large hysteresis circle in the first cycle indicated a significant energy dissipation by rupturing the dynamic crosslinks. An obvious reduction in the hysteresis circle area during the second loading–unloading cycle can be observed when the second cycle was conducted immediately after the first one. This was because the ruptured sacrificial bonds during the first loading did not have enough time to recover to their original state. The hysteresis circle slightly decreased with the increase of cycle in sequential tests, suggesting the balance of rupturing and reorganization of sacrificial bonds. When the sample was allowed to relax for 4 h at room temperature and subjected to the 6th cyclic tensile, it showed a similar curve to the first cycle, indicating the full recovery of dynamic crosslinks. The good recoverability of the PU–BN11 primarily originated from the highly dynamic B–N coordination within the networks that can be readily broken when the polymers are under stress to dissipate energy and reconstructed when the applied stress is released to allow the extended polymer chains to recover to their original state. The dynamic characteristics were also reflected by the temperature-dependent creep and recovery, in which irreversible deformation was prominent even at 30 °C (Fig. S16, ESI†). Although the toughness of the material is very high, the combination with irreversible deformation should be taken into account when applications are foreseen.
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: 10.1039/d0mh01142h |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2021 |