Department of Physics, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Panepistimiopolis, Zografos, GR-15784 Athens, Greece. E-mail:;;
First published on 7th February 2023
DNA sequences of ideal and natural geometries are examined, studying their charge transport properties as mutation detectors. Ideal means textbook geometry. Natural means naturally distorted sequences; geometry taken from available databases. A tight-binding (TB) wire model at the base-pair level is recruited, together with a transfer matrix technique. The relevant TB parameters are obtained using a linear combination of all valence orbitals of all atoms, using geometry, either ideal or natural, as the only input. The investigated DNA sequences contain: (i) point substitution mutations – specifically, the transitions guanine (G) ↔ adenine (A) – and (ii) sequences extracted from human chromosomes, modified by expanding the cytosine–adenine–guanine triplet [(CAG)n repeats] to mimic the following diseases: (a) Huntington's disease, (b) Kennedy's disease, (c) Spinocerebellar ataxia 6, (d) Spinocerebellar ataxia 7. Quantities such as eigenspectra, density of states, transmission coefficients, and the – more experimentally relevant – current–voltage (I–V) curves are studied, intending to find adequate features to recognize mutations. To this end, the normalised deviation of the I–V curve from the origin (NDIV) is also defined. The features of the NDIV seem to provide a clearer picture, being sensitive to the number of point mutations and allowing to characterise the degree of danger of developing the aforementioned diseases.
Charge transfer and transport through the aromatic base-pair stack depends on the electronic coupling between adjacent bases. Therefore, e.g. distortions15,16 affect charge transfer and transport. Also, deviations in that stacking, e.g., through base modifications, insertions, or protein binding, can be electrically observed. DNA charge transfer and transport has been used to detect changes in DNA, like lesions, mismatches, mutations, binding proteins, protein activity, even reactions under weak magnetic fields.17 Charge transfer and transport properties and long-range oxidation of DNA provide an understanding of its biological role and reveal potential nano-applications, such as nanosensors, nanocircuits, and molecular wires.18–20 In the context of biomedicine, these properties can be used to detect pathogenic mutations at early stage. For example, the pairing of non-complementary bases leads to point mutations which are potentially harmful to the development of organisms (carcinogenesis). Each DNA sequence has a unique electronic signature, which may be useful for identifying a mutant DNA molecule.21,22 Thus, charge transfer and transport can bring valuable information about sequencing. It is expected that these properties can be further employed to design electronic circuits as diagnostic tools.
Considering the above, this work focuses on charge transport along DNA molecules, using the Tight-Binding (TB) method, together with the transfer matrix technique, to solve the time-independent Schrödinger equation and finally obtain I–V curves. We study double-stranded DNA molecules, the ends of which are connected to electrodes, focusing on: (1) both ideal and natural geometries. (2) Two types of mutations: (i) point substitution mutations, specifically, transitions G ↔ A, and (ii) sequences extracted from segments of human chromosomes, modified by expanding the CAG triplet to mimic the following diseases: (a) Huntington's disease, (b) Kennedy's disease, (c) Spinocerebellar ataxia 6, (d) Spinocerebellar ataxia 7. Physical quantities such as eigenspectra, density of states, transmission coefficients, and current–voltage curves are obtained. The parameters used to describe the molecular electronic structure of nucleic acid bases and extract the on-site energies and the interaction integrals used in the recruited TB wire model were obtained from the linear combination of atomic orbitals (LCAO) method, considering the molecular wave function as a linear combination of all valence orbitals of all atoms, i.e., 2s, 2px, 2py, 2pz orbitals for C, N, and O atoms and 1s orbital for H atoms.
The novel features of this work compared to state of the art include the following: (1) Ideal and natural DNA geometries are compared. (2) Known mutations are examined, and mutated sequences, either containing point substitution mutations (G ↔ A transitions) or extracted from human chromosomes and modified by expanding the CAG triplet to mimic diseases, are compared to unmutated ones. (3) The potential use of physical quantities related to charge transport as mutation detectors is investigated. (4) The normalised deviation of the I–V curve from the origin (NDIV), which seems to be a useful quantity for that purpose, is defined.
The rest of this article is organized as follows: Section 2 includes a description of the employed methods; the studied sequences and genetic disorders are listed in Section 3; in Section 4, results for various physical quantities are presented and discussed; finally, Section 5 contains our conclusions and some reflections on perspectives.
In the present work, the so-called “wire model” variant of the TB method is employed. For double-stranded DNA, the wire model is essentially a description at the base-pair level, i.e., the DNA polymer is considered as a wire, composed of successive base pairs (or monomers). The parameters required for the wire model description are the on-site energies of the base pairs and the interaction integrals between successive base pairs. In order to produce the required on-site energies, the Linear Combination of Atomic Orbitals (LCAO) method was employed, considering the molecular wave function as a linear combination of all valence orbitals, i.e., of the 2s, 2px, 2py, 2pz orbitals for C, N, and O atoms and the 1s orbital for H atoms. A novel parameterization was used, initially introduced in ref. 26. As for the interaction integrals, a Slater–Koster two-centre interaction form27 was employed, using Harrison-type expressions,28,29 with slightly modified factors relative to the original ones.26 These parameters have been calibrated by comparing our LCAO predictions for the ionization and excitation energies of heterocycles with those obtained from the Ionization Potential Equation of Motion Coupled Cluster with Singles and Doubles (IP-EOMCCSD)/aug-cc-pVDZ level of theory and the Completely Renormalized Equation of Motion Coupled Cluster with Singles, Doubles, and non-iterative Triples (CR-EOMCCSD(T))/aug-cc-pVDZ level of theory, respectively (vertical values), as well as with experimental data.30
The problem to be solved, i.e., the time-independent or time-dependent Schrödinger equation of the polymer, is reduced to a system of coupled algebraic equations or differential equations of first order, respectively. For example, the time-independent TB system of equations, from which the eigenenergies, E, are obtained, for a DNA segment within the wire model, reads
Eψn = Enψn + tn−1,nψn−1 + tn,n+1ψn+1, ∀n = 1, 2, …, N, | (1) |
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Point substitutional mutations are common; the G-T mismatch mutation alone occurs about once in every 104–105 base pairs. Cell viability and health are highly dependent on keeping the mutation rate small. The high fidelity of DNA replication is established and secured by an enzyme, the replicative polymerase, though several mechanisms: (1) sensing proper geometry of the correct base pair, (2) slowing down catalysis in case of a mismatch, and (3) partitioning the mismatched primer to exonuclease active site.31 However, the performance of polymerases is not error-free: it is estimated31–33 that, even after proofreading, the overall fidelity of DNA synthesis lays in the range of one wrong nucleotide incorporated per 103–105. Besides, DNA replication is constantly challenged by internal and external factors, non-canonical DNA structures, and complex DNA sequences.31
Another category of DNA mutations related to several diseases is the short tandem repeat (STR) expansions or microsatellites.34,35 These are small sections of DNA, usually 2–6 nucleotides long, repeated at a defined region. At least 6.77% of the human genome is comprised of these repetitive DNA sequences.35 Large STR expansions are potentially pathogenic, setting the ground for several neurological diseases. In fact, 37 of the already known STR genes that can cause disease when expanded, exhibit primary neurological presentations.35 In neurological STR diseases, ‘CAG’ repeat expansions code for the amino acid glutamine. When expanded, they create polyglutamine tract expansions, which are thought to alter and expand the transcribed protein, creating insoluble protein aggregates within neuronal cells. This can cause perturbations in intracellular homeostasis and cell death.36
Two categories of DNA polymers are examined in this work: (i) sequences that contain point substitution mutations (specifically, transitions involving G ↔ A exchange), of both ideal and natural geometries, replacing the out-of-ring atoms that are different between A and G, while ensuring that the number of hydrogen bonds is correct, and (ii) sequences of ideal geometry extracted from segments of human chromosomes, subsequently modified by a CAG triplet expansion [(CAG)n repeats], to mimic four selected STR diseases, namely, (a) Huntington's disease, (b) Kennedy's disease, (c) Spinocerebellar ataxia 6, (d) Spinocerebellar ataxia 7. The number of pathogenic repeats, i.e., CAG triplets, in Huntington's disease, is np = 36–250, located in exon 1 of HTT gene, chromosome 4.35,37,38 In spinal and bulbar muscular atrophy of Kennedy (Kennedy's disease), np = 38–68, located in exon 1 of AR gene, chromosome X.35,39–41 In spinocerebellar ataxia 6, np = 19–33, located in exon 47 of CACNA1A gene, chromosome 19.35,42,43 In spinocerebellar ataxia 7, np = 34–460, located in exon 1 of ATXN7 gene, chromosome 3.35,44,45
In summary, the protocol to implement mutations in this study is the following: (i) for transitions involving G ↔ A exchange, of both ideal and natural geometries, the out-of-ring atoms that are different between A and G are replaced, while ensuring that the number of hydrogen bonds is correct. (ii) For all diseases with the same triplet motif, (CAG)n, we keep 9 base pairs at the start and 9 base pairs at the other end of the sequence (primers). Of course, primers are different for each disease, but they only contain 18 base pairs altogether, which is not a large number when dealing with a sequence of 180 or 300 base pairs. Of course, the procedure used in the present work could be ameliorated in future studies.
For DNA segments of ideal geometry, the base pairs are not distorted; they are separated and twisted by 3.4 Å and 36°, respectively, relative to the double helix growth axis. The geometries of the natural sequences G14 and A15 have been extracted from Bioinformatics (RCSB) Protein Data Bank ( [accession numbers 4WZW and 6VAA, respectively], from the original ref. 46 and 47, respectively.
The on-site energies and interaction integrals for all sequences were calculated using all valence orbitals of all atoms, according to the procedure described in ref. 26. For ideal sequences, the on-site energies are EA–T = −8.49 eV for the A–T base pair, and EG–C = −8.30 eV for the G–C base pair.26 In Table 1, the energies of the highest occupied molecular orbital (HOMO) and the lowest unoccupied molecular orbital (LUMO) of the two B-DNA base pairs, A–T and G–C, are shown. The bases constituting these base pairs are slightly deformed relative to their geometry in gas phase. Table 1 also contains the HOMO and LUMO energies of these slightly deformed bases. These levels are of π and π* character, unless otherwise stated. The on-site energy of the mismatched A–C base pair was calculated, as well. Its HOMO value is EA–C = −8.43 eV, i.e., very close to the one of the A–T base pair. The HOMO and LUMO interaction integrals between successive base pairs of ideal geometry, without mismatches, calculated with the method described in ref. 26, using all valence orbitals of all atoms, are listed in Table 2. Mutations and distortions change the values of interaction integrals; this effect is included in present work, using the same method.26
Base or base pair | E H | E L |
A | −8.50 | −4.19 |
T | −9.12 | −4.30 |
G | −8.31 | −4.12 |
−4.43 (σ*) | ||
C | −8.67 | −4.11 |
A–T | −8.49 | −4.31 |
−4.43 (σ*) | ||
G–C | −8.30 | −4.14 |
−4.43 (σ*) | ||
A–C | −8.43 | −4.23 |
GG, CC | GC | CG |
116 | 10 | 75 |
(92(σ*), 2) | (2(σ*), 19) | (1(σ*), 9) |
AA, TT | AT | TA |
38 | 50 | 37 |
(22) | (1) | (2) |
AG, CT | TG, CA | AC, GT | TC, GA |
37 | 28 | 16 | 142 |
(11(σ*), 11) | (2(σ*), 9) | (1(σ*), 1) | (3(σ*), 6) |
GAm | AmG | AmAm |
130 | 31 | 36 |
(89(σ*), 8) | (90(σ*), 20) | (90(σ*), 25) |
Observation: the HOMO (LUMO) of a base pair is very close to the highest HOMO (lowest LUMO) of its constituent bases,48cf.Table 1. Hence, studying charge transport through HOMOs within the TB wire model (as done here), it is practically easier to examine purine substitution mutations; given that purines have higher HOMOs than pyrimidines, this substitution has a substantial effect on the base pair on-site energy. This generates an important diagonal disorder to the TB wire model Hamiltonian matrix, in addition to the always-present off-diagonal disorder caused by the modification of interaction parameters.
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Fig. 1 Eigenspectra and DOS of unmutated DNA homopolymers. Upper panels: Ideal, lower panels: natural, left panels: G14, right panels: A15. The geometries of the natural sequences G14 and A15 have been extracted from the Bioinformatics (RCSB) Protein Data Bank ( [accession numbers 4WZW and 6VAA, respectively] from the original ref. 46 and 47, respectively. k is the eigenenergy index. |
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Fig. 2 Normalized IDOS of the unmutated DNA sequences depicted in Fig. 1. Upper panels: Ideal, lower panels: natural, left panels: G14, right panels: A15. |
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Fig. 3 Eigenspectra and DOS of G14 sequences with 7 randomly positioned A–C mismatch mutations. The purine strand contains 7 G and 7 A, distributed randomly, while the pyrimidine strand contains 14 C. Upper panels: Ideal polymers, lower panels: natural polymers. This figure can be compared with the left part of Fig. 1. |
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Fig. 4 Normalized IDOS of G14 sequences with 7 randomly positioned A–C mismatch mutations. The purine strand contains 7 G and 7 A, distributed randomly, while the pyrimidine strand contains 14 C. Left panel: Ideal polymer, right panel: natural polymer. This figure can be compared with the left part of Fig. 2. |
The details of the lead-DNA interface are rather complex;11 the coupling of the sequence with the edge electrode sites is described by the effective interaction integrals tcL(R). The choice of appropriate parameters is important, since the quality of the contact plays a crucial role in charge transport;53 in fact, it defines the optimum transport profile.11,54 For periodic sequences, the coupling strength and coupling asymmetry
have been defined previously.54 The ideal coupling condition, which is definable only in periodic cases, is |ω| = 1. The symmetric coupling condition is |χ| = 1. In periodic cases, the ideal and symmetric coupling condition, ω = 1 = χ, leads to the most enhanced transmission.54 Here, tcL and tcR are chosen from the ideal and symmetric coupling conditions of periodic cases of ideal homopolymers, G… and A…, i.e., when dealing with G… or A…, tN is chosen as equal either to tGG = 0.116 eV or to tAA = 0.038 eV, according to our TB parametrization.26 This procedure results in tcL = tcR = 0.24 eV for G… and 0.14 eV for A…. In natural homopolymers G…, the value tcL = tcR = 0.24 eV is still used. In natural homopolymers A…, the value tcL = tcR = 0.14 eV is still used. For A–C mismatches in G… as well as for diseases, the value tcL = tcR = 0.24 eV is still used.
The transmission coefficient at zero bias, T(E), is a useful quantity for the description of charge transport properties; it refers to the probability that a carrier transmits through the sequence's eigenstates. To compute T(E), a transfer matrix formalism51,54,55 is used. After some manipulations, the analytical form of T(E) can be expressed as:51
![]() | (6) |
![]() | (7) |
T(E) for the studied ideal and natural unmutated DNA sequences, G14 and A15, are presented in Fig. 7. In ideal periodic segments, it is expected from theory54 that full transmission (T(E) = 1) occurs at specific energies, at least N − 1 in number. This is actually the case in the upper panels of Fig. 7 (not all peaks are seen clearly at this scale). Natural sequences have a significantly less symmetric profile, and significantly reduced overall transmission, as expected, since in this case neither the on-site energies nor the interaction integrals are identical, i.e., in natural homopolymers, both diagonal and off-diagonal disorder are present.
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Fig. 7 The log10(T(E)) of the studied unmutated DNA sequences. Upper panels: Ideal polymers. There are N − 1 peaks with full transmission (left) and N peaks with full transmission (right). Theory54 guarantees at least N − 1 peaks. Lower panels: Natural polymers. Left: G14, right: A15. |
In Fig. 8, the on-site energies (left) and absolute values of the interaction integrals (right) are depicted, together with their mean values, μ, and standard deviations, σ, for the natural G14 and A15 sequences whose transmission is shown in the lower panels of Fig. 7. The corresponding values of ideal sequences are also shown, for reference. The mean values and standard deviations (μ, σ) of the on-site energies, which account for diagonal disorder, are ≈(−8.304 eV, 0.005 eV) for G14 and (−8.449 eV, 0.004 eV) for A15, while, those of the magnitude of the interaction integrals, which account for off-diagonal disorder, are (0.040 eV, 0.034 eV) for G14 (0.024 eV, 0.014 eV) for A15. In terms of coefficients of variation, , diagonal disorder is small and of comparable magnitude between G14 and A15, i.e., ≈0.06% and 0.05%, respectively. On the other hand, off-diagonal disorder is much larger, i.e., ≈85.00% and 58.33%, respectively. Clearly, off-diagonal disorder is more pronounced in G14. This explains qualitatively the smaller transmission peaks G14 displays compared to A15 (cf., bottom panels of Fig. 7). Notice that |tn| was used to assess the off-diagonal disorder, since the spectrum of tridiagonal, irreducible, real, symmetric matrices (as all matrices studied here are, within the wire model) does not depend on the signs of their off-diagonal entries.56
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Fig. 8 TB parameters for the natural G14 and A15 polymers whose transmission is shown in the lower panels of Fig. 7. Left: On-site energies, En. Right: Absolute values of interaction parameters, |tn|. Blue (G14) diamonds and red (A15) circles represent the values of the parameters at each site, continuous lines their mean values, μ, and shaded areas include the region μ ± σ, where σ is the standard deviation. The values of parameters for ideal polymers are shown in dashed lines, for reference. |
In Fig. 9, the effect of including zero, one, and two A–C mismatches, randomly distributed in the sequence, is shown, for ideal and natural G14 segments. Transmission coefficients, T(E), are depicted in log-scale. The randomly positioned mismatches are placed at the same sites for both ideal and natural sequences. [log10(T(E)) for zero A–C mismatch mutations is also shown in the left panels of Fig. 7.] The values of (which act as a measure of the overall transmission) for the three ideal cases are: 0.3856 eV, 0.0430 eV, and 0.0237 eV for 0, 1, and 2 (A–C) mismatches, respectively. Hence, in ideal cases, inclusion of more mismatches decreases transmission, because the sequence homogeneity – in terms of on-site energies and interaction integrals – is deteriorated. On the other hand, for the three natural cases, the values of the integrals are 1.0651 × 10−5 eV, 3.0247 × 10−4 eV, and 2.2113 × 10−4 eV, respectively. However, a natural sequence with no mismatches, is already inhomogeneous; there is no homogeneity to be lost by inserting (A–C) mismatches, since the sequences are already disordered. Therefore, it is difficult to characterize natural sequences based only upon T(E).
T(E) for ideal and natural G14 sequences with seven randomly positioned A–C mismatch mutations are presented in Fig. 10. Fig. 10 can therefore be compared with the left column of Fig. 7. When seven mutations are included, i.e., 50% of the total number of monomers, the polymer becomes a random binary sequence. The influence of the inclusion of A–C monomers can be observed; there are some lightly conducting states closer to EA–C; cf., Table 1. However, since Em is aligned with EG–C, this effect is small.
T(E) for the studied DNA sequences of ideal geometries with STR expansion mutations are presented in Fig. 11. As their DOS suggest (cf.Fig. 5), these sequences display narrow regions close to EG–C and EA–T within which transmission is allowed. The relative contribution of each region, as well as the overall transmission profile, are different for each sequence, allowing for distinct current–voltage curves, as it is shown below.
![]() | (8) |
![]() | (9) |
In Fig. 12, the absolute value of the current in logarithmic scale, log10|I|, is demonstrated as a function of both the leads on-site energy, Em, and the applied voltage between the leads, V, for both ideal (left) and natural (right) G14 polymers. It is evident that the electrode's on-site energy plays a crucial role in the shape and magnitude of the current–voltage curves. A general trend for homopolymers is that larger currents occur when Em is closer to the monomer's on-site energy. The I–V curves of the studied ideal and natural unmutated DNA sequences are shown in Fig. 13, assuming Em = EG–C for G14 and Em = EA–T for A15. The left panels of Fig. 13 are a subset of Fig. 12, for Em = EG–C = −8.3 eV.
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Fig. 13 The I–V curves of the studied unmutated DNA sequences. Upper: Ideal polymers, lower: natural polymers, left: G14 (with Em = EG–C), right: A15 (with Em = EA–T). |
The order of magnitude of the I–V curves and their shape varies dramatically when many mutations are included. Hence, another physical magnitude that could be used to characterise the I–V curves was devised; this is the normalised deviation of the I–V from the origin, defined as
![]() | (10) |
![]() | (11) |
![]() | (12) |
Fig. 14 and 15 display I–V related diagrams of the studied ideal and natural G14 DNA sequences, respectively, with one A–C mismatch mutation of varying position (left columns) and with varying number of randomly distributed A–C mismatch mutations (right columns). The rows contain the I–V curves, the log10|I| − V curves (i.e., in logarithmic |I| scale), and the newly introduced quantity, i.e., the normalised deviation of the I–V from the origin, NDIV. It can be seen that, for ideal segments, generally the I–V curves do not vary significantly with the position of a single A–C mismatch in the sequence (≈half an order of magnitude); for natural segments, the position of the mismatch affects the current more significantly (some orders of magnitude). The variation of the I–V curves becomes much more significant with increasing the number of A–C mismatches (many orders of magnitude). As a particular example, the I–V curves of the studied ideal (left) and natural (right) DNA sequences with 7 randomly positioned A–C mismatch mutations, are presented in Fig. 16.
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Fig. 16 The I–V curves of the studied DNA sequences, initially G14, but with 7 A–C mismatch mutations, randomly inserted in the sequence. Left: Ideal polymers, right: natural polymers. |
In ideal sequences with one A–C mismatch of varying position, the NDIV remains almost constant; its slope versus the A–C site position is close to zero. Hence, the NDIV is insensitive to the position of a point substitution mutation. However, in ideal sequences with increasing number of A–C mismatch mutations, the NDIV does not remain constant; its slope versus the number of A–C mismatch mutations is positive, until the number of (A–C)s becomes equal to the number of (G–C)s. After that point, the number of (A–C)s becomes larger than the number of (G–C)s, i.e., mutations become dominant, and a further increase of the number of (A–C)s stabilises the NDIV. Hence, the NDIV is sensitive to the increase of the number of point substitution mutations. In natural sequences, the situation is similar, but with pronounced slopes, especially when an increasing number of A–C mismatch mutations is introduced. Therefore, the NDIV is a useful quantity to characterise these sequences.
In Fig. 17 and 18, the I–V related diagrams of the studied DNA sequences (ideal geometry) with STR expansion mutations are presented. For all studied cases, changes in the I–V curves become more pronounced with increasing the number of STR expansion mutations (i.e., the number of CAG repeats). The respective NDIV display significant but almost monotonous variations, and can, therefore, be used to evaluate the number of (CAG) repeats in a sequence. This behaviour of the NDIV versus the number of CAG repeats suggests that it can be used to characterise the grade of danger for developing the studied diseases.
(1) All the aforementioned physical quantities possess interesting features that allow to distinguish between mutated and unmutated sequences.
(2) However, the most experimentally relevant quantities are the I–V curves. Their characteristics are significantly altered when mutations are introduced, and conclusions cannot be drawn in a straightforward manner.
(3) Since both the order of magnitude and the shape of the I–V curves varies when mutations are introduced, another physical quantity to characterise the I–V curves was introduced. i.e., the normalised deviation of the I–V from the origin (NDIV).
(4) In ideal sequences with one A–C mismatch of varying position, the NDIV remains almost constant: its slope versus the mismatch position is close to zero.
(5) In ideal sequences with increasing number of A–C mismatch mutations, the NDIV does not remain constant: its slope versus the number of A–C mismatch mutations is positive, until the number of (A–C)s becomes equal to the number of (G–C)s. After that point, since the number of (A–C)s becomes larger than the number of (G–C)s, a further increase of the number of (A–C)s stabilises the situation, as expected.
(6) In natural sequences, the NDIV is similar but with pronounced slopes, especially when an increasing number of A–C mismatch mutations is introduced. Hence, NDIV is a useful quantity to characterise these sequences.
(7) Although dramatic changes in the I–V curves occur for all studied cases of STR expansions, as the number of CAG repeats increases, NDIV shows significant but almost monotonous variation, and can, therefore, be used to evaluate the number of (CAG) repeats in the sequence. Therefore, the NDIV can be used to characterise the grade of danger for developing the studied diseases.
(8) Overall, the NDIV is generally insensitive to the position of a point mutation, but rather sensitive to the number of point mutations and STR expansion mutations.
The recruitment of specific natural geometries in this work for type (i) sequences does not imply their association with the studied diseases i.e. with type (ii) sequences. These geometries were used to demonstrate the expected differences between the electrical behaviour of ideal and distorted conformations. However, it should be noted that the TB protocol with all valence orbitals used here26 can be easily employed to sequences of arbitrary geometry.
Transitions with C ↔ T exchange have not been included in this work, because their effects could not be properly grasped within the wire model. These mutations could be studied within the extended ladder model,48i.e. a TB description at the single-base level; this will be hopefully done in the future.
Transitions are more likely than transversions (purine ↔ pyrimidine interchange), because it is easier to substitute a single ring by another single ring than a double ring for a single ring or vice versa. Hence, careful geometry optimization is necessary to study transversions. This will also be hopefully done in the future.
Another category of mutations is germline mutations,60i.e. a gene change in a reproductive cell that becomes incorporated into the DNA of every cell in the body of the offspring. This way, the mutation can be passed from parent to offspring, and is, therefore, hereditary. This could be also the subject of a future study.
The vibrational and large-scale dynamical flexibility of DNA has not been taken into account in this work. However, the presented methodology could be applied in a straightforward manner on top of snapshots extracted by Molecular Dynamics simulations.16 This could be another future perspective.
All diseases studied here have the same triplet motif, i.e., (CAG)n, between 9 base pairs at the start and 9 base pairs at the other end of the sequence (primers). Of course, primers are different for each disease, but they only contain 18 base pairs altogether, which is not a large number when dealing with a sequence of 180 or 300 base pairs. Under these conditions, it is not safe to draw direct conclusions regarding the identity of the disease. This issue could be possibly tackled by including larger primers, which would produce much more distinctive DOS or IDOS features and allow for sequence recognition. However, this exceeds the scope of the present study, which has the aim to demonstrate the possibility of mutation detection using the TB model. The treatment discussed above could be included in a future work.
Another perspective would be to consider, e.g., a 300 base-pair sequence and change both the number of repetitions n and the length of primers, while keeping the number of total base pairs (e.g., 300) constant. This is a different perspective that will hopefully be included in a future work. Such an alternative perspective has been previously adopted to study the Huntington's disease within a TB model, but off-diagonal disorder (the fact that interaction integrals are not identical) was not taken into account.61
Finally, a general comment: the interplay between periodicity and aperiodicity in biology62 is a vast area of extreme interest to us; novel methods must be devised to explore it.
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