Javier Lopez
Manuel Ricardo
Joseph Kai
Cho Kwan
acd and
King Lun
aDivision of Environment and Sustainability, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Clear Water Bay, Kowloon, Hong Kong SAR, China. E-mail: kekyeung@ust.hk; keweihan@ust.hk
bDepartment of Chemical and Biological Engineering, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Clear Water Bay, Kowloon, Hong Kong SAR, China
cHKUST Shenzhen Research Institute, Hi-tech Park, Shenzhen, 518057, China
dHKUST Shenzhen-Hong Kong Collaborative Innovation Research Institute, Futian, Shenzhen, China
eGuangzhou HKUST Fok Ying Tung Research Institute, Nansha IT Park, Guangzhou, 511458, China
fInstituto de Nanociencia y Materiales de Aragón (INMA), Laboratory of Advanced Microscopies (LMA), Universidad de Zaragoza, 50018 Zaragoza, Spain
gDepartamento de Física de la Materia Condensada, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de Zaragoza, 50009 Zaragoza, Spain
First published on 14th June 2023
The structure and chemistry of metal–organic frameworks or MOFs dictate their properties and functionalities. However, their architecture and form are essential for facilitating the transport of molecules, the flow of electrons, the conduction of heat, the transmission of light, and the propagation of force, which are vital in many applications. This work explores the transformation of inorganic gels into MOFs as a general strategy to construct complex porous MOF architectures at nano, micro, and millimeter length scales. MOFs can be induced to form along three different pathways governed by gel dissolution, MOF nucleation, and crystallization kinetics. Slow gel dissolution, rapid nucleation, and moderate crystal growth result in a pseudomorphic transformation (pathway 1) that preserves the original network structure and pores, while a comparably faster crystallization displays significant localized structural changes but still preserves network interconnectivity (pathway 2). MOF exfoliates from the gel surface during rapid dissolution, thus inducing nucleation in the pore liquid leading to a dense assembly of percolated MOF particles (pathway 3). Thus, the prepared MOF 3D objects and architectures can be fabricated with superb mechanical strength (>98.7 MPa), excellent permeability (>3.4 × 10−10 m2), and large surface area (1100 m2 g−1) and mesopore volumes (1.1 cm3 g−1).
Numerous applications in catalysis, electronics, and biomedicines demand specialized architectures to facilitate transport processes, enhance material properties, and maximize functionality.19–21 Early efforts in shaping and forming MOF materials include depositing a thin skin of MOFs on structured supports (e.g., foams, honeycombs), including metals,22–24 silica,25–27 ceramics,28–30 polymers,31–36 carbon,37–39 and graphene.40–43 Mechanical assembly of MOFs produces freestanding monoliths,44–47 while xerogels and dense aerogels are prepared from direct reactions of metal salts and ligands in solvents.48–51 The latter approach is promising but has been demonstrated mainly for high-valence metals (i.e., Fe, Al, Zr) and carboxylate ligands. Moreover, the network formation process (i.e., gelation) is difficult as the strong affinity between metal ions and ligands favors the propagation of the framework topologies rather than crosslinking the discrete nucleates into a gel network.52 It is partly addressed by using secondary molecules to trigger the gelation and create a composite network to support the growth of MOFs.53,54 Nevertheless, the resulting solids are often dense and have low porosity.55 Also, a printable mixture of bentonite, copper salt, and trimesic acid with PVA binder was successfully converted to HKUST-1 using solvent and temperature to activate and control the reaction.56 This work presents a convenient and generalized approach to constructing 3D MOF objects. It involves the assembly of the metal clusters into a skeletal gel network to create a semi-rigid, formable, viscoelastic material suitable for print extrusion. This dynamic phase-ordering process sees cluster aggregations (i.e., diffusion-limited cluster aggregation (DLCA) or reaction-limited cluster aggregation (RLCA)) propagate a fractal skeletal network that traps the suspending liquid into a gel state. Then, the appropriate organic ligands are introduced to diffuse into, exchange and react with, and transform the skeletal gel network into a MOF producing a MOF solvogel. Control over the transformation pathways is essential as it dictates the final properties of the material. It requires judiciously managing the rates of network dissolution, seed nucleation, and MOF crystallization to attain a high-fidelity, nanoscale replication of the gel network by a pseudomorphic transformation route to create MOF gels that faithfully reproduce the network structure at the nano- and micron-scales, thus preserving the pore characteristics and interconnectivity necessary for producing high porosity materials. Besides pseudomorphic transformation pathway 1, as exemplified by the conversion of zinc gel to ZIF-8 and MOF-5, the study also observed two other transformation pathways (i.e., 2 and 3). Indeed, copper gel can be transformed into HKUST-1 along all three pathways by adjusting the synthesis conditions. Nonetheless, twelve MOFs were successfully fabricated into 3D objects from Al, Co, Cu, Eu, Fe, Ni, and Zn gels by molding and 3D-printing processes. Their transformation to solid MOFs produces ultralow density materials (≤0.12 g cm−3) with high mesoporosity (≥0.8 cm3 g−1) and permeability (>3.4 × 10−10 m2) and enhanced strength (>42.5 MPa). In addition, 3D-printing appropriate architectures can produce stronger materials (>98.7 MPa) making them suitable for various applications, particularly for pollution treatment and water decontamination.57–61
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Fig. 1 Transformation route from metal precursor gels to MOF aerogels. Schematic representation of the synthesis of the macro-/meso-/microporous MOF aerogel via transformation of a metal precursor gel (a), sol–gel process of the Zn precursor at time zero (b), 11 min (d), and 24 min (f), and the accompanying pH during the sol–gel process (c). The TEM image of Zn sol at a time of 11 min (e) and HRTEM image at 24 min (g) correspond to samples shown in (d) and (f). Digital photos of ZIF-8 (h) and MOF-5 (i) aerogels and their FTIR (j) and XRD patterns (k). Note: ZIF-8 and MOF-5 XRD patterns can be found in literature reports.8,69 |
Zn-based MOFs that have different micropore topologies, ZIF-8 with imidazolate (i.e., Hmim) ligands and MOF-5 with terephthalate (i.e., H2BDC) ligands, were selected as examples. Fig. 1b shows the zinc precursor alcogel prepared from a mixture of zinc nitrate hexahydrate, zinc chloride, polyacrylic acid (PAA), and propylene oxide in ethanol. The protonation of propylene oxide (PO) increases the pH of the zinc solution, and PAA was added to buffer the reaction and complex with the zinc ions to control nucleation and facilitate sol–gel formation (Fig. 1c). The reaction proceeds rapidly, and the gel network is formed within 11 min (Fig. 1d and e), and the gelation is complete in 24 min (Fig. 1f) to yield stable porous gel networks (Fig. 1g) via spinodal decomposition.65–67 The high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM) image in Fig. 1g shows the gel consists of layered Zn5(OH)8(NO3)2·2H2O of less than 5 nm size. PAA also increases steric hindrance, tunes the sol particle size, decreases syneresis, and prevents shrinkage of the prepared gel (Table S1†). However, high PAA concentrations (e.g., >8 wt%) slow gelation as it inhibits pH increase, thus impeding nucleation and growth. Moreover, PAA modulates the rheology of the precursor gel for molding and 3D printing purposes.
Molecules can diffuse through the molded cylindrical Zn wet gel (i.e., 6 mm diameter, 6.6 mm length), as illustrated in Fig. S1† for toluene (Mw = 92.1 g mol−1) and Sudan Red (Mw = 408.5 g mol−1). The measured diffusivities of toluene and Sudan Red were 5.94 × 10−7 cm2 s−1 and 1.57 × 10−8 cm2 s−1, respectively. Thus, Hmim (Mw = 82.1 g mol−1) and H2BDC (Mw = 166.3 g mol−1) should readily diffuse through the wet gel to react with and transform the gel network into ZIF-8 (Fig. 1h) and MOF-5 (Fig. 1i) within 24 h. Indeed, the substitutions of Hmim and H2BDC for the NO3− and OH− anions of the Zn5(OH)8(NO3)2·2H2O gel network can be monitored by FTIR spectroscopy (Fig. 1j). The gel's broad Zn–O peak at 400–580 cm−1 disappeared with time, followed by the appearance of a ν Zn–N peak (i.e., at 421 cm−1) from the ZnN4 clusters of ZIF-8 and a narrow ν Zn–O peak (i.e., at 517 cm−1) from the Zn4O groups of MOF-5 along with the in-plane and out-of-plane bending of the imidazole ring and benzene ring corresponding to the Hmim and H2BDC ligands in the FTIR spectra (Table S2†).68,69 Moreover, the powder X-ray diffraction (PXRD) of the aerogel samples confirms the complete conversion to crystallized ZIF-8 and MOF-5 (Fig. 1k).3,8
The mechanical, thermal, textural, and transport properties of the samples were characterized. The Zn precursor aerogel exhibited a linear compressive deformation at low strain, indicating a relatively soft skeletal network that can flex under compression (Fig. S2†). The conversion into MOFs strengthens the material, with the ZIF-8 and MOF-5 aerogels having Young's moduli of 68.4 MPa and 42.5 MPa, respectively, comparable to those of silica aerogels.71,72 Both MOF aerogels exhibit a strong plastic strain–stress behavior punctuated by compaction stages. The measured thermal conductivity of a ZIF-8 aerogel was 0.031 W m−1 K−1 and is consistent with aerogel materials.73 The N2 adsorption–desorption isotherms in Fig. 3a show that the zinc precursor and MOF aerogels display type H1 hysteresis at a relatively high-pressure range. The steep rise in the isotherm at low P/P0 for the MOF aerogels indicates nitrogen uptake into the micropores. The ZIF-8 and MOF-5 aerogels have micropores of 0.71 ± 0.06 nm and 0.80 ± 0.15 nm that are consistent with literature reports,74,75 and are responsible for their large specific surface areas of 1312 m2 g−1 and 1456 m2 g−1, compared to reported values of 700–1100 m2 g−1 for ZIF-8 and MOF-5 nanoparticles prepared by solution mediated precipitation.74,76,77 According to Barrett–Joyner–Halenda (BJH), the mean mesopore diameter of the Zn precursor is 29.5 ± 12.4 nm, and it is 35.1 ± 13.5 nm and 43.2 ± 16.6 nm for the ZIF-8 and MOF-5 aerogels, respectively, and these values are consistent with chord lengths derived from SEM tomography analysis (Fig. 2j and k), confirming that the mesopore network remains relatively intact during the gel network's transformation into MOFs.
Moreover, unlike conventional MOF monoliths, the ZIF-8 and MOF-5 aerogels prepared by the gel transformation route have very low density (i.e., 0.128 g cm−3 and 0.157 g cm−3 for ZIF-8 and MOF-5, respectively) with large through-porosities (Table S3†). Oxygen permeation and diffusion through the aerogels were measured in permeation and Wicke–Kallenbach (W–K) cells to investigate the transport behaviors of small gas molecules. The low pressure drops across the thick aerogel monolith (i.e., 9 mm) attest to these materials' high permeability (Fig. 3b). It is also clear from Fig. 3c that oxygen diffusion displays T1.26, T0.99, and T1.14 temperature dependency for the zinc precursor, ZIF-8, and MOF-5 aerogels, respectively. The oxygen diffusion in these materials is in the transition region between Knudsen (T0.5) and bulk (T1.5) diffusion. Flows through the interparticle mesopores have Knudsen numbers of 2.21 for the Zn precursor, and 1.84 and 1.49 for the ZIF-8 and MOF-5 aerogels, corresponding to the transition flow regime between slip flow (Kn = 0.1) and free-molecule flow (Kn = 10).78 The calculated diffusivities are 5.8 × 10−6 m2 s−1 for the ZIF-8 and 9.0 × 10−6 m2 s−1 for the MOF-5 aerogel. At the same time, the shift of the Knudsen value towards slip flow suggests thinning of the “necks” region of the skeletal networks79 during the transformation into MOFs (Fig. 3d), resulting in coarser interparticle pores. The crystallization of ZIF-8 and MOF-5 introduces intraparticle micropores with Knudsen numbers of 91.0 and 80.5, respectively.
The sharp rise of α in Fig. 4b at 100, 35, 20, and 16 min coincides with the peaks of the nucleation probability curves (Fig. 4c), showing nucleation is most likely to occur at 81.3, 49.1, 25.4, and 17.7 min as temperature increases from 20 to 80 °C. It is followed by a more gradual increase of α as the nuclei grew into larger ZIF-8 crystals. The excellent linear fit of the Sharp–Hock (SH) plots (Fig. S4†) indicates that the transformation of the gel network into intergrown ZIF-8 crystals can be described by the Avrami–Erofe'ev equation with isotropic growth behavior, suggesting that the crystallization mechanism of the gel into ZIF-8 remains unchanged.31 Moreover, the Avrami exponent, n, determined from the SH plots, ranges from 0.4 to 0.7 (Table S5†), indicating near-instantaneous nucleation and rapid growth.80 Thus, the transformation is diffusion controlled. According to SH analysis, the activation energy (Ea) of the entire transformation process is 22.4 kJ mol−1.
Gel dissolution occurred during the transformation process and was measured in a separate experiment (Fig. S5a†). The data fit a first-order rate law (Table S6†) and indicate an activation energy (Ed) of 17.3 kJ mol−1. The variance of the nucleation probability curves (b) provides an insight into the nucleation process with b ≤ 15 indicating a mostly heterogeneous nucleation process while b > 20 suggests an autocatalytic nucleation,81 wherein rapid Hmim complexation with zinc creates embryonic nuclei on the surface and bulk of the thin gel network, seeding the formation, growth, and crystallization of ZIF-8. Fig. 4d shows the nucleation (kn) is slower than the crystal growth (kg) during the gel transformation into ZIF-8, and the nucleation displays a strong correlation with gel dissolution (Fig. S5b†). The activation energy for the nucleation process (En) is 20.8 kJ mol−1 and the crystal growth (Eg) is 22.1 kJ mol−1. These values are lower than the 69.0–71.8 kJ mol−1 reported for typical ZIF-8 synthesis.82 Thus, it is easier to convert precursor gel into ZIF-8 and the transformation can proceed under mild conditions. Indeed, the same approach converts Zn precursor gels into MOF-5, ZIF-7, ZIF-90, IRMOF-3, and MOF-74(Zn) aerogels (Fig. S6 and Tables S7 and S8†). Similarly, HKUST-1, MOF-74(Ni), NH2-MIL-53, MIL-101(Fe), and ZIF-67 aerogels were prepared from the corresponding copper, nickel, aluminum, iron, and cobalt precursor gels at mild temperatures.
Three transformation pathways were identified in the study. ZIF-8 follows the pseudomorphic transformation pathway 1 in Fig. 5avia an interface-coupled dissolution–precipitation (ICDP) process commonly used to describe many natural phenomena, such as mineral metamorphism and metasomatism.83 It is also believed to be responsible for silica replication84 and ordered zeolite arrays' formation.85 The slow gel network dissolution and rapid nucleation at low temperatures favor ICDP resulting in the pseudomorphic replication of the gel network in the ZIF-8 and MOF-5 aerogels (Fig. 2). MOF conversion along transformation pathway 1 generally preserves the structure of the original gel network. Pathway 2 illustrated in Fig. 5b occurs when conversion is conducted at higher temperatures and the faster gel dissolution and crystallization (Fig. S5a†) result in poorer replication, as observed for ZIF-8, MOF-5, ZIF-67, and ZIF-90 aerogels prepared above 60 °C (Fig. S7a–d†). The transformation along pathway 2 preserves the network interconnectivity but displays considerable change in the local network morphology and structure, as a large fully crystallized MOF emerges.
The third transformation pathway described in Fig. 5c occurs when the gel network's dissolution is fast, supersaturating the pore liquid with metal cations and resulting in the MOF's nucleation and growth in the pore liquid. The MOF crystals assemble via percolation and exhibit poorer network interconnectivity and weaker strength. This can be seen from the transformation of the copper precursor gel (Fig. S8a†) by trimesic acid (TMA) into HKUST-1 (Fig. S8b†). The reaction is fast, and full conversion is completed within 30 min. HKUST-1 is the only reaction product, as indicated by X-ray diffraction in Fig. S9a.† The particle size coarsened as HKUST-1 nucleates and grows in the pore solution resulting in a significant change in the size distribution (Fig. S10a†). Moreover, the corresponding nonlinear least-squares fit of the crystallization data to Gualtieri's equation (Fig. S9b†) and the kinetic parameters listed in Table S9† indicates fast dissolution of the copper gel network (Table S10†), while slow nucleation and fast crystal growth result in large, discrete HKUST-1 crystals (Fig. S8b†). MOF-74 (Zn, Ni) and MIL-101-Fe also transformed along pathway 3 (Fig. S7e–h†). It is possible to alter the HKUST-1 conversion from pathway 3 to pathway 2 by adding a higher concentration of trimesic acid solution (hi-TMA) to slow the crystallization of HKUST and allow the gradual growth of the crystals (Fig. S8c†), which is confirmed by XRD (Fig. S9c†) and particle size distribution (Fig. S10b†). Nucleation occurs early in the conversion, as shown in the Gualtieri plot of Fig. S9d,† with a similarly broad variance b (>15) characteristic of heterogeneous nucleation. The HKUST nuclei cladded the precursor gel's surface and slowed the diffusion of trimesic acid into the skeletal gel network, thus slowing the crystallization. However, the gel network dissolution remains fast (Fig. S11†), resulting in local structural changes, as observed in Fig. S8c.† Also, homogeneous nucleation in pore liquid cannot be completely excluded and could explain the presence of large octahedral HKUST crystals in Fig. S8c.† Introducing sodium formate slows the dissolution of the copper gel network (Fig. S11†) and inhibits the growth of HKUST-1 (Fig. S8d and S10c†), forcing the conversion along transformation pathway 1 (Fig. 5a). Formate complexes with copper, preventing the rapid dissolution of the gel network (Fig. S11†) and sequestering dissolved copper cations in the pore liquid, and thus, inhibiting homogeneous nucleation. Indeed, the particle size distributions remain relatively unchanged throughout the reaction (Fig. S10c†). The addition of sodium formate did not cause crystallization into a new phase, and HKUST-1 is the only product of the reaction with trimesic acid (Fig. S9e†). The Gualtieri plot of Fig. S9f† fits a broader nucleation probability curve with variance b, having a value of around 15 for heterogeneous nucleation. A fast nucleation rate and slow crystallization will lead to small crystals, thus avoiding the formation of large crystals that could disrupt the network structure.84 The HKUST-1 examples demonstrate how the transformation pathways can be manipulated by adjusting the rates of gel dissolution, seed nucleation, and MOF crystallization to attain the desired material structure.
Fig. 6c reports the precursor and MOF gels' storage modulus (G′) measured by the oscillation stress sweep test (Fig. S14†). The measurements indicate a change in the elasticity following MOF transformation. Nevertheless, these viscoelastic gels are stable and can withstand external stresses. Indeed, their linear viscoelastic region (LVR) falls within 10% strain, further indicating that the gel network can resist deformation during print extrusion, allowing precision printing with good reproducibility. Crystallization of the MOF alters the skeletal gel network and its viscoelastic properties, as shown in Fig. S14.† A decrease in G′ is understandable as the transformation process will introduce defects in the skeletal network, with the largest drop recorded for the MOFs crystallized along pathway 3 (i.e., NH2-MIL-53 (Al), MOF-74 (Ni), and MIL-101 (Fe)), where it sustained the most damage from rapid gel dissolution and percolating MOF particles crystallized from the pore liquid. As exemplified by MOF-5, ZIF-8, and HKUST-1 (hi-TMA), pseudomorphic transformation shows the smallest decrease in G′ compared to the parent precursor gel (Fig. 6c).
Ten layers of 90° rectangular grid were printed from zinc (Fig. 6d) and copper (Fig. 6f) gels. Each 3D-printed object measures 17 mm along each side and is 6.5 mm tall. Each layer comprises twelve lines of 650 ± 36 mm diameter (d), and the distance between centerlines (l) is 1.5 mm. It took 12 min to print each sample at a printing speed of 3 mm s−1. The corresponding gel networks were inspected by SEM and presented in the figures, following solvent exchange, supercritical extraction, and supercritical drying to preserve the original gel structure. The translucent zinc gel turns white following its transformation to ZIF-8 after immersing in 20 ml of 0.3 M Hmim in methanol for 120 min at room temperature (Fig. 6e). The SEM image shows the crystallization of ZIF-8 follows pathway 1, preserving the general network structure and pore interconnectivity. ZIF-8's characteristic rhombic dodecahedron shape is apparent in some ZIF-8 nanoparticles forming the skeletal network. Similarly, placing the copper precursor gel in 20 ml of 0.35 M TMA in ethanol/water (1:
1) for 120 min at room temperature converts the gel into HKUST-1 with a marked color change (i.e., green to blue). The conversion follows pathway 2, and the crystallization of HKUST-1 alters the local structure but maintains pore interconnectivity, as shown in the SEM images.
The rheological properties of the Zn and Cu precursor gels are shown in Fig. 6h. The shear rate sweep test indicates the metal precursor gels display shear thinning behavior with a 2 kPa s decrease in viscosity under printing shear rates of 0.2 to 0.3 s−1, enabling faster printing (up to 0.8 mm3 s−1). In addition, the metal precursor gels are viscoelastic according to the three-interval thixotropy test (3ITT), exhibiting a rapid (i.e., <1 s) rebound in viscosity (i.e., >1 kPa s) with the release of shear stress allowing the printed gels to retain their extrusion shapes.
Ambient dried ZIF-8 and HKUST-1 objects, including molded cylinder (d = 8.6 mm, h = 10.8 mm), 3D-printed hollow cylinder (ID = 12 mm, OD = 14 mm, h = 19 mm), and 3D-printed 10-layer 90° rectangular grids yield improved strengths (Fig. 6i and j). Indeed, ZIF-8 and HKUST-1 cylinders (i.e., d = 8.6 mm, h = 10.8 mm) failed at 4.2 and 3.7% strain, respectively, corresponding to Young's moduli of 222.4 and 137.8 MPa. The 3D-printed 90° scaffolds fail at higher compressive deformations of 8.6% for ZIF-8 and 7.8% for HKUST, with Young's moduli of 217.3 and 152.7 MPa, respectively. The ZIF-8 and HKUST-1 hollow cylinders fail at 6.1% and 3.8% strains with the corresponding Young's moduli of 108.6 and 98.7 MPa, respectively. The lower failure strain and poorer strength for the hollow cylinders is attributed to the creep deformation during gel printing causing sagging and irregular diameter resulting in an uneven force distribution over the structure during mechanical testing, while the 90° rectangular grid architecture provided better structural strength.
This work introduces a versatile technique for preparing complex 3D MOF objects and architectures that also allows manipulating the pores and structures of the material at the nanometer, micrometer, and millimeter scales. It begins with the preparation of formable and printable inorganic precursor alcogels from metal salts, followed by the infiltration of organic ligands to react and transform the gel network into crystallized MOFs. The gel strand diameter and network interconnectivity depend on the synthesis conditions,86 and can be modified with additives, such as PAA. PAA addition also has the desired effect of changing the viscoelastic properties of the gel to allow for its direct printing via the extrusion process. Moreover, adding hard and soft templates can introduce ordered micro-, meso-, or micro-porosity to the final material.87
It is vital that the organic ligands can infiltrate and diffuse through the gel's interstitial liquids, and this work demonstrated that even bulky molecules could readily transport across the gel material. The gel liquid occupies 89.8% of the Zn precursor gel, and according to Fig. 2f, the liquid resides within interconnected pore channels having a mean diameter of 38 nm. However, it could be as large as 100 nm (Fig. 2k). It has been reported that following the macroscopic structural change during the sol-to-gel transition, molecules within the gel's liquid remain mobile,88 with their transport rate dictated by their diffusion across liquid channels of complex shape and structure and by their interactions with the gel network. The measured diffusivity of inert molecules (i.e., toluene and Sudan Red) in the gel was slower than in polystyrene gels,89 but sufficient for this study.
During the reactive transformation of the gel network to MOFs, the gel liquid serves as the solvent and medium for the reaction and, therefore, must be carefully selected. The solvent exchange could be carried out to replace the gel liquid in the original alcogel to facilitate the reaction and transformation to MOFs (e.g., methanol for ZIF-8, DMF for MOF-5, and a mixture of ethanol/water of 1:
1 for HKUST-1). As the gel strands are thin (32 ± 7 nm), their complete dissolution must be avoided to prevent the collapse of the gel network. Nucleation is rapid due to the large surface area, and as the gel is thin, nucleation could occur both on its surface and in bulk. MOF, therefore, crystallizes and grows on the gel strand forming intergrown crystals (pathways 1 & 2). However, substantial gel dissolution can introduce dissolved metals, thus initiating nucleation and crystallization in the gel liquid, forming loose particles that assemble via percolation (pathway 3). Accordingly, a judicious control over the gel dissolution rate and MOF nucleation and crystallization rates can guide the transformation of precursor gel along the desired transformation pathway to obtain the target structure and porosity.
The gel-to-MOF transformation alters its skeletal network resulting in increased rigidity. Thus, it does not require supercritical drying to preserve its pore structure and the materials can be dried under ambient conditions. Nevertheless, the MOF gel exhibits viscoelastic properties that can withstand significant external stresses and be further built upon and physically manipulated. Thus, using advanced 3D printing techniques, it is possible to prepare complex 3D objects from molecular to nano, micro, and millimeter length scales for various application demands such as catalysis,90–92 separation,93,94 and energy generation.95,96 Moreover, this work demonstrated the versatility of this technique in preparing MOFs as illustrated in the twelve representative MOFs prepared in this work.
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† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available: Experimental details, as well as supplementary figures and tables. See DOI: https://doi.org/10.1039/d3sc00905j |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2023 |