Alan E.
Rana Arslan
Ashok Kumar
e and
aAustralian Institute for Bioengineering and Nanotechnology (AIBN), The University of Queensland, Brisbane, QLD 4072, Australia
bSiyuan Laboratory, Guangdong Provincial Engineering Technology Research Center of Vacuum Coating Technologies and New Materials, Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Nanophotonic Manipulation, Department of Physics, Jinan University, Guangzhou 510632, China
cDepartment of Materials Science and Engineering, School of Engineering, Nagoya University, Furo-cho, Chikusa-ku, Nagoya 464-8601, Japan
dKey Lab New Processing Technology for Nonferrous Metals & Materials Ministry of Education, College of Materials Science and Engineering, Guilin University of Technology, Guilin 541004, Guangxi, China
eSchool of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology (EAIT), The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Queensland 4072, Australia
First published on 27th July 2023
In this study, nanosheet-like sorghum biomass is obtained by a mild alkaline treatment and high-energy ball milling. N, S co-doped hard carbon (NSSC) with the nanosheet morphology is subsequently synthesized by a direct-carbonization of the nanosheet-like sorghum biomass mixed with thiourea. NSSCs obtained at various annealing temperatures demonstrate that the optimal annealing temperature is necessary to balance the efficient heteroatom-doping and the level of carbonization. NSSC-600 obtained at the optimized annealing temperature of 600 °C presents a great K-ion storage performance as an anode material with a high reversible specific capacity of 268 mA h g−1 at 100 mA g−1 and outstanding stability over 2400 cycles. The effect of N and S heteroatom-doping on K-ion adsorption capacity is also verified by density functional theory (DFT) calculations.
In this work, sorghum biomass was utilized as a precursor to obtain a hard carbon anode material for KIBs. Prior to the direct carbonization, the sorghum biomass was first subjected to delignification and high-energy ball milling (HEBM) to achieve a unique nanosheet-like morphology. Along with the morphological modifications, the modification of the surface chemistry of the nanosheet-like sorghum was achieved by heteroatom-doping. Typically, thiourea was adopted as a source of N and S atoms and mixed with the nanosheet-like sorghum prior to the pyrolysis. During the pyrolysis, thiourea was decomposed to release N and S atoms to the carbon matrix, hence resulting in N, S co-doped hard carbon (NSSC). A range of annealing temperatures (from 400 to 1000 °C) was attempted to understand the effect of annealing temperatures on the level of carbonization and heteroatom-doping. The results demonstrate that the annealing temperature of above 400 °C is essential to achieve a sufficient degree of carbonization to serve as an electrode material while there is an insignificant effect of annealing temperature on the level of heteroatom-doping. As compared to the pristine sorghum-derived hard carbon (SC) obtained without thiourea mixing, the NSSC demonstrates a great enhancement of K-ion storage performance after the annealing temperature optimization. The optimized NSSC-600 presents a high reversible specific capacity of 268 mA h g−1 at 100 mA g−1 and a high reversible specific capacity of 90 mA h g−1 at a high current density of 2 A g−1. Moreover, it demonstrates ultra-stable K-ion storage by maintaining a reversible specific capacity of 110 mA h g−1 at 1 A g−1 over 2400 cycles. To confirm the electrochemical enhancement mechanism of our NSSC, we conducted the density functional theory (DFT) calculation. It reveals that the N, S co-doping in hard carbon can enhance the electronic structure and make the adsorption of K-ions thermodynamically more favorable, hence achieving significant improvement of performance in KIBs.
The enlarged FESEM images clearly demonstrate the morphological changes induced by the chemical and mechanical treatments (Fig. 1e–g). To gain further understanding of the effect of each treatment, XRD patterns of the three sorghum samples were obtained. Typically, cellulose has a crystalline phase, whereas lignin and hemicellulose are amorphous. In the XRD spectra of water-treated, delignified and nanosheet-like sorghums, obvious crystalline peaks are detected at 16°, 22° and 34°, which correspond to the (10), (200), and (004) lattice planes of cellulose I (Fig. 1h). For the delignified sorghum, the peak corresponding to the amorphous cellulose peak at around 18.5° becomes substantially attenuated as compared to water-treated sorghum, indicating that the alkaline treatment successfully removes the amorphous or disordered phase of cellulose in the sorghum (Fig. 1h).27,34,35 Consequently, the crystallinity index (CrI) of the sorghum samples increases from 42 to 65 after the alkaline treatment. As CrI quantifies the level of the orderliness of cellulose, it demonstrates that non-cellulosic components (lignins, hemicellulose, and impurities) can be successfully removed by the alkaline treatment. From the XRD pattern and CrI value of the nanosheet-like sorghum, no obvious change in the crystallinity is identified after mechanical fibrillation as compared to that of the delignified sorghum sample (Fig. 1h). Next, the change in the functional groups of the sorghum samples by each treatment is investigated by ATR-FTIR. Based on ATR-FTIR spectra, significant decreases in the intensity of the peaks at 1734 cm−1 (C
O stretching) and 1511 cm−1 (C
C stretching) are observed after the alkaline treatment (Fig. 1i). This decrease in the peak intensity at 1734 cm−1 is associated with the breakdown of ester linkages of carboxylic groups of lignin and/or hemicellulose and oxidation of the terminal glucopyranose unit during the delignification process. As the peak at 1511 cm−1 corresponds to the C
C stretching vibration of the aromatic ring in lignin, the decreasing peak also results from the process of delignification. The peak at around 1240 cm−1 is related to the axial asymmetries of
C–O– in the ether, ester, and phenol groups of lignin, and its intensity also decreases after the delignification. A decrease in the intensity of the peak at 817 cm−1 (C–H out of plane bending) is also identified after the delignification process, indicating that the contents of lignin and hemicellulose have been substantially reduced in the delignified sorghum (Fig. 1i). The trend of the spectrum matches well between the delignified and the nanosheet-like sorghum, indicating that the additional mechanical treatment does not exert significant influence on the functional groups of sorghum (Fig. 1i).
As the nanosheet-like morphology is highly desirable for the carbon precursor to maximize the contact surface area, the nanosheet-like sorghum was subjected to the subsequent carbonization process. Prior to the carbonization, it was mixed well with thiourea which serves as the source of additional N and S atoms. During the thermal treatment, thiourea molecules undergo thermal decomposition to introduce N and S atoms to the carbon matrix, hence successfully giving rise to NSSC-x.36,37 As observed in the FESEM images, SC and NSSC-x demonstrate the typical nanosheet-like morphology (Fig. 2a, b and S2†). The status of co-doping with N and S is verified by the elemental mapping of NSSC-600 (Fig. 2c). The elemental mapping images for C, N, and S atoms show that they are homogeneously distributed throughout NSSC-600, hence confirming the successful co-doping of N and S in the carbon matrix. The HRTEM image of NSSC-600 demonstrates the large interlayer space of 0.38 nm, which potentially promotes the efficient insertion of K-ions (Fig. 2d).38 In addition, the twisty lattice fringe in NSSC-600 demonstrates a highly disordered structure, which can provide the void for the accommodation of the K cluster during the K-ion (de)intercalation processes.39
Next, the XRD spectra of the carbon samples were obtained to investigate their crystalline phase (Fig. 2e). Both spectra present a broad diffraction peak at ∼26°, corresponding to the (002) lattice plane of graphitic carbon, indicating that they are highly amorphous carbon in nature.40,41 To further analyze their chemical bonding, Raman spectra of SC and NSSC-x are also provided (Fig. 2f). The Raman spectra show a distinct D band (∼1330 cm−1) representing the disordered/partially ordered carbon structure, and a G band (∼1575 cm−1) representing graphitized carbon structures, respectively.42,43 The intensity ratio between D and G bands (ID/IG) of carbon materials, therefore, indicates the degree of graphitization which is an important parameter contributing to the electrical conductivity of the carbon.44 According to the ID/IG value, the degree of disorder in the carbon structure is much higher in NSSC-x (ID/IG between 0.97 and 1.01) as compared to SC (ID/IG = 0.87), indicating that the level of defect sites in the carbon increases with the N, S co-doping. Among NSSC-x, NSSC-400 typically demonstrates the lowest ID/IG value of 0.97. We can attribute such low ID/IG value of NSSC-400 to sp2 vibration of the aromatic rings of the partially decomposed lignin component at a low carbonization temperature of 400 °C. In addition, the mixed thiourea is not likely to undergo complete decomposition when pyrolyzed at 400 °C, hence potentially leading to a lower level of N, S co-doping in carbon and fewer defect sites created in NSSC-400. The increased level of defect sites in NSSC-x obtained at or above 600 °C is expected to provide more voids in the microstructure to accommodate the K cluster more efficiently, hence contributing to the overall enhancement of K-ion storage.45Fig. 2g and h show the FTIR spectra of SC and NSSC-x. As compared to SC, NSSC-x presents much attenuated or no obvious peaks for CC, C
O, and –OH peaks at 1578, 1680, and 3440 cm−1, respectively, indicating that N and S co-doping contributes to the increased level of thermal reduction on the surface of NSSC-x. In the FTIR spectrum of NSSC-400, four distinct peaks are identified. The peaks at 3440, 1690, 1605, and 1450 cm−1 correspond to –NH stretching vibration, C
N stretching, –NH2 bending, and N–C–N stretching vibration, respectively, of the decomposing thiourea in the sample.46,47 In contrast, the four peaks disappear from the FTIR spectra of NSSC-x carbonized at temperatures above 600 °C as thiourea becomes fully decomposed at such high temperatures.48 Next, the nitrogen adsorption–desorption isotherms of SC and NSSC-600 were obtained to understand their specific surface area and porosity (Fig. S3†). Based on the BET method, the specific surface area of SC is calculated to be 272 m2 g−1, whereas NSSC-600 only possesses a specific surface area of 21 m2 g−1. A significant decrease in the specific surface area in NSSC-600 can be attributed to the potential collapse of its porous structure during S and N co-doping at the high annealing temperature. In addition, small sulfur molecules can be formed and confined within the nanopores of NSSC-600, hence also contributing to the decrease in the specific surface area.49–51
To confirm the content of S element in our samples, we conducted the CHNS measurement and found that the S content in NSSC-400, NSSC-600, NSSC-800, and NSSC-1000 is 0.96, 1.62, 1.23, and 1.41at%, respectively (Table S1†). It demonstrates that there is an insignificant effect of pyrolysis temperature on the sulfur content of our carbon samples. The surface chemistry of SC and NSSC-600 was then investigated by XPS analysis. Typically, N 1s and S 2p peaks are present in the survey XPS spectrum of NSSC-600, indicating that the N and S are doped in the carbon matrix (Fig. S4a†). In contrast, the S 2p peak is absent in the survey XPS spectrum of SC (Fig. S4a†). Based on the survey XPS spectrum, the relative contents of N and S are 4.6 and 1.1 at% for NSSC-600. To further understand the surface chemistry of these samples, we obtained their high-resolution XPS spectra for C 1s (Fig. 3a and S4b†). As compared to SC, the intensity of peak at 286.2 eV increases in NSSC-600 because of the formation of C–S and C–N bonds.32,52Fig. 3b shows the high-resolution XPS spectrum for N 1s of NSSC-600 which is deconvoluted into four peaks of pyridinic-N, pyrrolic-N, graphitic-N, and oxidized-N at 398.2, 400.3, 401.3, and 403.7 eV, respectively.32,53 The N species of NSSC-600 is largely constituted of the pyridinic-N and the pyrrolic-N. Furthermore, the high-resolution XPS spectrum for S 2p of NSSC-600 is also provided with three deconvoluted peaks corresponding to the thiophene-S (163.6 eV and 164.9 eV) and oxidized-S (167.5 eV) (Fig. 3c). Fig. 3d schematically describes the identified bondings of N and S heteroatoms in the carbon matrix, which can serve as active sites for KIBs.
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Fig. 3 High-resolution XPS for (a) C 1s, (b) N 1s, and (c) S 2p of NSSC-600. (d) Schematic description of identified bondings of heteroatoms (N and S) in the carbon matrix. |
To assess the electrochemical behaviors, we first obtained the CV curves of SC and NSSC-x obtained at different temperatures (Fig. 4a and S5a–c†). The irreversible loss of CV areas between the first two cycles can be observed in the low voltage region for all samples due to the formation of a solid electrolyte interphase (SEI) layer and potential irreversible faradaic reactions.54,55 The initial GCD curves of NSSC-400 demonstrate the lowest initial coulombic efficiency (ICE) of only 20% between the first and the second cycles among the samples (Fig. S5d and S6†). Such a great loss of irreversible initial capacity of NSSC-400 can be due to its low electrical conductivity obtained at such low carbonization temperature. In contrast, NSSC-x carbonized at temperatures at or above 600 °C show much higher ICE as compared to SC (Fig. S5e, f and S6†). Typically, NSSC-600 achieves the highest ICE of 60%, and it can be attributed to the optimal level of S and N dopants in the carbon matrix serving as additional surface redox-active sites, hence decreasing the portion of irreversible capacity generated on the surface. With the increase in treatment temperature, both NSSC-800 and NSSC-1000 show decreased ICE. Higher annealing temperatures potentially lead to changes in the microstructure of carbon materials, hence generating impurities and defects. These changes can influence the kinetics of electrochemical reactions in KIBs, thereby affecting the ICE. In addition, a much lower specific surface area of NSSC-600 (21 m2 g−1) than SC (272 m2 g−1) also limits the formation of the SEI layer on the surface, thus reducing the irreversible loss of initial capacity (Fig. S5†).51 The initial discharge specific capacity of SC reaches 324 mA h g−1, whereas the reversible specific capacity reaches 127 mA h g−1 at 100 mA g−1 from the second discharge. Among the NSSC-x, greater initial discharge specific capacity at 100 mA g−1 is achieved in the order of NSSC-400 (105 mA h g−1), NSSC-1000 (323 mA g−1), NSSC-600 (448 mA h g−1), and NSSC-800 (492 mA h g−1). However, due to the higher ICE of NSSC-600, it demonstrates the highest reversible specific capacity of 268 mA h g−1 among the samples. It is, therefore, concluded that NSSC-600 is the optimized anode material for KIBs in this study. Although the rate capability of NSSC-600 is slightly lower than that of SC potentially due to the presence of sluggish redox reactions of N and S heteroatoms, the capacity of NSSC-600 significantly outperforms that of SC at all current densities (Fig. 4c). Specifically, it is found that SC only presents the reversible specific capacities of 127, 93, 83, 66, and 57 mA h g−1 at 100, 200, 500, 1000, and 2000 mA g−1, respectively. NSSC-600, in contrast, demonstrates a remarkable improvement in the electrochemical performance with the specific capacities of 268, 195, 168, 131, and 90 mA h g−1 at 100, 200, 500, 1000, and 2000 mA g−1, respectively. Fig. S7† shows the cycling performance and CE of SC and NSSC-600 at 100 mA g−1. SC only presents a reversible specific capacity of 94 mA h g−1 after 50 cycles. Compared with SC, NSSC-600 shows a significant electrochemical performance improvement, with a reversible specific capacity of 235 mA h g−1 after 50 cycles. To further evaluate SC and NSSC-600 as anode materials for KIBs, they were tested for their long-term cycling performance (Fig. 4d) and corresponding coulombic efficiency (CE) (Fig. S8†). NSSC-600 achieves a high specific capacity of 110 mA h g−1 at 1000 mA g−1 after 2400 cycles, which is much higher than that of SC (41 mA h g−1 at 1000 mA g−1 after 2400 cycles). Although the performance of NSSC-600 is not the best as compared to the previously reported N, S co-doped carbons for KIBs, it is still considered to present an excellent performance among carbon materials derived from crop wastes (Tables S3 and S4†). Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) was also conducted to gain more understanding of how electrode materials behave electrochemically in the half-cell (Fig. 4e). Compared with ionic diffusion, electron transfer capacity should play a dominant role in a battery system. Based on the fitted Nyquist plot, the decrease in the impedance involving electron transfer capacity is observed for NSSC-600, revealing that the N, S co-doping contributes to the enhancement of electron transfer, thus improving the K-ion storage performance.56
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Fig. 4 (a) CV curves and (b) GCD curves of SC and NSSC-600. (c) Rate performance and (d) long-term cycling performance of SC and NSSC-600. (e) EIS of SC and NSSC-600. |
As N and S co-doping leads to obvious improvement in the K-ion storage capacity of anode materials in KIBs, we investigated the thermodynamic effect of N and S co-doping on intercalation by density functional theory (DFT) calculation. Typically, the adsorption energies and electronic structure of the four hypothetical carbons composed of carbon (C), S-doped carbon (C–S), N-doped carbon (C–N), and N, S co-doped carbon (S–C–S), respectively, were derived by the DFT calculations.57 The corresponding calculation models are shown in Fig. 5a. According to the calculations with our proposed models, we found that the C, C–S, C–N, and S–C–S present the adsorption energy values of −1.89, −0.88, −2.24, and −2.42 eV, respectively (Fig. 5b). Generally, more negative adsorption energy indicates stronger adsorption capacity for K ions during the K-ion (de)intercalation processes, hence contributing to the enhancement of the K-ion storage performance.58,59 According to the DFT calculations, the effect of C–N in the carbon matrix on reducing the energy required for K adsorption is found more significant than that of C–S. The S–C–N presents even less adsorption energy than C–N, suggesting that N and S have an integrative effect on reducing the energy for K adsorption. Fig. 5c shows the electronic localization function of C, C–S, C–N, and S–C–S after K adsorption. As compared to pristine C, it is found that heteroatom doping can influence the electronic structure of the carbon layer. The S–C–N incurs a greater net gain of electronic charge around N and S atoms in the carbon layer. This also suggests that the charge can be rapidly transferred from the N or S atom to the nearest neighboring carbon atom, which is consistent with the EIS result. Therefore, we believe that the N, S co-doping in carbon not only greatly improves the adsorption capacity of the K-ion but also accelerates the electron charge transfer, which are beneficial to the enhancement of K-ion storage.
To further investigate the electrochemical properties, we performed ex situ Raman spectroscopy to identify the changes in the structure of NSSC-600 in different K-ion storage states (Fig. S9†). From Fig. S9b,† the ID/IG value of NSSC-600 gradually decreases during the discharge process as the surface of NSSC-600 tends to become more ordered in the K-ion insertion state. This is due to the reduced vibration in the presence of the adsorbed K-ions, hence resulting in a decrease in vibration intensity and a limited sp2 breathing motion of carbon. However, with the deintercalation of K-ions, the ID/IG value is recovered to a certain level, but still deviates from the value of its pristine state because some adsorbed K-ions are irreversibly trapped in the carbon matrix. In addition, we also performed an ex situ FTIR to study the evolution of NSSC-600 in different charge–discharge states (Fig. S9c†). As compared to the pristine state, only weak v(C–K) vibrational peaks are observed upon discharging to 0.8 V, indicating the adsorption state of K-ions. When discharged to 0.01 V, a very strong v(C–K) vibrational peak is observed, indicating an effective K-ion intercalation. In the subsequent charging stage, the v(C–K) vibrational peak gradually weakens, demonstrating a good reversibility of K-ion (de)intercalation processes in NSSC-600. The FESEM images of NSSC-600 after 50 cycles show that the nanosheet-like structure is largely maintained with no visible cracking phenomenon in the electrode at the macroscopic level (Fig. S10a and b†). In the TEM and high-resolution TEM images of NSSC-600 after 50 cycles, a disordered carbon microstructure is still observed with a certain level of orderliness in the carbon lattice (Fig. S10c and d†). The Raman spectra of NSSC-600 before and after 50 cycles are also presented in Fig. S11.† It is found that the ID/IG ratio of NSSC-600 increases from 0.93 in pristine to 1.01 after 50 cycles, indicating that there is a certain effect on the graphitization of NSSC-600 by potassiation–depotassiation processes. This is speculated to be due to the insertion of potassium ions into the interlayer or gap after multiple charge and discharge cycles, which causes the disordered carbon layers to rearrange at specific interlayer distances.
As K-ion storage in hard carbon anode materials occurs by both diffusion-controlled and capacitive mechanisms, it is important to understand how each mechanism contributes to the overall capacity. We, therefore, differentiated the contributions of two different mechanisms from the CV curves of SC and NSSC-600 at the scan rate from 0.2 to 1.2 mV s−1 (Fig. 6a and b). It is found that both electrodes present similar shapes at different scan rates, indicating that they exhibit similar K-ion storage electrochemical behaviors. The capacitive contributions were calculated based on eqn (1):60,61
i(V) = k1v + k2v1/2 | (1) |
Eqn (1) can be converted to eqn (2):
i(V)/v1/2 = k1v1/2 + k2 | (2) |
Footnotes |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: https://doi.org/10.1039/d3ta03215a |
‡ These authors contributed equally. |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2023 |