Issue 35, 2024

Nano-Schottky-junction-engineered Pd/SnO2 nanotube array for ultrasensitive hydrogen sensing at room temperature


Detecting H2 at low concentrations is important due to it being a major safety concern in practical applications. However, semiconductor chemiresistive gas sensors always suffer from high operating temperatures and power consumption, as well as a limited concentration detection range, which restricts their widespread use. Herein, we developed a 3D nanostructured gas sensor employing a Pd-nanocluster-decorated SnO2 nanotube array as the sensing layer. The sensor showed sensitive and selective properties for detecting low concentrations of H2 at room temperature, with a low limit of detection of 1.6 ppb. It also showed good long-term stability, as long as 100 days. Moreover, systematical characterizations were performed in conjunction with density functional theory (DFT) calculations to determine the ability of Pd/SnO2 junctions to improve the gas-sensing properties. The engineering of the nano-Schottky junction allows us to expand the library for designing low-power-consumption H2 sensors for widespread applications.

Graphical abstract: Nano-Schottky-junction-engineered Pd/SnO2 nanotube array for ultrasensitive hydrogen sensing at room temperature

Article information

Article type
27 mei 2024
16 aug 2024
First published
16 aug 2024

Anal. Methods, 2024,16, 5954-5958

Nano-Schottky-junction-engineered Pd/SnO2 nanotube array for ultrasensitive hydrogen sensing at room temperature

Z. Song, W. Fang, B. Zhu and J. Yan, Anal. Methods, 2024, 16, 5954 DOI: 10.1039/D4AY00988F

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