a and
aInstitute of Sustainable Chemistry, Leuphana University of Lüneburg, Universitätsallee 1, 21335 Lüneburg, Germany. E-mail:
bResearch and Education Hub, International Sustainable Chemistry Collaborative Centre (ISC3), Leuphana University of Lüneburg, Universitätsallee 1, 21335 Lüneburg, Germany
cMultiCASE Inc., 5885 Landerbrook Dr. #210, Mayfield Heights, OH 44124, USA
First published on 22nd May 2024
Ionic liquids (ILs) are increasingly used, e.g. as solvents, electrolytes, active pharmaceutical ingredients and herbicides. If ILs enter the environment due to their use or accidental spills at industry sites, they can pollute the environment. To avoid adverse side effects of persistent ILs in the environment, they should be designed to fully mineralise in the environment after they fulfilled their function during application. (Quantitative) structure–biodegradability relationship models ((Q)SBRs) have been successfully applied in the design of benign chemicals. However, (Q)SBR models have not been widely applied to design mineralising ILs. Therefore, in this study we developed five quantitative structure–biodegradability relationship (QSBR) models based on OECD 301D data from the literature and our own in-house biodegradation experiments. These models can potentially be part of a test battery for designing fully mineralising ILs to increase the overall reliability of the biodegradability assessment and reduce uncertainties. Two datasets were formed and randomly divided into a training set with 233 and 321 compounds and a test set with 26 and 36 compounds, respectively. Both classification and regression models were built using molecular fragments with the aim to predict the classification and continuous biodegradation rate, respectively. The internal and external validations produced a R2 of 0.620–0.854 for the regression models and accuracy, true positive rate, and true negative rate were between 62 and 100% for the classification models indicating an adequate performance but also a need for improvement. For the models and the test battery presented in this study, further research is needed to demonstrate their applicability.
There are two categories of ILs: single ILs, which consist of a single, distinct cation and anion, and mixtures of ILs, which contain different cations and anions. For the purpose of this study, the term “ILs” exclusively denote single ILs. In the literature, 16 different cations have been tested for biodegradability ranging from imidazolium, QACs, pyridinium, cholinium, pyrrolidinium, piperidinium, prolinium, piperazinium, phosphonium, morpholinium, quinolinium, 1,4-diazabicyclo(2.2.2)octanium (DABCO), guandinium, sulphonium, thiazolium to triazolium.15 The tested anions were either organic or inorganic. Organic anions were alkylsulphates, α-amino acids, bis(trifluoromethylsulphonyl)amide, carboxylic acids or dicyanamide. Inorganic anions included halides, tetrafluoroborate or hexafluorophosphate.15,16 In total, ready biodegradability data are available for 508 ILs in the literature.15 Of them, 120 ILs have been identified to be more than 60% biodegradable according to ready biodegradability test methods like the OECD 301 series or ISO 14593.15 However, just 34 ILs have reached the pass level for ready biodegradability, which is ≥60% biodegradation within 10 days starting from a degradation level of 10% as defined by the OECD guideline for the 301 series.17–23 Therefore, it is reasonable to consider that IL's design should follow the concept of Benign by Design (BbD).24 Accordingly, ILs should be designed from scratch for full mineralisation in the environment after their intended usage.24 This means ensuring that both the anionic and cationic components of ILs undergo complete mineralisation either during wastewater treatment processes or within the natural environment. This aligns with the goal of creating safe and inherently sustainable chemical compounds, as outlined in the “Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability towards a Toxic-Free Environment” by the European Commission.25
(Quantitative) structure–biodegradability relationship models ((Q)SBR) can be applied to support the design of readily biodegradable and mineralising ILs. (Q)SBR models help make better informed decisions in the design process prior to the synthesis of chemicals, potentially saving time and resources.26–31 Most of the models for biodegradability of non-charged chemicals, e.g. in EPISuite, Vega, MultiCASE and CATALOGIC, use ready biodegradability data measured according to the MITI test (OECD 301C) and predict either a continuous biodegradation rate or a classification into readily biodegradable or not.32–36 Furthermore, the software CATALOGIC offers a model based on OECD 301F data which predicts the biodegradation pathway.34 In fragment-based (Q)SBR models, the modelled relationships between structural fragments and biodegradability, also called alerts, have the advantage that they increase the interpretability of the predictions and help to understand why chemicals are biodegradable or not.37,38 The relationship can give first insights into which structural adjustments might be needed to design a fully mineralising chemical.26,27 ILs differ from non-charged organic compounds as they consist of two charged components, the anion and the cation. Both components have their own biodegradability potential if they are of organic nature. One of the components could be biodegradable, while the other may not. This is not represented in the overall biodegradation rate that is measured in tests according to OECD 301 or ISO 14593 and can lead to false conclusions in biodegradability.39 Inorganic anions or cations lack carbon atoms that could be metabolised by microorganisms and thus do not contribute to the overall biodegradation rate of an IL. Consequently, ILs cannot be treated in modelling approaches similar to uncharged organic compounds and current modelling techniques need to be adapted to accommodate the unique characteristics of ILs.
Barycki et al. developed AquaBoxIL to predict the environmental distribution of an IL between water, sediment and organic matter.40 The models for biodegradability in AquaBoxIL were the first and the only ones reported for ILs until now to the best of our knowledge. They were based on 77 ILs with OECD 310 (CO2 headspace test) data. The training set included 52 ILs and the test set 25 ILs. 2D and 3D molecular descriptors were used for model building.40 A classification tree assigns the query IL either to the readily biodegradable or not readily biodegradable class. Depending on the classification result a linear regression quantitative structure–biodegradability relationship (QSBR) model for persistent ILs (training set consisted only of ILs that are biodegradable by ≤60%) or one for readily biodegradable ILs (training set consisted only of ILs that are biodegradable by ≥60%) is applied to predict the percentage of biodegradability for the query IL.40 AquaBoxIL was mainly built to predict the environmental distribution. Since the applied molecular descriptors are not always easy to interpret regarding structure–biodegradability relationships (SBRs), decisions on specific structural changes in the design for improved biodegradability are not straightforward.41 Fragment-based models comprising structural alerts are needed for making better-informed decisions in the structural design of ILs.30,42
Therefore, this study presents newly developed fragment-based QSBR models based on a newly compiled OECD 301D dataset which comply with the OECD principles for validating (quantitative) structure–activity relationship ((Q)SAR) models.43,44 We utilised data derived from OECD 301D, recognised as the most rigorous method within the OECD 301 series because readily biodegradable compounds according to this test will be completely biodegradable in surface water. Furthermore, this choice was made to ensure the comprehensive representation of various common ILs, such as imidazolium, pyridinium, QACs, and cholinium ILs, which have been extensively tested through OECD 301D, within our training dataset.15 In total, five fragment-based QSBR models were developed using MultiCASE's FlexFilters platform45 with regard to the ease of interpretation and deriving SBRs to support design decisions. Ordinary least squares (OLS) and logistic regression (LR) were used as modelling approaches to support prediction outcomes of continuous biodegradation rate and classification in biodegradable and non-biodegradable ILs, respectively. Additionally, an in silico test battery as part of the workflow proposed by Lorenz et al. for designing fully mineralising ILs was developed to discuss the possible applications of the models.30
As per the protocol the biodegradation results were valid if the following conditions are met:
(1) the degradation rates in the duplicates of the test suspension did not differ by >20% after 28 d,
(2) the compound did not inhibit the degradation of the reference compound (sodium acetate) in the toxicity control (sodium acetate must be degraded ≥25% within 14 d based on its share of the total theoretical oxygen demand (ThOD),
(3) the oxygen concentration in the test vessels must not be <0.5 mg L−1,
(4) sodium acetate was degraded by ≥60% within 14 d in the positive control,
(5) the oxygen consumption is ≤1.5 mg L−1 after 28 d in the blank.
The literature data and the INSC data were combined. Duplicates were combined into one IL by calculating the mean biodegradation rate. The set_IL is just composed of ILs. For the ILs measured at the INSC, stereochemistry was included in the structures. However, the models were not able to consider stereochemistry in their predictions. The set_ILNI contained ILs, anions, and non-charged compounds. ILs differing in stereochemistry were considered as duplicates.
Without considering the structures, both set_IL and set_ILNI were randomly divided into a training and test set. For the test set 10% of the compounds in set_IL and set_ILNI were used as suggested.48 The train_set_IL contained 233 ILs and the test_set_IL 26 ILs. The set_ILNI was randomly divided into the train_set_ILNI of 321 compounds and the test_set_ILNI of 36 compounds. The train_set_ILNI contained 73 non-ionic compounds, four anions and 244 ILs. The test_set_ILNI contained six non-ionic compounds and 30 ILs.
To characterise the training and test sets, the biodegradability data of the ILs, anions and non-ionic compounds were classified (red: 0–19%, amber: 20–59%, green: ≥60%). The classification is based on the OECD guidelines.23,49 No or minimal biodegradability equals 0–19% degradation. Inherently biodegradable are compounds that degrade by 20–59% in ready biodegradability tests like OECD 301D.49 Compounds classified as ≥60% are possibly readily biodegradable. If ≥60% of ThOD was removed within 10 days starting from a degradation level of 10% ThOD, compounds are readily biodegradable.23
Two types of fragment descriptors were used: (i) fragments based on extended connectivity fingerprint (ECFP) type circular fragments50 and (ii) element of a special continuous valued fingerprint containing 600 elements developed by Chakravarti.51 The variable selection using L1 regularisation/Lasso regression was needed to limit the number of unique fragments obtained from the training set chemicals to prevent overfitting.37,52–54 In the variable selection those structural fragments were picked that were relevant to the biodegradability potential of the training chemicals.
For the model IL_FP_cont 600 elements of the fingerprints were considered as descriptors. However, after the variable selection step using L1 regularisation/Lasso regression, only 61 elements were found to be relevant to biodegradability potential (Table S2†). For the models IL_Al_cont, IL_Al_class, ILNI_Al_cont and ILNI_Al_class 70, 29, 130 and 60 fragments, respectively, were found to be relevant (Tables S3, S4, S5 and S6†). These fragments are also called alerts.
Several modelling approaches are available, e.g. multiple linear regression, partial least squares, artificial neural network, random forest, support vector machine and many more, which all have their strengths and weaknesses.55 In this study, simple and well-known OLS and LR modelling in conjugation with fragment descriptors were used (second OECD principle for validating (Q)SAR models). Both approaches, OLS and LR, were chosen since they differ in the prediction outcome (continuous biodegradability rate and classification, respectively). Furthermore, they are easy to interpret due to the linear relationship between descriptors and the target property. On this basis, five models were developed to compare the different modelling approaches and training sets. Models using alerts as descriptors, OLS or LR, were built for both training sets, train_set_IL and train_set_ILNI. Additionally, OLS and elements of fingerprint as descriptors were used for a model based on train_set_IL (Table 1). The constructed regression models were then used for ready biodegradability prediction of new ILs. The continuous regression models’ endpoint was ready biodegradability potential based on OECD 301D (ranging between 0 and 100%) (IL_FP_cont, IL_Al_cont, ILNI_Al_cont, Table 1). The classification models (IL_Al_class, ILNI_Al_class, Table 1) produced a probability value (ranging between 0.0 and 1.0), which can be separated in two classes (readily biodegradable and not readily biodegradable based on OECD 301D) by applying a threshold (usually 0.5) (first OECD principle for validating (Q)SAR models).
Model 1 IL_FP_cont | Model 2 IL_Al_cont | Model 3 IL_Al_class | Model 4 ILNI_Al_cont | Model 5 ILNI_Al_class | |
Training set number of chemicals | 233 Ionic liquids | 321 Ionic liquids and non-ionic compounds | |||
Test set number of chemicals | 26 Ionic liquids | 36 Ionic liquids and non-ionic compounds | |||
Number of descriptors/alerts | 61 | 70 | 29 | 130 | 60 |
Techniques | Fingerprints, OLS | Alerts, OLS | Alerts, LR, | Alerts, OLS | Alerts, LR, |
Prediction outcome | Continuous rate in % of the ThOD | Continuous rate in % of the ThOD | Classification in biodegradable or not | Continuous rate in % of the ThOD | Classification in biodegradable or not |
All models have in common that they were built using rigorously identified fragment-based activity privileged substructures, providing easy interpretability and a mechanistic interpretation to enable better-informed decisions in the design of readily biodegradable ILs. These fragments are annotated with the quantitative relationship with biodegradability (regression coefficients). While predicting a test chemical, these fragments are identified in the test chemical and therefore the mechanistic explanations for the predictions can be constructed (fifth OECD principle for validating (Q)SAR models). Hence, a non-biodegradable fragment could be replaced by a better biodegradable one to increase the biodegradability of the whole IL. Both approaches, ordinary and logistic regression were chosen since they have an advantage over the other at different steps in the design process. A classification is appropriate for design decisions at the beginning of the process as they can be used to separate ILs into biodegradable and non-biodegradable ones. The classification provides first insights into which ILs should be focused on to develop readily biodegradable ILs. In contrast, after the first classification step continuous biodegradability rates help to answer questions like which IL of the biodegradable ones is the best biodegradable IL or which IL is the best candidate for further structural adjustments when all ILs are not biodegradable.
For the development of new (Q)SBR models, it is important to define the domain of applicability (AD) of the models to prevent potentially unreliable results for query chemicals with very different chemistry. The AD is a “theoretical region in chemical space” and depends on the chemicals in the training set and the descriptors used to model the endpoint.56 In general, the AD informs about to which chemical structures the models can be applied.57 Clustering was performed using the “R” package rtsne to visualise and study the chemical space defined by the ILs.58 The two-dimensional (2D) t-distributed stochastic neighbour embedding (t-SNE) methodology was applied.59 The 600-element continuous-valued fingerprints of the ILs (section 2.3) were used for clustering.
Dataset | set_IL | set_ILNI | ||
Literature data | ILs (data points) | 201 (231) of them measured at INSC: 75 (77) | 192 (222) of them measured at INSC: 67 (69) | 196 (231) of them measured at INSC: 70 (77) |
Anions (data points) | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
Non-charged compounds (data points) | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
INSC in-house OECD 301D data | ILs (data points) | 105 (116) | 75 (79) | 90 (116) |
Anions (data points) | 4 (6) | 0 | 4 (6) | |
Non-charged compounds (data points) | 79 (101) | 0 | 79 (101) | |
Number after removing duplicates | ILs | 294 | 259 | 274 |
Anions | 4 | 0 | 4 | |
Non-charged compounds | 79 | 0 | 79 | |
Total number of compounds | 377 | 259 | 357 | |
Characteristics | Stereoisomers, ILs, anions, non-charged compounds | Stereoisomers, just ILs | No stereoisomers, ILs, anions, non-charged compounds |
The ILs in set_IL and set_ILNI were the only ones for which OECD 301D data were available that complied with the criteria defined for the literature data in section 2.2. Using OECD 301D data ensured the inclusion of many common ILs, like imidazolium, pyridinium, QACs and cholinium ILs.15 More than 50% of the compounds in set_IL and set_ILNI were measured in the same laboratory at the INSC using the same OECD 301D test protocol and the same inoculum source. Data from the INSC were used for 139 of 259 ILs in set_IL and for 240 of 357 compounds in set_ILNI. The set_IL and set_ILNI were randomly divided into a training set of 233 and 321 compounds and a test set with 26 and 36 compounds, respectively.
The number of compounds per compound category and biodegradability in the train_set_IL and the test_set_IL are shown in Fig. 1. The prevalent cations in the train_set_IL were imidazolium (75 ILs), pyridinium (61 ILs), QACs (40 ILs) and cholinium (43 ILs) (Fig. 1A). Just a few morpholinium (3 ILs), pyrrolidinium (3 ILs), piperidinium (2 ILs), prolinium (5 ILs) and phosphonium (1IL) ILs were in train_set_IL (Fig. 1A). Most of the ILs in the test_set_IL were imidazolium (10 ILs), pyridinium (7 ILs), QACs (3 ILs) and cholinium (4 ILs). Additionally, one prolinium IL and one phosphonium IL were included in the test_set_IL (Fig. 1B).
In each category, most of the compounds in train_set_IL and test_set_IL were not equally distributed over the biodegradability classes. Just for QACs in the test_set_IL there is an equal number of compounds per class. Since set_IL was randomly divided into a training set and a test set, the distribution of ILs over biodegradability classes and compound category was not influenced. Without considering the compound category, the compounds were not equally distributed over the biodegradability classes as well. In the train_set_IL, 87, 99 and 47 ILs can be assigned to the biodegradability classes 0–19%, 20–59% and ≥60%, respectively. In the train_set_IL, the number of biodegradable ILs is less than that for non-biodegradable and slightly biodegradable ILs. In the test_set_IL seven ILs were biodegradable by 0–19%, 15 ILs by 20–59% and four ILs by ≥60% showing a higher number for slightly biodegradable ILs than for biodegradable and non-biodegradable ILs.
Compared to set_IL, set_ILNI comprised additional compounds to examine the influence of the larger dataset set_ILNI on model performance. Therefore, one piperazinium and one thiazolium IL, as well as four anions (organic anion in combination with inorganic cation) and 79 non-ionic compounds that are structurally related to the ILs were used for set_ILNI. Similar to train_set_IL and test_set_IL most of the ILs belong to the categories of imidazolium (79 ILs), pyridinium (69 ILs), QACs (37 ILs) and cholinium ILs (41 ILs) (Fig. 2). Additionally, the test_set_ILNI contained one prolinium and one thiazolium IL. The non-ionic compounds were not divided into different categories to show the ratio between ILs and non-ionic compounds in Fig. 2. Regarding the biodegradability of the compounds in both subsets, in each category, the compounds in train_set_ILNI and test_set_ILNI were not equally distributed over the biodegradability classes. Without considering the categories, the compounds are nearly equally distributed over the biodegradability classes. In the train_set_ILNI of a total of 321 compounds, 117 compounds were biodegradable by 0–19%, 105 by 20–59% and 99 by ≥60%. In the test_set_ILNI of a total of 36 compounds 12 compounds were biodegradable by 0–19%, 11 by 20–59% and 13 by ≥60%.
Fig. 1 and 2 show that the number of ILs in the presented datasets is not equally distributed among the compound categories. It was shown that more valid biodegradation data based on OECD 301D is needed for morpholinium, pyrrolidinium, piperidinium, prolinium, phosphonium, piperazinium, thiazolium, guandinium, DABCO, quinolinium, sulphonium and triazolium ILs.15
The results of internal and external validation (section 2.4) are summarised in Table 3. The model IL_AL_class had better accuracy in the training (98%) and test set (96%) compared to model ILNI_Al_class (92% in the training set and 81% in the test set) meaning it classified the ILs more correctly into biodegradable and non-biodegradable. Furthermore, the model IL_AL_class showed better sensitivity and specificity in both the training set (91% and 100% respectively) and test set (75% and 100% respectively). Therefore, IL_AL_class also assigned the ILs more correctly to single classes, biodegradable and non-biodegradable, than ILNI_Al_class. Both models have in common that they had a better specificity than sensitivity meaning they were better in predicting non-biodegradable compounds correctly. The AUC value of the test set was larger for the model ILNI_Al_class (0.90) than for the model IL_AL_class (0.82) (Table 3). In contrast, the AUC in the training set for IL_AL_class was 0.99 and therefore larger than that for ILNI_Al_class (AUC of 0.97 in the training set). Since the AUC is higher than 0.5 the models are able to discriminate between biodegradable and non-biodegradable ILs.
Model 1 IL_FP_cont | Model 2 IL_Al_cont | Model 3 IL_Al_class | Model 4 ILNI_Al_cont | Model 5 ILNI_Al_class | ||
Internal validation | Accuracy | — | — | 98% | — | 92% |
TPR | — | — | 91% | — | 80% | |
TNR | — | — | 100% | — | 96% | |
AUC | — | — | 0.99 | — | 0.97 | |
R 2 | 0.814 | 0.843 | — | 0.788 | — | |
External validation | Accuracy | — | — | 96% | — | 81% |
TPR | — | — | 75% | — | 62% | |
TNR | — | — | 100% | — | 91% | |
AUC | — | — | 0.82 | — | 0.90 | |
R 2 | 0.854 | 0.687 | — | 0.620 | — |
Of all OLS models, IL_Al_cont had the best goodness-of-fit (R2 of 0.843 for the training set). The model ILNI_Al_cont had the worst goodness-of-fit (R2 of 0.788 for the training set) and the worst predictivity (R2 of 0.620 for the test set) (Table 3). The model IL_FP_cont showed a R2 of 0.854 for the test set. Compared to model IL_Al_cont (R2 of 0.687 for the test set) and ILNI_Al_cont (R2 of 0.620 for the test set) model IL_FP_cont had therefore the best predictivity of continuous values for biodegradability. The plots for comparison of the predicted vs. experimental biodegradation rates for the continuous regression models are visualised in Fig. S1–S6.† The validation results for the models ILNI_Al_cont and ILNI_Al_class were worse than those for the models IL_Al_class and IL_Al_cont. The results showed that the train_set_ILNI compared to train_set_IL did not increase the performance. Overfitting of the models is not very likely. On the one hand, the results indicate that the performance metrics of the internal and external validation are not very different. On the other hand, the number of descriptors is lower than the training data points and was limited to the relevant ones for the biodegradability potential using L1 regularisation/Lasso regression.
In order to compare the performance of the newly developed models with models for biodegradability from the literature for charged and non-charged compounds the performance measures and the training sets have to be considered. To assess whether a model's algorithm is better than the other, the same training and test set and performance measures have to be used.60 Since the used training sets in this study were not used in other studies, it is not possible to assess whether the models from the literature are better or worse performing. The classification model in the AquaBoxIL showed an accuracy, sensitivity and specificity for the test set of 96%, 94% and 100%, respectively.40R2 was 0.726 for the model for persistent ILs and 0.881 for the model for readily biodegradable ILs.40 The accuracy, sensitivity, specificity and R2 related to the test set of the classification model and the two linear regression models are larger than those of the models presented here in this study. However, the training set of the model in Barycki et al.40 contained 52 ILs and is therefore smaller than the training sets used in this study (233 and 321 ILs). The smaller the number of ILs, the less skewed the distribution of readily biodegradable and not readily biodegradable ILs, and the structural similarity of biodegradable and non-biodegradable ILs could have positively influenced the performance.61 This cannot be proven since the experimental biodegradation data used for AquaBoxIL and information on the structures in the training and test set were missing.40
The performance of previous models for non-charged compounds was between 69 and 92% for accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity and between 0.7 and 0.9 for R2.32–35,42,62–64 The performance is similar to the newly developed models IL_FP_cont, IL_Al_class and ILNI_Al_class in this study. However, Table 3 shows that models IL_Al_cont and ILNI_Al_cont are not in the range of 0.7–0.9 for R2 of models described in the literature. Nevertheless, the combination of fragment-based descriptors with OLS and LR for model building resulted in adequate models for predicting the biodegradability of ILs. To improve the models’ performance, an increase of the size of the datasets while covering a wider variety of structural classes might be considered.
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Fig. 3 Structural fragments of compounds in train_set_IL and t-SNE plot highlighted for the biodegradability. Phenylalanine (Phe) and tyrosine (Tyr). |
ILs were not available for every combination of cations, anions and side chains. Predictions for ILs that are structurally not related to the training set compounds would be based on extrapolations and could be possibly unreliable.37 Therefore, the model's performance (Table 3) is only provided within the AD.
Most of the ILs available in the training sets are imidazolium, pyridinium, QACs and cholinium ILs. Only a few morpholinium, pyrrolidinium, piperidinium, prolinium, phosphonium, piperazinium and thiazolium ILs were included. Therefore, the AD is broader for imidazolium, pyridinium, QACs and cholinium ILs than for the under-represented ILs. The models cannot predict the biodegradability of ILs that are not represented in the training sets and therefore not structurally related to the training set compounds, e.g. DABCO, guandinium, quinolinium, sulphonium and triazolium, and of mixtures of ILs. Therefore, there is a need for more experimental data based on OECD 301D for morpholinium, pyrrolidinium, piperidinium, prolinium, phosphonium, piperazinium, thiazolium, guandinium, DABCO, quinolinium, sulphonium and triazolium ILs to enlarge the AD.
The ADs of the models for biodegradability prediction in the AquaBoxIL were visualised in a William's and Insubria plot.40 Both plots identify response outliers and chemicals that are outside the AD due to their structure. The plots differ in their applicability. The William's plot can be used for chemicals for which experimental data are available, while the Insubria plot is used for chemicals without experimental data.48,65 However, it was not mentioned, which structural features the training and test set contained. Therefore, it is not possible to compare the AD of AquaBoxIL and the models presented in this study.
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Fig. 5 Possible applications of models in an in silico test battery for designing fully mineralising ILs. |
The advantage of biodegradability alerts was demonstrated in the rational redesign of atenolol and metoprolol.26,27 Accordingly, Fig. 5 proposes to apply IL_Al_class and ILNI_Al_class at first to gain insights from two independent models and two different sets of alerts (one for each model). The models facilitate to separate the pool of new or redesigned ILs into biodegradable and non-biodegradable ILs (Fig. 5). The model ILNI_Al_class performs not as well as IL_Al_class, but contains more alerts compared to IL_Al_class (60 compared to 29). Therefore, ILNI_Al_class helps to understand why some ILs are biodegradable and others are not. In this step three different outcomes are possible: 1. all ILs in the pool of newly developed or redesigned ILs are biodegradable, 2. some are biodegradable and some are not, and 3. no IL is biodegradable.
However, after the classification, a continuous biodegradation rate is needed to decide which IL in the class of biodegradable ILs (outcomes 1 and 2) or non-biodegradable ILs (outcome 3) is the best candidate to change structural fragments and to design a biodegradable IL. The approach of first using a classification model and then a model predicting a continuous value was demonstrated to be useful for prioritising chemicals in chemical safety assessment regarding their carcinogenicity.66 Therefore, this study suggests the combination of a classification and a continuous biodegradation rate in Fig. 5 to support the prioritisation. In this respect, both models IL_Al_cont and ILNI_Al_cont are suitable since they generate a continuous biodegradation rate and their performance is adequate (Table 3). If in outcomes 1 and 2 the predicted biodegradation rate is ≤60% structural adjustments are needed and the workflow would start from the beginning with the pool of molecules. The models’ alerts and the identified SBRs in Amsel et al. could support to identify which structural changes are needed.16 In particular, the 130 alerts in model ILNI_Al_cont, the model with the most alerts, give insights into SBRs and could help to design a fully mineralising IL.
The model IL_FP_cont should be applied to confirm the predictions of IL_Al_cont and ILNI_Al_cont since it generates continuous rates with the best performance in the test set compared to IL_Al_cont and ILNI_Al_cont (Table 3). If all three models indicate that the IL is biodegradable by ≥60%, its ready biodegradability should be tested in a laboratory experiment (Fig. 5). The pass level for ready biodegradability in OECD 301D is ≥60% removal of ThOD within 10 days starting from a degradation level of 10%.23 If the three models do not agree with their outcome, a consensus approach or an expert review as proposed by the workflow for the benign design of chemicals in Lorenz et al. might be helpful to increase the confidence of the assessment and reduce uncertainties.30 If the outcome indicates that the IL is not biodegradable, structural changes can be made to possibly increase the biodegradability. The redesigned IL would be included in the pool of molecules and its biodegradability be predicted. If the consensus approach or expert review confirms a biodegradation rate of ≥60%, the IL should be tested in the laboratory for ready biodegradability. A mineralising IL was designed if it is readily biodegradable in experimental testing. Non-biodegradable ILs that differ in structural fragments with training set ILs might be tested in the laboratory as well. The new data of biodegradable and non-biodegradable ILs could be included in the training sets and possibly improve the models’ performance.
Both datasets, set_IL and set_ILNI are unique since more than 50% of the compounds were measured in the same laboratory at the INSC using the same OECD 301D test protocol, validation criteria and similar inoculum leading to increased data quality compared to the literature data for which different inoculum sources, concentrations and microorganism diversities were used and not all validation criteria were reported.
For every individual model, the training set defined the AD as it determined the representative fragment descriptors and the alerts (section 3.3). The models might not cover important SBRs that are relevant for biodegradability predictions of a query compound. Hence, the models are not able to make reliable predictions for a query IL that differs in too many fragments from training set compounds.37,68 Therefore, just within the model's AD reliable predictions can be made according to the model's performance, and extrapolations in predictions are avoided.
As the validation results showed, the QSBR models successfully predicted the biodegradability of common ILs, like imidazolium, pyridinium, QACs and cholinium ILs (section 3.2). The models can be applied in a test battery to design environmentally readily mineralising ILs. Uncertainties regarding the biodegradability of a newly designed IL are addressed after the in silico design process by testing the biodegradability in the laboratory. Hence, QSBR models are versatile tools for planning of experiments and selecting the most promising candidates.
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2024 |