Issue 5, 2025

Galactose oxidase oxidation and glycosidase digestion for glycoRNA analysis


Ribonucleic acid (RNA), essential for protein production and immune function, undergoes glycosylation, a process that attaches glycans to RNA, generating unique glycoRNAs. These glycan-coated RNA molecules regulate immune responses and may be related to immune disorders. However, studying them is challenging due to RNA's fragility. Therefore, a robust method for identifying glycoRNA is important. To address this, we optimized parameters for RNA stability, oxidation, and digestion, thereby enriching and identifying glycoRNAs. This breakthrough paves the way for exploring their potential interactions with immune receptors and tumor suppression. Our approach involved investigating factors such as preservation reagent, enzyme buffer, digestion temperature, oxidant, glycosidase, and incubation time. We successfully optimized digestion conditions, achieving efficient cleavage of N-linked glycoRNAs at room temperature using 25 mM ammonium bicarbonate, demonstrating the effectiveness of this method. Additionally, RNA preservation in RNAlater at −80 °C allows controlled release of glycoRNAs within hours. While sequential digestion of different glycoRNA types is possible, significant degradation occurs after the first glycosidase step. Therefore, we recommend separate harvesting for each glycoRNA type. We also established RNA-seq analysis for identifying various glycoRNA types, including snoRNAs and tRNAs. The optimized SPCgRNA method paves the way for further research on N-glycosylation in health and disease.

Graphical abstract: Galactose oxidase oxidation and glycosidase digestion for glycoRNA analysis

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
11 nov 2024
29 dec 2024
First published
30 dec 2024

Anal. Methods, 2025,17, 964-971

Galactose oxidase oxidation and glycosidase digestion for glycoRNA analysis

J. Deng, X. Miao, X. Wang, S. Wen, Z. Zhou, S. Li, J. Jiang, X. Yang and S. Yang, Anal. Methods, 2025, 17, 964 DOI: 10.1039/D4AY02046D

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