Sai C.
Eric J.
Myles A.
b and
aPaul M. Rady Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Colorado Boulder, CO 80309, USA. E-mail:
bNational Renewable Energy Laboratory, Golden, CO 80401, USA
cDepartment of Electrical and Computer Engineering and Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI 53706, USA
dMaterials Science and Engineering Program and Center for Experiments on Quantum Materials, University of Colorado Boulder, CO 80309, USA
First published on 27th December 2024
Thermophotovoltaic (TPV) devices, which convert infrared thermal radiation from a hot emitter into electricity, hold great promise for applications in energy storage and waste heat recovery. While recent advancements have developed TPV devices with high efficiency, much less attention has been focused on improving the power density. Current TPV methods face challenges in significantly boosting the power density using emitters at very high temperatures (>2000 °C) or using complex, costly architectures such as near-field TPV. Here, we present the first experimental demonstration of a novel far-field TPV concept called “zero-vacuum-gap TPV” that eliminates the vacuum or gas-filled gap in conventional designs. By incorporating a high-index, infrared-transparent, and thermally insulating fused quartz spacer, we achieved a two-fold increase in power density compared to the far-field counterpart under identical conditions. Notably, in our experiment, the zero-vacuum-gap far-field design transforms a less-optimized, low-power-density far-field device into one with one of the highest power densities reported at moderate temperatures (700–1100 °C). Moreover, our measurements using a graphite emitter surpass the blackbody limit for gap-integrated far-field devices and match the performance of near-field TPV devices with an ultrathin 200-nm gap. Our findings suggest that zero-vacuum-gap TPV offers potential for cost-effective, scalable manufacturing using current technologies. Additionally, our modelling predicts that further power enhancements over one order of magnitude are possible with other spacer materials.
Broader contextLow-cost decarbonization through waste heat recovery represents one of the major challenges in renewable energy technologies. Solid-state energy conversion methods, such as thermophotovoltaics (TPV), hold significant promise for producing cheap and clean electricity from a range of high-temperature industrial processes, including concentrated solar power, nuclear reactors, and the production of chemicals, steel, cement, and glass, which typically operate in the moderate temperature range below 1000 °C. However, current TPV technologies, although having high efficiencies, are limited in their ability to produce high power density within this temperature range. This research presents an innovative approach, zero-vacuum-gap TPV, that fundamentally differs from previous TPV methods and offers the first proof-of-concept experimental demonstration showing that the power density can be greatly enhanced without increasing emitter temperature or relying on complex and expensive device structures. We anticipate that this new method, once optimized, will be applicable to a broad array of untapped heat sources, addressing critical needs in waste heat recovery. |
A typical TPV device, also known as “far-field TPV”, consists of a thermal emitter and a photovoltaic (PV) cell, separated by a macroscopic (mm to cm in thickness) vacuum or an air-filled gap. The two key performance metrics in TPV energy conversion are efficiency and power density. While many recent studies27–32 have reported TPV devices with high efficiencies exceeding 30% (as high as 44% reported in air-bridge TPV) at an operation temperature ranging from 1400 to 2400 °C, improving power density has been a secondary focus. In fact, there is no clear consensus on the standard for reporting and comparing the measured power density. Unlike efficiency, which is dimensionless, power density is a dimensional physical variable and depends on geometrical factors of the TPV systems including view factors and areas of the emitter and PV cell. Furthermore, reported power densities in recent literature range from 1 to 4 W cm−2 for various emitter–cell geometrical configurations, typically achieved at high operating temperatures (>1500 °C).28,30,33,34 However, at more moderate temperatures (700 °C to 1100 °C),30,32,35 the reported power density remains much lower, often around 0.1 W cm−2. While high temperatures are crucial for TPV-based energy storage applications, numerous domestic and industrial heat sources, such as concentrated solar power, nuclear reactors, and waste heat from chemical, steel, and glass industries, fall within low to moderate temperatures. To enhance the potential for power generation from these sources, higher power density TPV systems, besides high efficiency, are required for effective energy conversion applications.
In principle, the power density in far-field TPV devices is fundamentally constrained by Planck's blackbody radiation law and Stefan–Boltzmann law, with an upper limit determined when the emitter surface is assumed to be a blackbody at a given temperature. This constraint is the key reason why current TPV technologies face limited pathways to significantly boost the power density. Typically, the enhanced power density relies on heating the thermal emitters to even higher temperatures, which greatly narrows the range of materials that can function as thermally stable emitters at temperatures above 2000 °C.4,36,37 Chemical degradation of emitters at ultrahigh temperatures also compromises the device stability and shortens the lifespan of TPV systems.3,38
One approach to improve TPV power density while maintaining a moderate working temperature is to use near-field TPV,39–43 where the PV cell is brought in close proximity to the thermal emitter so that the distance between them is much smaller than the peak thermal wavelength derived from Wien's displacement law (λth = 2.898 μm K/T, which gives λth ∼ 3 μm at T = 1000 K). This results in enhanced near-field radiative heat transfer due to coupling of evanescent waves near the emitter interface, leading to a multi-fold increase in the TPV power output compared to the far-field. Recent experiments43–48 have shown that power density in near-field devices with vacuum gaps on the order of a few hundred nanometers can beat the blackbody limit for gap-integrated far-field TPV devices. Despite this potential, it is recognized that the development of practical near-field TPV devices is hindered by the challenges in microfabrication and scaling up of the nanoscale vacuum gap, often limiting the device dimension to a few hundreds of μm2 or at best a few mm2. Furthermore, the stringent requirements for ultrasmooth and contamination-free emitter and PV receiver surfaces create hurdles and increase the cost for system level integration of near-field TPV devices.
In this work, we present the first experimental demonstration of a novel far-field TPV concept called “zero-vacuum-gap TPV” (z-TPV), which enhances the power density without increasing the emitter temperature and also addresses the scalability limitations of current near-field TPV devices. The performance improvement is achieved through the use of a gapless structure, where the vacuum or air gap in existing far-field and near-field devices is replaced with a thermally insulating dielectric spacer layer. This layer has a high refractive index and high infrared (IR) transparency which allows the transmission of high wave vector modes that are prohibited in gap-based far-field TPV devices. By using fused quartz as the proof-of-concept spacer material, tungsten and graphite as the emitters, and InGaAs as the PV cell, our experiment demonstrated a two-fold increase in power density over conventional far-field devices, under identical measurement conditions. We have shown that within the demonstrated temperature range of 700 °C to 1100 °C, our results represent one of the highest power densities reported for far-field TPV devices. Moreover, the measured power density for the graphite emitter exceeded the blackbody limit of gap-based far-field TPV devices, comparable to those of near-field TPV devices with a 200-nm vacuum gap. Our experimental findings align with our predictions, which suggest that using other dielectric spacers such as amorphous Si could result in power enhancements of over one order of magnitude. Furthermore, by addressing heat conduction as a limiting factor in the performance of zero-vacuum-gap TPV, we have demonstrated strategies to mitigate its impact, revealing the potential to increase the power density and efficiency simultaneously. As high-power capability relaxes the constraints of ultrahigh emitter temperature and large hot surface areas, we anticipate that this method, once optimized and used in conjunction with the recently developed high efficiency TPV cells, could unlock previously inaccessible heat sources and TPV applications.
Alternatively, zero-vacuum-gap TPV provides a different approach from near-field TPV to access the high-k waves which contain high thermal energy content for power generation.26,49 As shown in Fig. 1c, when a dielectric medium with a refractive index of n fills the gap, it opens an extra energy pathway for high-k propagating waves (k0 < k < nk0), which can be harvested to generate more power in the PV cell. It is important to note that the high-k waves here are propagating and not evanescent; therefore, there is no decay in intensity inside the transparent spacer layer. In this context, zero-vacuum-gap TPV can be considered as a variant of far-field TPV as there is no contribution from the near-field evanescent waves. However, the contribution of high-k propagating waves is substantial. Indeed, the calculated wave vector- and wavelength-dependent energy transmission coefficients (Fig. 1d; see the ESI† for the theoretical method) suggest that zero-vacuum-gap TPV allows a broadband enhancement in radiative heat flux beyond k0 while near-field TPV increases energy flux by enhancing transmission within a small interval of wavelengths and wave vectors.
In our calculations, fused quartz was used as an example of the dielectric spacer material due to its near-perfect transmittance in near-IR (0.5–2 μm), relatively high refractive index (n = 1.45), and low thermal conductivity (1.4 W m−1 K−1).50Fig. 1e shows the spectral power distribution of different TPV devices operated using a 0.74-eV InGaAs cell with an integrated Au back reflector. Both the near-field and zero-vacuum-gap TPV devices have the potential to beat the far-field blackbody limit for vacuum/air-gap TPV devices. Notably, the performance of zero-vacuum-gap TPV when using fused quartz as the dielectric spacer is comparable to that of a near-field TPV device with a vacuum gap of approximately 200 nm.
Furthermore, it is important to note that the presented zero-vacuum-gap TPV concept above shares similarities with a historical TPV approach known as light-pipe TPV,51–53 which also employs an intermediate spacer to enhance the power density of TPV devices (see the ESI† for details). However, all prior experimental demonstrations of light-pipe TPV featured an air gap between the emitter and the PV cell, fundamentally limiting the TPV power density to contributions only from low-k modes. While in theory, the light-pipe TPV concept could be adapted for a gapless structure, no experimental demonstrations have been reported to date. In this work, we clarify these two methods and use the term “zero-vacuum-gap TPV” to more accurately describe the architecture of this different concept.
The measured power generation from gap-integrated far-field TPV and zero-vacuum-gap TPV for both tungsten and graphite emitters at varying temperatures are shown in Fig. 3a and d. We compared these results to our theoretical predictions as well as the vacuum-gap blackbody limits. For both emitters, zero-vacuum-gap TPV generates more power than the blackbody limit for a vacuum-gap far-field device. Specifically, the power performance is more pronounced for the graphite emitter (approximately 60% higher than the blackbody limit) since graphite has a higher emissivity54,55 compared to tungsten.56 Furthermore, as shown in Fig. 3b and e, for both emitters, we observed that adopting the zero-vacuum-gap architecture improves the TPV power density by a factor of two. The similar enhancement ratio for two different emitters suggests that the zero-vacuum-gap architecture can be used as a universal approach to elevate the power output of existing far-field TPV cells. It should be noted that the power enhancement is less than the prediction of the upper limit of the enhancement ratio which is around 2.65 for the fused quartz spacer and is approximately independent of the emitter temperature. This can be attributed to several energy loss mechanisms and the non-ideal device configuration used in our measurement (see the ESI†). The current–voltage characteristics (J–V) of both the zero-vacuum-gap and far-field TPV cells are measured using a four-wire method to obtain Pmax = IscVocFF, where Isc is the short-circuit current, Voc is the open-circuit voltage, and FF is the fill factor (see the ESI† and Fig. S4). As shown in Fig. 3c and f, it is found that zero-vacuum-gap TPV at lower emitter temperatures can generate higher current densities than far-field TPV, even in the presence of energy losses. This highlights the potential of zero-vacuum-gap TPV to relax the high temperature requirements in current TPV devices as achieving equivalent power output density at lower emitter temperatures is of great importance for many TPV applications with material and temperature constraints.
The power density of TPV devices is a function of several physical factors, including the emitter temperature, view factor between the cell and the emitter, and the area and emissivity of both the emitter and PV cell. It is important to note that unlike efficiency, which can be compared across different experimental configurations with minimal adjustments, extra care is required when comparing reported values of power density. Here, we adopt the concept of the power density figure of merit proposed by Giteau et al.57 and use two dimensionless power densities (Pn1 and Pn2) based on two different normalization factors to enable fair comparisons among various TPV schemes reported in the literature. Pn1 and Pn2 are expressed as
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As shown in Fig. 4, the performance of zero-vacuum-gap TPV, evaluated using both normalization metrics, is among the highest reported power densities at moderate working temperatures (700–1100 °C) when compared to high-performance far-field TPV devices demonstrated over the past two decades using PV cells with a similar bandgap (∼0.7 eV). Furthermore, our measured power density using conventional far-field design with our PV cells is relatively low compared to nearly all reported results, reflecting the fact that the PV cells in our measurement are not optimized and exhibit significant losses (i.e., high series resistance, as discussed below). However, the adoption of the zero-vacuum-gap TPV design significantly improved performance.
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Fig. 4 Comparison of power density between zero-vacuum-gap TPV and other reported far-field TPV devices. Dimensionless power density ((a) with and (b) without considering the view factor) as a function of the emitter temperature is used to compare the TPV power densities reported in the literature including Burger et al.,14 Tervo et al.,30 Roy-Layinde et al.,32 Fan et al.,29 Omair et al.,31 Lim et al.,35 Woolf et al.,58 Narayam et al.,34 Lopez et al.,33 Wernsman et al.,59 Dashiell et al.60 and LaPotin et al.28 |
As both zero-vacuum-gap and near-field TPV are promising methods to achieve high power densities at moderate temperatures, we compare their power densities in Fig. 5. As shown in Fig. 5a, z-TPV achieves a power density comparable to the best of near-field TPVs reported in the literature. Notably, the PV cell used in both our work and in the study by Mittapally et al.48 is InGaAs, allowing for a detailed comparison. We specifically compare the enhancement ratio of zero-vacuum-gap TPV with that of near-field TPV, as reported by Mittapally et al.,48 at different nanogap sizes. As shown, zero-vacuum-gap TPV with fused quartz as the spacer achieves a similar enhancement ratio to near-field TPV with a vacuum gap between 200 and 250 nm. We also performed the simulation for near-field TPV using the same emitter and PV cell as in our zero-vacuum-gap TPV experiment and found that the power performance of our fabricated device matches that of the near-field device at the same temperature with a vacuum gap of 175 nm (see the ESI†). Given that both methods can achieve high power densities at moderate temperatures, our results suggest that zero-vacuum-gap TPV devices could overcome the scalability challenges faced by near-field TPV, enabling high power output for large-scale applications.
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Fig. 5 Comparison between zero-vacuum-gap TPV and near-field TPV devices. (a) The normalized power generation density as a function of the emitter temperature is used to compare the zero-vacuum-gap TPV with near-field TPV in recent experiments including Mittapally et al.,48 Inoue et al.,61 Fiorino et al.,46 Inoue et al.,62 Song et al.,63 and Bhatt et al.64 The gap sizes of 50 nm and 350 nm were selected for the works by Fiorino et al.46 and Mittapally et al.48 (b) The comparison between the enhancement ratio of the zero-vacuum-gap TPV and near-field TPV of Mittapally et al.48 work. Three different gap sizes of 200, 250, and 300 nm are selected. The PV cell in both experiments is InGaAs. |
The figure of merit we used to evaluate zero-vacuum-gap TPV is the efficiency on the PV cell side (i.e., cell energy conversion efficiency), η = Pgen/(Qrad + Qcond), where Pgen is the generated power from the PV cell and Qrad and Qcond are the heat radiation and conduction that reach the PV cell which are measured using a heat flux sensor underneath the cell. Fig. 6a shows the measured efficiency of our zero-vacuum-gap devices for the fused quartz spacer with different lengths. See the ESI† for details about the efficiency measurement. For a 2-cm long dielectric spacer, the efficiency is low (less than 5% at 1290 K) due to the dominant role of heat conduction. However, increasing the dielectric spacer to 10 cm significantly suppresses the conduction contribution and improves the efficiency to nearly 19%. It should be noted that although the power density in zero-vacuum-gap TPV is enhanced by a factor of 2 compared to conventional far-field TPV, the measured efficiencies of both TPV architectures are comparable. This is because zero-vacuum-gap TPV increases power generation by extracting a proportionally similar additional amount of thermal radiation from the emitter, primarily through the high-k modes. Furthermore, efficiency improves as the emitter temperature increases, which can be explained by the improved spectral matching between the thermal emission spectrum and the PV cell bandgap, as well as the significant rise in radiative power, which increases at a higher rate (∼T4) compared to conductive heat transfer (∼T). As shown in Fig. S7 (ESI†), thermal radiation dominates over the contributing heat conduction in the total heat flux at above 1200 K for the fused quartz spacer.
Furthermore, we have performed characterization of the PV cell temperature, and our experiments suggest that the heating of the PV cell due to both radiative absorption and conduction has marginal adverse effects on the TPV power performance (see the ESI† and Fig. S8).
The measured efficiency of zero-vacuum-gap TPV agrees well with our theoretical calculations when accounting for several loss mechanisms, such as series resistance (see the ESI†). It is worth noting that a recent experiment by some of us using a similar type of InGaAs cell that has much lower series resistance and reported nearly 40% efficiency by effectively minimizing losses.30 However, even in that study, the efficiency decreases to around 25% when the emitter temperature reduces to 1000 °C.
To optimize the power density and efficiency of the z-TPV devices, it is critical to manage the energy losses, including radiation escaping due to light traveling in an oblique angle and leaving the side surface of the spacer, optical losses inside the spacer, energy transmission losses of the high-k modes, heat conduction and convection losses, and optoelectronic losses inside the PV cell. According to our estimation, the escaped radiation and optical losses in the fused quartz dominate in our current devices as fused quartz has a modest refraction index (thus a higher percentage of light leaving the side wall without undergoing total internal reflection). However, several methods can be adopted to optimize efficiency while maintaining the high-power density, including using an alternative dielectric spacer with a higher refractive index, or using a cylinder shape TPV device (see the ESI†). Furthermore, the heat transfer losses in the z-TPV structure can be managed by using a spacer material that has low thermal conductivity and using a device shape that is more immune to an external thermal environment such as a cylindrical TPV device used in many TPV applications such as a fuel-combustion power generator and grid energy storage. In addition, reducing the optoelectronic losses in the PV cell due to high series resistance is critical to further improve the efficiency of z-TPV devices. Moreover, to improve the efficiency at medium temperatures, a PV cell with a bandgap below 0.7 eV should be used to have a better spectral match with the thermal radiation spectrum. We expect that the same optimization in PV cell fabrication and using a low band-gap PV cell can be employed to improve the efficiency of the current zero-vacuum-gap TPV devices. Indeed, using the physical parameters derived from the optimized InGaAs cells, we found that a possible upper efficiency value for zero-vacuum-gap TPV could reach around 30% at 1200 K (Fig. 6a). These results indicate that zero-vacuum-gap TPV does not inherently come with compromised efficiency due to the existence of thermal losses. Furthermore, it is also important to note that the cell energy efficiency reported here does not account for the transmission optical losses because of the sub-bandgap photon absorption in the dielectric spacer. As a proof-of-concept demonstration, we chose fused quartz due to its low cost and simple integration into the z-TPV architecture. The near-transparent transmission band of fused quartz is in the near infrared (0.5–2 μm). This is great for demonstrating the power enhancement mechanism of zero-vacuum-gap TPV as we are using a 0.74 eV cell, meaning most of the above-bandgap thermal radiation photons from the emitters can be used to enhance power generation. However, the optical losses due to the non-transparent below-bandgap photons of the fused quartz are also important for practical implementations of z-TPV as they limit the overall efficiency of the device. These photons do not contribute to power generation and are instead converted to heat. For fused quartz and the PV cell used in this work, this loss is more than half of the incoming radiation. However, this loss can be mitigated by using other mechanisms such as the selective emitter, the embedded structure on the emitter as an optical filter, or using alternative dielectric spacer materials with broad spectral infrared transparency to improve the overall efficiency of the system.
Footnotes |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: |
‡ These authors contributed equally. |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2025 |