Retno Dwi
Ricky Dwi
Satria Zulkarnaen
*bc and
aMaterials and Structures Laboratory, Institute of Integrated Research, Institute of Science Tokyo, 4259 Nagatsuta-cho, Midori-ku, Yokohama, Kanagawa 226-8503, Japan. E-mail:
bRIKEN Center for Emergent Matter Science (CEMS), 2-1 Hirosawa, Wako, Saitama 351-0198, Japan
cDepartment of Applied Physics and Chemical Engineering, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, 2-24-16 Nakacho, Koganei, Tokyo 184-8588, Japan. E-mail:
First published on 3rd February 2025
The growing need for high-performance computing continues to drive improvement in circuit and device technologies, particularly with respect to speed and power efficiency. Device scaling remains the most effective strategy for meeting circuit performance requirements while reducing power consumption. Thanks to their solution processability, colloidal semiconductor quantum dots (QDs) are highly suitable for device miniaturisation as quantum information science platforms. Quantum mechanical effects must be carefully considered when designing nanometre-scale electronic devices (i.e., transistors) that incorporate a single QD. Here, we demonstrate a resonant tunnelling transistor (RTT) based on a single lead sulfide (PbS) QD anchored by a bidentate ligand molecule attached to heteroepitaxial spherical Au/Pt nanogap electrodes. Five negative differential resistances (NDRs) were observed at both positive and negative drain voltages in output characteristics, which could be attributed to the formation of a double-barrier “quantum well” structure with the strong Fermi level pinning of the discrete energy level of the QD to one electrode. Furthermore, these NDRs could be tuned by applying a gate electric field, which will become one of the keys for enabling quantum and neuromorphic electronics. This demonstration of single PbS-QD-based RTTs paves the way for sub-10 nm solution-processable quantum electronic devices.
Negative differential resistance (NDR) is characterised by a decrease in drain current (ID) while the drain voltage (VD) increases. These NDR regions have been proposed to originate from resonant electron tunnelling through discrete energy levels in quantum well structures.6–9 Recently, NDR effects in semiconductors have attracted significant interest in developing high-frequency oscillators, high-speed logic, and memory devices.10–12 Importantly, multiple NDRs in resonant tunnelling transistors (RTTs) are particularly promising for proposed MVL applications due to their fast switching speed and the potential for device miniaturisation.13,14 Furthermore, the tunnelling mechanism in RTTs is advantageous because, unlike various conventional FETs, RTTs are predicted to not suffer from short-channel effects due to their tunnelling mechanism.15,16
Recent advances in the synthesis and technologies of advanced materials have restarted the interest in driving progress in the MVL field, alongside the urgency to make these technologies practical. Among all emerging materials (that also include van der Waals (vdW), organics, and oxide materials), colloidal semiconductor quantum dots (QDs) are among the best candidates for realising MVL devices. The recent development of well-defined synthetic procedures for certain QD compounds, along with their low-cost fabrication, makes colloidal QDs highly suitable to support device miniaturisation through solution processing, thereby positioning them as ideal candidates for new platforms in quantum information science.17,18
Colloidal QDs possess quantum confinement effects, which leads to the quantisation of their discrete energy levels and bandgap tunability by size.19,20 This quantum confinement effect is crucial for designing nanometre-scale electronic devices (i.e., transistors) that involve a single QD.21–23 The study of single colloidal QD devices has gained renewed attention in recent years due to their potential advanced electronic application. Recently, single PbS colloidal QDs have demonstrated significant advances, including the observation of single-electron transistor (SET) behaviour and even Kondo effects,21 highlighting their versatility in exploring quantum phenomena at the nanoscale. Additionally, using our unique electroless Au plating (ELGP) method of heteroepitaxial-spherical (HS) Au/Pt nanogap electrodes, we recently reported the coexistence of resonant tunnelling current and single-electron tunnelling current on a single cadmium sulphide (CdS) colloidal QD SET.24
HS-Au/Pt nanogap electrodes have been fabricated by combining ELGP with electron beam lithography (EBL), resulting in a fabrication yield of 90% without any short circuit.30–32 Au nanogap electrodes are commonly known to be thermally unstable owing to Rayleigh instability.25,26 Therefore, we introduced Pt as the base material for source and drain electrodes, with a 10 nm linewidth, to achieve large gate capacitance.27 Pt is a more suitable material because of its higher melting point and a surface diffusion coefficient that is 107 to 108 times smaller than that of Au.28 We then established the fabrication process of an ELGP HS-Au/Pt nanogap on a Pt-based nanogap, allowing the heteroepitaxial growth of Au on initial polycrystal Pt nanogap electrodes to decrease and control the gap separation for single QD devices29–31 (ESI Note 2†). Our ELGP is a unique method that enables the simultaneous fabrication of multiple nanogaps and precise control of the gap separation of nanogap electrodes.30,31
An essential strategy is a bottom–up approach to fabricating a high-quality single QD transistor based on the colloidal process that can be anchored between HS-Au/Pt nanogap electrodes. The HS-Au/Pt nanogap consists of one pair of Au spheres with small radii (<5 nm), so a single QD could be anchored using a thiol-based bidentate ligand to Au electrodes.24,30
The resonant tunnelling current coexists with the single-tunnelling electron tunnelling current on a single QD SET,24 so the resonant tunnelling current flows through the quantised energy levels of the QD and depends on the number of electrons on the QD. This is beneficial for implementing MVL devices. Nevertheless, challenges related to the conceptual fabrication of MVL devices require radical solutions.
Here, we demonstrate multiple NDRs in RTTs utilising a single lead sulfide (PbS) colloidal QD as its fundamental building block. PbS QDs were chosen for their well-established synthetic process and large electron Bohr radius. This provides robust and stable quantum confinement at the given QD diameters, leading to the well-defined formation of discrete energy levels. To effectively anchor the single QD between the nanogap electrodes, self-assembled monolayers (SAMs) of 1,2-ethanedithiol (EDT) and 1,4-butanedithiol (BuDT) were formed on the surface of our HS-Au/Pt nanogap electrodes. These ligands are critical for creating a strong and stable anchor between the QD and electrode, which is essential for enabling Fermi-level pinning and enhancing resonant tunnelling, ultimately leading to the observation of NDR. We discussed the properties of single PbS QD transistors, focusing on the multiple NDR features and Coulomb oscillations observed with and without dithiol anchoring. The role of dithiol anchoring was analysed, particularly in how it may help pin the QD Fermi level to the electrode as the possible mechanism of RTT operations.
Appropriate selection of dithiol anchor molecules enables us to realise high-performance RTT based on a single PbS QD. It should be noted that PbS colloidal QDs are protectively capped by long and insulating native oleic acid (OAc) ligands. Ligand exchange in the solid-state is the viable way to replace these native oleic acid ligands with the desired anchoring ones.35 However, performing ligand exchange on the QD after it has landed between the nanogap electrode would be challenging due to the potential movement of the QDs during the exchange process.36
Therefore, we introduced a method that simultaneously exchanges the ligand and directly anchors the QD onto the HS-Au/Pt nanogap electrode. It was achieved by preparing EDT or BuDT SAM on the HS-Au/Pt nanogap electrode on which the QD will be anchored.37,38 The stronger affinity of the thiol-based bidentate ligands to the surface of the PbS QD than of the OAc enables the attachment of the PbS QD and replacement of the OAc.39–41 Consequently, the prepared nanogap separation should be designed to equal the sizes of the QD and the bidentate molecules. Fig. 1b shows the scanning electron microscope (SEM) image of the fabricated RTT with a PbS QD of 8.1 nm. The small gap between the QD and Au source electrode suggests anchoring by the alkane-dithiol molecule (in this case, EDT).
The two alkane-dithiol anchoring molecules with different chain lengths (BuDT and EDT) were expected to modulate the carrier transport of the RTT. The molecular lengths for EDT, BuDT, and OAc are 0.5 nm, 0.7 nm, and 2 nm, respectively, which change the distance between the QD and the Au electrode. Additionally, the ligand exchange process of oleic acid with thiol-based ligands alters the configurations of a single QD between the HS-Au/Pt nanogap electrode. The width of the tunnel barriers can be adjusted using these molecular ligands with different chain lengths, which varies the interaction between the discrete energy levels of QD and Au electrodes. The strong bonds between Au and the alkane-dithiol, as well as between the alkane-dithiol and the PbS QD, anchor the QD with the Au electrode, and Fermi-level pinning becomes strong by decreasing the chain length in the nanogap system.42–45 This combination of HS-Au/Pt nanogap electrodes and molecular anchoring resulted in a yield of working RTT of 1.3%.
We then estimated the ratio of the current at the resonant tunnelling peak to that at the valley before the current started to increase again with voltage, commonly referred to as the peak-to-valley ratio (PVR). The latter is a widely used metric for measuring NDR performance. PVR values were calculated at five distinct NDR peaks as 1.32, 1.27, 1.35, 1.32, and 1.45 (Fig. S6†). Although smaller than that in single-molecule transistor-based47 and molecular monolayer-based48 NDR devices, which can achieve a PVR of over 30 and 100, respectively, to our knowledge, multiple (5) NDRs and this PVR value are the first ever reported for a single-QD RTT.
Due to the capability to apply a large bias voltage ranging from −2 V to 2 V, we could observe multiple periods of NDR features in both positive and negative VD regimes. Five NDR periods are available in both regimes, which can be used in five multi-logic states within this VD range.
We plotted the differential conductance dID/dVD of the QD device for different values of applied VG to highlight the peaks and valleys of NDR behaviour (Fig. 2b). The origin of the observed NDR was fundamentally tied to the discrete energy levels in the PbS QD and the alignment of these energy levels with the Fermi levels of the source/drain electrodes. The nearly periodic peak-to-peak voltages of the NDRs (approximately 290–360 mV) reflected the interplay between Coulomb blockade effects and the degeneracy of the 1S level in the PbS QD.
Unlike Cd- or Hg-chalcogenides, which exhibit single degeneracy,49 lead chalcogenides, such as PbS, have an intriguing band structure with the fundamental gap located at the L-point of the Brillouin zone.50–52 Therefore, they have four-fold valley degeneracy. The characteristics of valley degeneracy of the compound can be translated into the multiplicity of the energy levels in single QD devices. This occurrence has been observed in single Si QD devices.53–55
Therefore, the PbS QD can lead to quantum-confined levels with a four-fold34,41,56 higher multiplicity than materials like CdS QD. Eight electrons can occupy four-fold valley degeneracy. Our observation of five equally spaced resonances, corresponding to the sequential filling of the eight-fold degenerate electron level, confirmed the higher multiplicity of PbS energy levels. This high degeneracy allows for multiple NDR features as the voltage varies, reflecting the periodic alignment of these degenerate states with the electrode Fermi level, resulting in periodic NDR spacing. Our results on equally spaced peak-to-peak features are consistent with previous reports on another lead chalcogenide with four-fold degeneracy, specifically PbSe QDs.57,58 Importantly, by using ELGP HS-Au/Pt nanogap electrodes, we could apply a broader voltage range, enabling us to access more resonance peaks.
In contrast to II–VI semiconductors, the effective masses of electrons and holes are nearly equal, leading to symmetric conduction and valence bands. The two lowest levels in this structure had S and P envelope symmetry, respectively. The measured tunnelling spectrum reflected the symmetric levels scheme (Fig. 2b and Fig. S5†).
The observation of NDRs in the measured ID–VD characteristics strongly indicated that this sample operated as an RTT. To highlight the reproducibility of these features, we presented similar NDR phenomena in another transistor (Note 4, ESI†), which exhibited well-pronounced multiple NDR properties in positive and negative VD bias regimes (Fig. S7†), with PVR values of 1.39, 1.33, 1.29, 1.23, and 1.27 (Fig. S8†).
Replacing BuDT with shorter bidentate thiol ligands, such as EDT, could enhance the coupling between the Au electrodes and PbS QD. Notably, the measured ID–VD characteristics of these EDT-anchored devices also exhibited NDR properties in both positive and negative VD regions (Fig. S9†). The differential conductance as a function of gate voltage also indicated the NDR feature, with a slight shift towards positive VD as VG decreased. A comparable shift in the NDR peaks was also observed in BuDT-anchored devices (Fig. 2b), confirming that both devices underwent effective gate modulation. The observations of NDR features in these two sets of RTTs demonstrated that pinning the QD Fermi level to the electrode using strong bonding between bidentate thiol molecules and Au was crucial for achieving resonant tunnelling transport.
In contrast, Fig. 3c shows the corresponding ID–VG transfer characteristics of PbS QD capped with molecules with carboxylic acid moieties, i.e., oleic acid (OAc), which exhibited a much smaller number of Coulomb oscillations. Within the similar VG range, only two peaks were observed, with a peak-to-peak VG difference of approximately 1.5 V. A similar number of Coulomb oscillation peaks was reproducibly observed in another set of OAc-capped PbS QD devices (Fig. S10†).
The number of Coulomb oscillations directly determines the number of possible logic states that can be generated. A higher number of logic states can be achieved within the same VG range if the spacing between oscillation peaks (ΔVG) is smaller. In other words, a small ΔVG is preferable for creating logic states.
On the larger tunnelling junction side, either at the source or the drain electrodes, a resonant tunnelling current flowed when the Fermi level of the electrode aligned with the available pinned discrete energy levels of the QD. This alignment enhanced the tunnelling current, which appeared as parallel red conductance line features corresponding to the NDR peaks.
Meanwhile, parallel black lines (dID/dVD < 0) were observed between these red parallel conductance lines, which corresponded to the NDR valleys. These valleys occur if the alignment between the Fermi level of the electrode and the pinned discrete energy level is disrupted.
The stability diagram also showed parallel red and black line patterns for the EDT-anchored PbS QD device, suggesting RTT operation (Fig. 4b). This device demonstrated wider conductance peak-to-peak VG periods and higher conductance values than those of BuDT-anchored PbS QD.
The well-defined NDRs and Coulomb oscillations observed over a broad range of VD and ID in these bidentate ligand-anchored PbS QD transistors confirmed their operation as robust RTTs. This phenomenon also provided the most plausible explanation for the multiple parallel lines in the stability diagrams (Fig. 4a and b). The strong anchoring of PbS QDs to the HS-Au/Pt electrode using bidentate molecular ligands pins the QD Fermi energy level to the electrode. Consequently, the NDRs and Coulomb oscillations arise from quantum tunnelling and the quantised electron occupancy of the QD, which contain multiple resonant states or energy levels. Under specific bias conditions, tunnelling occurs through discrete energy levels within the quantum well structure of the device, producing NDRs and Coulomb oscillation regions.
These observations are challenging to interpret within the conventional framework of single-electron transistors (SETs). Studies on single PbS QD21 or Si QD53 transistors have predominantly utilised relatively long ligands to couple the QD with the electrodes, and Coulomb staircases without NDR have been observed in ID–Vd characteristics as SET behaviour.
To investigate the dependence upon ligand length, we also attempted to fabricate a single PbS QD SET using longer ligands in conjunction with HS-Au/Pt nanogap electrodes. When native OAc capping ligands were retained without ligand exchange, the resulting PbS QD HS-Au/Pt nanogap device exhibited conventional SET behaviour. This finding aligns with prior studies, including recent work21 that established the foundation of this field. The stability diagram (Fig. 4c) showed multiple Coulomb diamonds across the applied VG range. Each diamond corresponded to a well-defined, quantised number of confined electrons in the PbS QD.
Notably, the greater number of the observed Coulomb diamonds in our study compared with that in earlier reports21,60 could be attributed to the enhanced gate capacitance provided by the robust HS-Au/Pt nanogap electrodes. This configuration enabled the application of broader ranges of drain and gate voltage, extending the accessible operating regime of the device.
The difference between what has been observed in the devices utilising bidentate thiolate ligands and the native OAc ligand is striking. As the work function decayed exponentially against the distance, short bidentate thiolate ligands (EDT: l = 0.5 nm and BuDT: l = 0.7 nm)could bind strongly and enhance the overlap of the work functions between PbS QD and the Au electrode. On the contrary, the long native OAc ligand (2.0 nm) lacked the overlap of the work functions. Furthermore, the carboxylic acid moiety of the OAc has weaker bond strength to the PbS QD than thiolate ligands.37 As a result, the PbS QD was “physisorbed” between the HS-Au/Pt nanogap electrodes. Consequently, a possible explanation of these differences is the overlap of the work functions through short and strong chemical anchoring that enhances Fermi-level pinning between the QD and the Au electrode, whereas a long OAc ligand inhibits Fermi-level pinning.
MVL aims to represent information using more than two binary states. Incorporating multiple NDR features allows for the efficient processing of a broader range of logic states, enabling more information to be carried per signal. This leads to increased data density and computational capability. Moreover, multiple NDRs in RTTs provide multiple logic states within a single device, potentially reducing the overall number of transistors and power consumption in the MVL system.61 Therefore, the pronounced multiple (5) NDR behaviour observed in our single PbS QD transistor directly supports its potential for MVL logic circuits, high-frequency oscillators, and advanced memory applications.
In addition, the NDR features observed in our devices may be relevant to memristive behaviour. Studies have demonstrated that PbS QDs exhibit promising resistive switching properties and can be utilised for data storage and computing applications.62,63 In those studies, the self-assembly of PbS QDs played a critical part in enabling memristor behaviour and enhancing the uniformity and performance of resistive switching devices. Similarly, the NDR behaviour in our device could serve as a foundation for multi-level memory devices or neuromorphic computing systems.
While we recognise that the current PVR observed in our device is relatively small, posing challenges for achieving practical MVL functionality, our study provides a foundation for further exploration of MVL concepts using NDR features in RTTs. The presence of multiple NDR peaks indicates a promising potential for MVL technology. Further optimisation, such as using a much smaller QD size or exploring alternative QD materials, might help achieve higher PVR. Additionally, the unique combination of resonant tunnelling and Coulomb oscillations demonstrated in our devices further distinguishes them from prior studies, which were largely limited to observing Coulomb blockade phenomena. These results suggest that our approach broadens the functionality of single QD transistors but also positions them as a versatile platform for integrating QDs into practical MVL architectures. Such versatility is especially valuable for next-generation nanoelectronics, where high-speed and low-power requirements are paramount.
The type of ligand molecules strongly influenced the transport characteristics of the single PbS QD devices. Due to the strong Fermi level pinning between the QD and the Au electrode, short chemical anchoring of the QD using bidentate thiol ligands was the key to realising RTTs demonstrating clear NDRs and Coulomb oscillation behaviours, making them suitable for future MVL operations. The observed multiple NDR occurrences arose from the inherent properties of the used semiconducting colloidal PbS QDs, specifically their high degeneracy. In contrast, the absence of the overlap of the work functions on the long native OAc ligand led to conventional SET operation with well-defined Coulomb diamonds. The robustness and controllability of the RTT and SET operations based on single colloidal QD and HS-Au/Pt nanogap electrodes could pave the way for the future development of solution-processable MVL devices for quantum and neuromorphic electronics.
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2025 |