Issue 3, 2025

Non-monotonic frictional behavior in the lubricated sliding of soft patterned surfaces


We study the lubricated contact of sliding soft surfaces that are locally patterned but globally cylindrical, held together under an external normal force. We consider gently engineered sinusoidal patterns with small slopes. Three dimensionless parameters govern the system: a speed, and the amplitude and wavelength of the pattern. Using numerical solutions of the Reynolds lubrication equation, we investigate the effects of these dimensionless parameters on key variables such as contact pressure and the coefficient of friction of the lubricated system. For small pattern amplitudes, the coefficient of friction increases with the amplitude. However, our findings reveal that increasing pattern amplitude beyond a critical value can decrease the friction coefficient, a result that contradicts conventional intuition and classical studies on the lubrication of rigid surfaces. For very large amplitudes, we show that the coefficient of friction drops even below the corresponding smooth case. We support these observations with a combination of perturbation theory and physical arguments, identifying scaling laws for large and small speeds, and for large and small pattern amplitudes. This study provides a quantitative understanding of friction in the contact of soft, wet objects and lays theoretical foundations for incorporating the friction coefficient into haptic feedback systems in soft robotics and haptic engineering.

Graphical abstract: Non-monotonic frictional behavior in the lubricated sliding of soft patterned surfaces

Article information

Article type
27 aug 2024
14 dec 2024
First published
16 dec 2024

Soft Matter, 2025,21, 448-457

Non-monotonic frictional behavior in the lubricated sliding of soft patterned surfaces

A. Kargar-Estahbanati and B. Rallabandi, Soft Matter, 2025, 21, 448 DOI: 10.1039/D4SM01018C

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