Issue 8, 2025

Unraveling the light-promoted synergy between highly dispersed Ni and Ni nanoparticles for efficient photothermocatalytic cellulose steam reforming to syngas


As a sustainable strategy for renewable biomass conversion to green syngas (H2 and CO), photothermocatalytic cellulose steam reforming encounters arduous challenges, including high byproduct selectivities, low efficiency, and susceptibility to deactivation. Herein, we report a photothermocatalyst (10Ni/MgOET) with suitable dual-site composition of highly dispersed Ni and Ni nanoparticles (NPs) for the breakdown of complex byproducts. It achieved an optimized photothermocatalytic production rate of syngas (rH2 of 4986.6 mmol gcatalyst−1 h−1, rCO of 2752.7 mmol gcatalyst−1 h−1) and light-to-fuel efficiency (8.3%) among the photocatalysts and photothermocatalysts reported so far. Characterization results revealed that the enhanced photothermocatalytic activity is due to a remarkable synergy in H2O dissociation to O* by highly dispersed Ni sites and tar cracking by Ni NPs. In particular, photoactivation promotes the synergy by accelerating H2O dissociation to O* (with release of H2) and O* activation, thus enhancing the conversion of tar to syngas and preventing the deactivation caused by char encapsulation. Thus, these findings offer an excellent strategy and insightful mechanistic understanding of photothermocatalytic syngas production.

Graphical abstract: Unraveling the light-promoted synergy between highly dispersed Ni and Ni nanoparticles for efficient photothermocatalytic cellulose steam reforming to syngas

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Article information

Article type
19 dec 2024
13 jan 2025
First published
14 jan 2025

J. Mater. Chem. A, 2025,13, 5670-5683

Unraveling the light-promoted synergy between highly dispersed Ni and Ni nanoparticles for efficient photothermocatalytic cellulose steam reforming to syngas

M. Zhong, Y. Li, J. Wu, C. Ji, Q. Du, Q. Hu and L. Ji, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2025, 13, 5670 DOI: 10.1039/D4TA09022E

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