Issue 8, 2023

Absolute environmental sustainability assessment of renewable dimethyl ether fuelled heavy-duty trucks


In recent years, liquid fuels from renewable carbon that can replace fossil ones with minimal infrastructure changes have attracted increasing interest in decarbonising the heavy-duty long-haul sector. Here we focus on dimethyl ether (DME), a promising alternative to diesel due to its high cetane number, oxygen content, and more efficient and cleaner propulsion that results in low particulate matter and sulphur oxide emissions. Going well beyond previous studies that quantified the environmental impact of DME, often in terms of global warming, here we evaluate DME use in heavy-duty trucks in the context of seven planetary boundaries, all essential for maintaining the Earth's stability. Focusing on several scenarios differing in the feedstock origin, we find that routes based on fossil carbon, either in the form of coal, natural gas, or captured CO2 from fossil plants, would increase the greenhouse gas emissions relative to the business-as-usual. Only scenarios based on renewable carbon could reduce the impacts on climate change, while hydrogen from biomass gasification coupled with carbon capture and storage (CCS) and DME from biomass gasification with CCS could enable an environmentally sustainable operation within all the planetary boundaries. Overall, our work opens up new avenues for the environmental assessment of fuels considering the finite capacity of the Earth system to guide research and policy-making more sensibly.

Graphical abstract: Absolute environmental sustainability assessment of renewable dimethyl ether fuelled heavy-duty trucks

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Article information

Article type
10 okt 2022
06 mrt 2023
First published
07 mrt 2023
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY-NC license

Sustainable Energy Fuels, 2023,7, 1930-1941

Absolute environmental sustainability assessment of renewable dimethyl ether fuelled heavy-duty trucks

M. A. Charalambous, V. Tulus, M. W. Ryberg, J. Pérez-Ramírez and G. Guillén-Gosálbez, Sustainable Energy Fuels, 2023, 7, 1930 DOI: 10.1039/D2SE01409B

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