Issue 4, 2023

Bio-based agricultural products: a sustainable alternative to agrochemicals for promoting a circular economy


The renewable and sustainable nature of bio-based products has made them increasingly popular in commercial and industrial applications. Bio-based products are not only environmentally friendly, but they also offer economic benefits, promoting sustainability and creating opportunities for businesses and consumers. As a result, bio-based products have become an appealing choice in the agrochemical market. In this review, we present the latest research findings on bio-based agricultural products as viable substitutes for agrochemicals, along with an overview of the current state of the agrochemicals market. The review's main objective is to highlight a range of bio-based products and their applications, with a particular focus on the potential of waste streams to drive the development of a circular economy. We observe that integrating biowaste into the circular economy can significantly boost the production of sustainable bioproducts and bioenergy, ultimately contributing to the fulfillment of the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goal #12 of promoting sustainable consumption and production.

Graphical abstract: Bio-based agricultural products: a sustainable alternative to agrochemicals for promoting a circular economy

Article information

Article type
Critical Review
02 mrt 2023
16 apr 2023
First published
21 apr 2023
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY-NC license

RSC Sustain., 2023,1, 746-762

Bio-based agricultural products: a sustainable alternative to agrochemicals for promoting a circular economy

A. K. Priya, A. Alagumalai, D. Balaji and H. Song, RSC Sustain., 2023, 1, 746 DOI: 10.1039/D3SU00075C

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