Issue 41, 2024

Symmetry reduction induced by argon tagging gives access to low-lying excited states of FeH+ in the overtone region of the Fe–H stretching mode


Iron is the most abundant transition metal in the interstellar medium (ISM), and is thought to be involved in a variety of astrochemical processes. Here, we present the infrared multiple photon dissociation (IRMPD) spectra of Ar1,2FeH+ and their deuterated isotopologues in the region of 2240–14 000 cm−1. The Fe–H overtone stretching mode in ArFeH+ and Ar2FeH+ is observed at 3636 ± 28 cm−1 and 3659 ± 13 cm−1, respectively. Deuteration shifts these bands to 2618 ± 31 cm−1 and 2650 ± 14 cm−1 in ArFeD+ and Ar2FeD+, respectively. Additionally, the spectra of Ar2FeH+ and Ar2FeD+ feature broad transitions at ∼2200–4000 cm−1 and ∼4500–6500 cm−1. We assign these bands to electronic transitions from the thermally populated X5A2/X′5A1 ground state manifold into the A′5B2 and B5A1 states, which we model with multi-reference quantum chemical calculations including spin–orbit coupling. The calculations show that these transitions are symmetry forbidden in FeH+ and in the equilibrium geometry of ArFeH+/ArFeD+, while the zero-point oscillation of the bending mode of the triatomic molecule leads to some oscillator strength. Upon addition of the second argon atom, the transitions become weakly allowed in the equilibrium geometry of Ar2FeH+/Ar2FeD+ due to symmetry reduction from C∞v to C2v.

Graphical abstract: Symmetry reduction induced by argon tagging gives access to low-lying excited states of FeH+ in the overtone region of the Fe–H stretching mode

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Article type
20 aug 2024
01 okt 2024
First published
01 okt 2024
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY license

Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2024,26, 26363-26369

Symmetry reduction induced by argon tagging gives access to low-lying excited states of FeH+ in the overtone region of the Fe–H stretching mode

S. Jin, M. Juanes, C. van der Linde, M. Ončák and M. K. Beyer, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2024, 26, 26363 DOI: 10.1039/D4CP03270E

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