Issue 48, 2024

Beyond the triple bond: unlocking dinitrogen activation with tailored superbase phosphines


Activating atmospheric dinitrogen (N2), a molecule with a remarkably strong triple bond, remains a major challenge in chemistry. This theoretical study explores the potential of superbase phosphines, specifically those decorated with imidazolin-2-imine ((ImN)3P) and imidazolin-2-methylidene ((ImCH)3P) to facilitate N2 activation and subsequent hydrazine (H2NNH2) formation. Using density functional theory (DFT) at the M06L/6-311++G(d,p) level, we investigated the interactions between these phosphines and N2. Mono-phosphine–N2 complexes exhibit weak, noncovalent interactions (−0.6 to −7.1 kcal mol−1). Notably, two superbasic phosphines also form high-energy hypervalent complexes with N2, albeit at significantly higher energies. The superbasic nature and potential for the hypervalency of these phosphines lead to substantial N2 activation in bis-phosphine–N2 complexes, where N2 is “sandwiched” between two phosphine moieties through hypervalent P–N bonds. Among the phosphines studied, only (ImN)3P forms an exothermic sandwich complex with N2, stabilized by hydrogen bonding between the ImN substituents and the central N2 molecule. A two-step, exothermic hydrogen transfer pathway from (ImN)3P to N2 results in the formation of a bis-phosphine–diimine (HNNH) sandwich complex. Subsequent hydrogen transfer leads to the formation of a bis-phosphine–hydrazine (H2NNH2) complex, a process that, although endothermic, exhibits surmountable activation barriers. The relatively low energy requirements for this overall transformation suggest its potential feasibility under the optimized conditions. This theoretical exploration highlights the promise of superbase phosphines as a strategy for metal-free N2 activation, opening doors for the development of more efficient and sustainable nitrogen fixation and utilization methods.

Graphical abstract: Beyond the triple bond: unlocking dinitrogen activation with tailored superbase phosphines

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Article information

Article type
23 sep 2024
01 nov 2024
First published
04 nov 2024

Dalton Trans., 2024,53, 19235-19245

Beyond the triple bond: unlocking dinitrogen activation with tailored superbase phosphines

V. U. Krishnapriya and C. H. Suresh, Dalton Trans., 2024, 53, 19235 DOI: 10.1039/D4DT02703E

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