Issue 11, 2024

Membrane technology for water reuse in decentralised non-sewered sanitation systems: comparison of pressure driven (reverse osmosis) and thermally driven processes (membrane distillation and pervaporation)


Membrane processes are an established barrier technology for water reclamation from wastewater. Applied at a household scale to improve sanitation practice, membrane technology can disrupt the source–receptor pathway, alleviate water scarcity through eliminating flush water and recover clean water for reuse. However, blackwater comprises a distinct composition compared to municipal wastewater, and there is only limited understanding on whether membrane selectivity is sufficient to produce water of sufficient quality for reuse. In this study, pressure driven and thermally driven membranes are evaluated for their potential to treat blackwater, by relating selectivity to relevant water quality standards (ISO 30500) and the transmission of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) that are primarily associated with faecal odour, and thus constitute a critical challenge to water reuse. Both pressure driven (reverse osmosis) and thermally driven (membrane distillation and pervaporation) membranes were able to produce water that conformed to category B of the ISO 30500 standard for the majority of determinants. A critical limiting factor was in the selectivity for ammonia and odorous VOCs which were generally poorly removed by reverse osmosis and membrane distillation. The high ammonia transmission was accounted for by the elevated pH of blackwater which shifted the ammonium equilibria toward volatile ammonia which is poorly separated by RO polymers, and is free to diffuse through the gas-filled micropores of the membrane distillation membrane. In contrast, greater ammonia and VOC separation was evidenced for the pervaporation membrane due to advanced polymer–solute interactions. In a preliminary assessment, the hydrophilicity exhibited by the membrane was also advantageous to withstanding fouling. If complemented with a polishing step to target the residual COD and VOCs (that may be of similar origin), pervaporation could deliver to category A standard for non-potable reuse. This is particularly advantageous for water scarce regions where solar or liquified fuels may be applied in favour of electricity for off-grid sanitation.

Graphical abstract: Membrane technology for water reuse in decentralised non-sewered sanitation systems: comparison of pressure driven (reverse osmosis) and thermally driven processes (membrane distillation and pervaporation)

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Article type
12 mrt 2024
16 aug 2024
First published
19 aug 2024
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY license

Environ. Sci.: Water Res. Technol., 2024,10, 2831-2843

Membrane technology for water reuse in decentralised non-sewered sanitation systems: comparison of pressure driven (reverse osmosis) and thermally driven processes (membrane distillation and pervaporation)

E. Mercer, C. Davey, Y. B. Fernández, S. Septien, S. Tyrrel, E. Cartmell, M. Pidou and E. J. McAdam, Environ. Sci.: Water Res. Technol., 2024, 10, 2831 DOI: 10.1039/D4EW00200H

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