Issue 4, 2024

Biological design and inspiration of bactericidal hierarchical interfaces


Surfaces act as reservoirs for the proliferation of microorganisms, including bacteria and viruses, that can be transmitted to individuals who come into contact with them. The phenomenon is known as “fomite transmission”, where pathogens can survive on surfaces for varying periods, depending on the material and environmental conditions. Fomite transmission plays a significant role in spreading infectious diseases. This transmission route is particularly relevant in high-traffic environments like healthcare facilities, public transportation, schools, etc. Developing surfaces with bactericidal or antiviral properties and designing spaces to minimize surface contact are strategies to reduce the risk of fomite transmission. This is where the concept of nature-inspired bactericidal surfaces becomes valuable. Nature offers sustainable surface design for preventing bacterial colonization and growth. Crafting nature-inspired bactericidal surfaces can lead to the development of materials that can help prevent the spread of infections, reduce the need for frequent cleaning, and potentially contribute to healthcare and hygiene applications. To minimize human health and environmental issues, instead of using harmful disinfectants regularly in public places, nanoengineered surfaces with antipathogen features could alternatively halt microbial growth to prevent the risk of establishing a surface-contamination network. In infectious disease control, this work aims to provide a detailed overview and perspective on the importance of developing nature-inspired bactericidal surfaces to combat surface contamination issues. This approach holds the potential to offer more sustainable and practical solutions compared to traditional methods of using disinfectants and harsh chemicals.

Graphical abstract: Biological design and inspiration of bactericidal hierarchical interfaces

Article information

Article type
Review Article
25 dec 2023
23 apr 2024
First published
22 mei 2024
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY license

RSC Appl. Interfaces, 2024,1, 648-666

Biological design and inspiration of bactericidal hierarchical interfaces

M. Muneer, H. P. Kalappurackal, A. Balachandran and S. Lone, RSC Appl. Interfaces, 2024, 1, 648 DOI: 10.1039/D3LF00267E

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