Issue 5, 2024

Real-time detection and classification of PFAS using dynamic behaviors at liquid–liquid interfaces


Rapid detection and classification of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are important for monitoring their concentrations at potential contamination sites due to their severe impact on environmental and health safety. Herein, we present a combination of Janus droplets and microfluidics-based sensors to measure dynamic interfacial behaviors of PFAS at liquid–liquid interfaces. The time-series data are used as chemical fingerprints to classify the identity of PFAS based on their differences in chain length and head group and quantify their concentration. We demonstrate that classification of four different PFAS is possible using the time-series data of under ten minutes. We also extend this proof-of-concept work toward complex matrices of synthetic groundwater and binary mixtures of PFAS. Our results illustrate the potential of a real-time and continuous sensing platform for on-site environmental monitoring.

Graphical abstract: Real-time detection and classification of PFAS using dynamic behaviors at liquid–liquid interfaces

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Article information

Article type
13 apr 2024
04 mei 2024
First published
16 mei 2024
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY-NC license

RSC Appl. Interfaces, 2024,1, 1045-1056

Real-time detection and classification of PFAS using dynamic behaviors at liquid–liquid interfaces

B. Barua, L. K. Dunham, A. Gadh and S. Savagatrup, RSC Appl. Interfaces, 2024, 1, 1045 DOI: 10.1039/D4LF00128A

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