Issue 47, 2024

Applications of nanotheranostics in the second near-infrared window in bioimaging and cancer treatment


Achieving accurate and efficient tumor imaging is crucial in the field of tumor treatment, as it facilitates early detection and precise localization of tumor tissues, thereby informing therapeutic strategies and surgical interventions. The optical imaging technology within the second near-infrared (NIR-II) window has garnered significant interest for its remarkable benefits, such as enhanced tissue penetration depth, superior signal-to-background ratio (SBR), minimal tissue autofluorescence, reduced photon attenuation, and lower tissue scattering. This review explained the design and optimization strategies of nano-agents responsive to the NIR-II window, such as single-walled carbon nanotubes, quantum dots, lanthanum-based nanomaterials, and noble metal nanomaterials. These nano-agents enable non-invasive, deep-tissue imaging with high spatial resolution in the NIR-II window, and their superior optical properties significantly improve the accuracy, efficiency, and versatility of imaging-guided tumor treatments. And we discussed the characteristics and advantages of fluorescence imaging (FL)/photoacoustic imaging (PA) in NIR-II window, providing a comprehensive overview of the latest research progress of different nano-agents in FL/PA imaging-guided tumor therapy. Furthermore, we exhaustively reviewed the latest applications of multifunctional nano-phototherapy technologies carried out by NIR-II light including photothermal therapy (PTT), photodynamic therapy (PDT), and combined modalities like photothermal-chemodynamic therapy (PTT-CDT), photothermal-chemotherapy (PTT-CT), and photothermal- immunotherapy (PTT-IO). These imaging-guided integrated tumor therapy approaches within the NIR-II window have gradually matured over the past decade and are expected to become a safe and effective non-invasive tumor treatment. Finally, we outlined the prospects and challenges of development and innovation of the NIR-II integrated diagnosis and therapy nanoplatform. This review aims to provide insightful perspectives for future advancements in NIR-II optical tumor diagnosis and integrated treatment platforms.

Graphical abstract: Applications of nanotheranostics in the second near-infrared window in bioimaging and cancer treatment

Article information

Article type
Review Article
24 jul 2024
29 sep 2024
First published
30 sep 2024

Nanoscale, 2024,16, 21697-21730

Applications of nanotheranostics in the second near-infrared window in bioimaging and cancer treatment

H. Li, P. Li, J. Zhang, Z. Lin, L. Bai and H. Shen, Nanoscale, 2024, 16, 21697 DOI: 10.1039/D4NR03058C

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