Issue 40, 2024

Sb2S3/AlGaAs-based reconfigurable metasurface for dynamic polarization and directionality control of quantum emitter emission


In this article, we report, to the best of our knowledge, for the first time, phase change material (PCM)-based reconfigurable metasurfaces for tailoring different degrees of freedom (DoF) of the quantum emitter (QE) emission, namely polarization and directionality, two key controlling factors in applications such as quantum computing, communication, and chiral optics. We have used a hybrid plasmon-QE coupled bullseye grating system utilizing the unexplored concept of composite nano-antennas in quantum photonics as the basic building block of the structures. Carefully engineered azimuthal width profile of the Sb2S3/AlGaAs composite ridge and selectively controlled transition of PCM (Sb2S3) states provide dynamic control over the amplitude and phase of the scattered radiation. Based on this methodology, we have designed five different metasurfaces for on-demand switching of target DoFs of QE emission, ensuring high collection efficiency due to the near-field coupling scheme. The first two metasurfaces switch the majority of the outgoing radiation from radially polarized to circularly polarized, whereas the next two switch the direction of circularly polarized outgoing radiation by a maximum of 9.23° while maintaining the spin state (or polarization chirality) in the simulation environment. The third metasurface category is capable of on-demand generation and separation of opposite spin states of outgoing radiation by 11.48° utilizing the selectively controlled phase transition of Sb2S3. Such reconfigurable multi-dimensional manipulation of QE radiation has not been investigated previously. This work proves the vast potential of active metasurfaces to modify the DoFs of QE emission, paving the way for high-dimensional quantum sources for high-speed quantum communication, higher dimensional quantum processing, and switchable chiral optics.

Graphical abstract: Sb2S3/AlGaAs-based reconfigurable metasurface for dynamic polarization and directionality control of quantum emitter emission

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Article type
23 mei 2024
01 sep 2024
First published
16 sep 2024
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY-NC license

RSC Adv., 2024,14, 29215-29228

Sb2S3/AlGaAs-based reconfigurable metasurface for dynamic polarization and directionality control of quantum emitter emission

Md. E. Karim and S. M. Choudhury, RSC Adv., 2024, 14, 29215 DOI: 10.1039/D4RA03726J

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