Issue 12, 2024

Application of a simple rule for the design of micro- or meso-scale cooled reactors in a heat transfer limited regime


Flow chemistry has greatly expanded the reaction toolbox by demonstrating a wide range of individual chemical transformations. For commercial scale processes, it provides an appealing alternative to batch reactors by reducing production costs, increasing product yield and overall process robustness. We describe an approach for continuous processing of a specialty chemical manufactured using a batch process with a typical yield of 150 kg per hour and concomitant adiabatic temperature increase of up to 250 °C. This necessitates controlled feed addition causing longer processing time, lower productivity, and undesirable polymerization reactions. We present a continuous process that addresses the challenges of thermal management and reaction selectivity using flow chemistry thereby enabling up to 12-fold reduction in residence time with a comparable product profile. Fundamental reactor engineering and design principles and associated safety considerations used for designing the reactor and continuous process are described. Guided by this analysis, a continuous process using a ¼ inch tubular reactor is investigated. The results indicate residence time reduction from 6 hours to 30 minutes for comparable feed conversion of 87% and similar product composition. Greater than 90% conversion could not be achieved in the current reactor configuration and associated reactor runaway analysis suggests feed decomposition due to pressure fluctuations or insufficient reactants in the reactor. The analysis highlights the need for designing a reactor with better pressure control using a back pressure regulator and choosing a smaller diameter tube. These insights underscore the importance of applying fundamental reactor engineering principles for designing safe and efficient processes at an industrial scale.

Graphical abstract: Application of a simple rule for the design of micro- or meso-scale cooled reactors in a heat transfer limited regime

Article information

Article type
07 mrt 2024
03 sep 2024
First published
18 sep 2024

React. Chem. Eng., 2024,9, 3311-3317

Application of a simple rule for the design of micro- or meso-scale cooled reactors in a heat transfer limited regime

K. Deshpande, J. Zeng, R. Dixit, D. West and D. Jean, React. Chem. Eng., 2024, 9, 3311 DOI: 10.1039/D4RE00128A

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