Issue 5, 2024

Prolonged near-infrared fluorescence imaging of microRNAs and proteases in vivo by aggregation-enhanced emission from DNA-AuNC nanomachines


Developing a comprehensive strategy for imaging various biomarkers (i.e., microRNAs and proteases) in vivo is an exceptionally formidable task. Herein, we have designed a deoxyribonucleic acid-gold nanocluster (DNA-AuNC) nanomachine for detecting tumor-related TK1 mRNA and cathepsin B in living cells and in vivo. The DNA-AuNC nanomachine is constructed using AuNCs and DNA modules that incorporate a three component DNA hybrid (TD) and a single-stranded fuel DNA (FD). Upon being internalized into tumor cells, the TK1 mRNA initiates the DNA-AuNC nanomachine through DNA strand displacement cascades, leading to the amplified self-assembly and the aggregation-enhanced emission of AuNCs for in situ imaging. Furthermore, with the aid of a protease nanomediator consisting of a mediator DNA/peptide complex and AuNCs (DpAuNCs), the DNA-AuNC nanomachine can be triggered by the protease-activated disassembly of the DNA/peptide complex on the nanomediator, resulting in the aggregation of AuNCs for in vivo protease amplified detection. It is worth noting that our study demonstrates the impressive tumor permeability and accumulation capabilities of the DNA-AuNC nanomachines via in situ amplified self-assembly, thereby facilitating prolonged imaging of TK1 mRNA and cathepsin B both in vitro and in vivo. This strategy presents a versatile and biomarker-specific paradigm for disease diagnosis.

Graphical abstract: Prolonged near-infrared fluorescence imaging of microRNAs and proteases in vivo by aggregation-enhanced emission from DNA-AuNC nanomachines

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Article type
Edge Article
03 nov 2023
20 dec 2023
First published
21 dec 2023
This article is Open Access

All publication charges for this article have been paid for by the Royal Society of Chemistry
Creative Commons BY-NC license

Chem. Sci., 2024,15, 1829-1839

Prolonged near-infrared fluorescence imaging of microRNAs and proteases in vivo by aggregation-enhanced emission from DNA-AuNC nanomachines

T. Wang, K. Jiang, Y. Wang, L. Xu, Y. Liu, S. Zhang, W. Xiong, Y. Wang, F. Zheng and J. Zhu, Chem. Sci., 2024, 15, 1829 DOI: 10.1039/D3SC05887E

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