Issue 15, 2024

From propenolysis to enyne metathesis: tools for expedited assembly of 4a,8a-azaboranaphthalene and extended polycycles with embedded BN


The synthesis of BN-containing molecules, which have an interesting isosteric relationship to their parent all-C cores, has drawn a great deal of attention as an avenue to alter and tune molecular function. Nevertheless, many cores with embedded BN are still hard to synthesize, and thus, further effort is required in this direction. Herein, we present an integrated approach to BN-containing polycycles rooted in an exceptionally clean B–N condensation of amines with a tri-allylborane. Having released propene as the only byproduct, the resulting BN precursors are seamlessly telescoped into BN-containing polycyclic cores via a set of additional methodologies, either developed here ad-hoc or applied for the first time for the synthesis of BN-cycles. As the “sharpening stone” of the process, BN-embedded naphthalene, which has previously only been obtained in low yield, can now be synthesized efficiently through propenolysis, ring-closing metathesis and a new high-yielding aromatization. As a more advanced application, an analogously obtained BN-containing bis-enyne is readily converted to BN-containing non-aromatic tetra-, penta- and hexacyclic structures via ring-closing enyne metathesis, followed by the Diels–Alder cycloaddition. The resulting air-sensitive structures are easily handled by preventive hydration (quaternization) of their B–N bridge; reverting this hydration restores the original Bsp2–Nsp2 structure. In the future, these structures may pave the way to BN-anthracenes and other π-extended BN-arenes.

Graphical abstract: From propenolysis to enyne metathesis: tools for expedited assembly of 4a,8a-azaboranaphthalene and extended polycycles with embedded BN

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Article information

Article type
Edge Article
12 dec 2023
02 mrt 2024
First published
07 mrt 2024
This article is Open Access

All publication charges for this article have been paid for by the Royal Society of Chemistry
Creative Commons BY-NC license

Chem. Sci., 2024,15, 5674-5680

From propenolysis to enyne metathesis: tools for expedited assembly of 4a,8a-azaboranaphthalene and extended polycycles with embedded BN

F. Rulli, G. Sanz-Liarte, P. Roca, N. Martínez, V. Medina, R. Puig de la Bellacasa, A. Shafir and A. B. Cuenca, Chem. Sci., 2024, 15, 5674 DOI: 10.1039/D3SC06676B

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