Issue 10, 2024

A flexible ligand and halogen engineering enable one phosphor-based full-color persistent luminescence in hybrid perovskitoids


Color-tunable room temperature phosphorescent (RTP) materials have raised wide interest due to their potential application in the fields of encryption and anti-counterfeiting. Herein, a series of CdX2-organic hybrid perovskitoids, (H-apim)CdX3 and (apim)CdX2 (denoted as CdX-apim1 and CdX-apim2, apim = 1-(3-aminopropyl)imidazole, X = Cl, Br), were synthesized using apim with both rigid and flexible groups as ligands, which exhibit naked-eye detectable RTP with different durations and colors (from cyan to red) by virtue of different halogen atoms, coordination modes and the coplanar configuration of flexible groups. Interestingly, CdCl-apim1 and CdX-apim2 both exhibit excitation wavelength-dependent RTP properties, which can be attributed to the multiple excitation of imidazole/apim, the diverse interactions with halogen atoms, and aggregated state of imidazoles. Structural analysis and theoretical calculations confirm that the aminopropyl groups in CdCl-apim1 do not participate in luminescence, while those in CdCl-apim2 are involved in luminescence including both metal/halogen to ligand charge transfer and twisted intramolecular charge transfer. Furthermore, we demonstrate that these perovskitoids can be applied in multi-step anti-counterfeiting, information encryption and smart ink fields. This work not only develops a new type of perovskitoid with full-color persistent luminescence, but also provides new insight into the effect of flexible ligands and halogen engineering on the wide-range modulation of RTP properties.

Graphical abstract: A flexible ligand and halogen engineering enable one phosphor-based full-color persistent luminescence in hybrid perovskitoids

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Article type
Edge Article
20 dec 2023
29 jan 2024
First published
30 jan 2024
This article is Open Access

All publication charges for this article have been paid for by the Royal Society of Chemistry
Creative Commons BY-NC license

Chem. Sci., 2024,15, 3625-3632

A flexible ligand and halogen engineering enable one phosphor-based full-color persistent luminescence in hybrid perovskitoids

G. Xiao, Y. Ma, Z. Qi, X. Fang, T. Chen and D. Yan, Chem. Sci., 2024, 15, 3625 DOI: 10.1039/D3SC06845E

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