Issue 27, 2024

Electrolyte selection toward efficient photoelectrochemical glycerol oxidation on BiVO4


Glycerol, a primary by-product of biodiesel production, can be oxidized into various value-added chemicals, significantly enhancing the techno-economic value of photoelectrochemical (PEC) cells. Several studies have explored various photoelectrode materials and co-catalysts, but the influence of electrolytes on PEC glycerol oxidation has remained relatively unexplored despite its significance. Here, we explore the impact of various acidic (pH = 2) electrolytes, namely NaNO3, NaClO4, Na2SO4, K2SO4, and KPi, on PEC glycerol oxidation using nanoporous thin film BiVO4 as a model photoanode. Our experimental findings reveal that the choice of electrolyte anion and cation significantly affects the PEC performance (i.e., photocurrent, onset potential, stability, and selectivity towards value-added products) of BiVO4 for glycerol oxidation. To explain this interesting phenomenon, we correlate the observed performance trend with the ion specificity in the Hofmeister series as well as the buffering capacity of the electrolytes. Notably, NaNO3 is identified as the optimal electrolyte for PEC glycerol oxidation with BiVO4 when considering various factors such as stability and production rates for glycerol oxidation reaction (GOR) products, surpassing the previously favored Na2SO4. Glycolaldehyde emerges as the most dominant product with ∼50% selectivity in NaNO3. The general applicability of our findings is confirmed by similar observation in electrochemical (EC) GOR with a polycrystalline platinum anode. Overall, these results emphasize the critical role of electrolyte selection in enhancing the efficiency of EC/PEC glycerol oxidation.

Graphical abstract: Electrolyte selection toward efficient photoelectrochemical glycerol oxidation on BiVO4

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Article type
Edge Article
11 mrt 2024
31 mei 2024
First published
31 mei 2024
This article is Open Access

All publication charges for this article have been paid for by the Royal Society of Chemistry
Creative Commons BY license

Chem. Sci., 2024,15, 10425-10435

Electrolyte selection toward efficient photoelectrochemical glycerol oxidation on BiVO4

H. Kong, S. Gupta, A. F. Pérez-Torres, C. Höhn, P. Bogdanoff, M. T. Mayer, R. van de Krol, M. Favaro and F. F. Abdi, Chem. Sci., 2024, 15, 10425 DOI: 10.1039/D4SC01651C

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