Issue 38, 2024

Probing the non-covalent forces key to the thermodynamics of β-hairpin unfolding


Although it is well understood that the graph of the free energy of unfolding (ΔG) of a globular protein with temperature approximates to a negative parabola, there is as yet no link between this global (G) ΔGG(T) function and the individual structural elements—residue type and the non-covalent forces between groups—contributing to it. As such, there is little understanding of how each structural element contributes to the globally assessed changes of enthalpy (ΔHG), entropy (ΔSG), and heat capacity (ΔCp(G)) of unfolding calculated from the ΔGG(T) function. To address this situation, we consider here an alternative approach to examining fold stability. Specifically, we examine the local (L) reporting of the thermodynamics of unfolding provided by each residue. By using 1H NMR spectroscopy to monitor the response of the individual mainchain amide N–H groups of β-hairpin peptides with temperature, we generate local ΔGL(T) functions, using these to calculate the local enthalpy (ΔHL), entropy (ΔSL), and heat capacity (ΔCp(L)) of unfolding. Mapping the thermodynamic changes in this way, for specific point-mutations, provides new information about how specific residues, non-covalent forces, and secondary structure type, contribute to folding. This type of information provides new details of the factors contributing to the typically measured global ΔGG(T) function.

Graphical abstract: Probing the non-covalent forces key to the thermodynamics of β-hairpin unfolding

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Article type
Edge Article
27 mei 2024
24 aug 2024
First published
26 aug 2024
This article is Open Access

All publication charges for this article have been paid for by the Royal Society of Chemistry
Creative Commons BY license

Chem. Sci., 2024,15, 15588-15598

Probing the non-covalent forces key to the thermodynamics of β-hairpin unfolding

T. H. Tran, P. Prusty, M. Ricciardi, C. R. Travis, M. L. Waters and B. C. Gibb, Chem. Sci., 2024, 15, 15588 DOI: 10.1039/D4SC03464C

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