Issue 18, 2024

MXene/CdS photothermal–photocatalytic hydrogels for efficient solar water evaporation and synergistic degradation of VOC


Solar-driven interfacial water evaporation technology (SIET) is an emerging method for achieving sustainable production of clean water. Most available studies have focused on improving the evaporation efficiency of water, while less attention has been paid to the enrichment of evaporated organic contaminants, especially volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in distilled water, which is one of the key challenges in SIET. Herein, Ti3C2 MXene/CdS (MC) nanomaterials were synthesized by acid etching and hydrothermal methods, and MC composite hydrogels (MCHs) with synergistic effects of photothermal evaporation and photocatalysis were successfully prepared by crosslinking foaming polymerization. The water evaporation rate of optimal MCHs was 1.80 kg m−2 h−1 and the photothermal conversion efficiency of 82.80% could be achieved under one sun irradiation. Most importantly, MCHs significantly degraded a variety of organic contaminants in wastewater, among which the photodegradation rate of a typical VOC (phenol) was 85.12%, and the antibiotic metronidazole was completely removed. This research inferred that the MC hydrogels could be the promising synergistic photothermal evaporation and photocatalytic materials, providing a potential pathway for sustainable clean water production in the SIET field.

Graphical abstract: MXene/CdS photothermal–photocatalytic hydrogels for efficient solar water evaporation and synergistic degradation of VOC

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Article information

Article type
03 jan 2024
25 mrt 2024
First published
26 mrt 2024

J. Mater. Chem. A, 2024,12, 10991-11003

MXene/CdS photothermal–photocatalytic hydrogels for efficient solar water evaporation and synergistic degradation of VOC

Z. Wang, L. Xu, C. Liu, S. Han, M. Fu and B. Yuan, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2024, 12, 10991 DOI: 10.1039/D4TA00038B

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