Issue 37, 2024

Unveiling the structural integrity of tunnel-type Na0.44MnO2 cathode for sodium ion battery


Tunnel-type Na0.44MnO2 (tt-NMO) is a promising cathode for sodium ion battery having excellent structural stability, diffusion kinetics, and low cost. However, this cathode is reported to suffer from low initial charge capacity (e.g., ≤60 mA h g−1) due to the limited accessibility of sodium ion extraction (0.22–0.24 Na+ per formula unit) from the structure, which hinders the practical viability of this material in a full battery cell. In this study, we report a tailored tt-NMO structure, synthesized using a two-step facile and scalable process, with >95% yield. Our tt-NMO demonstrated a 1st charge capacity of 110 mA h g−1, followed by a discharge capacity of 115 mA h g−1 within the potential window of 4–1.7 V versus Na/Na+. The long-term cycling performance at 0.5C rate and 1C rate (1C = 120 mA h g−1) shows excellent structural integrity for over 400 cycles with >75% capacity retention. We show experimentally and support it with DFT (density functional theory) calculations that the unique microstructure of this tt-NMO, with modulated Na–O bond length and Na–O–Na bond angle, results in open channels along the c-axis in the ab plane, providing a wide pathway for ion diffusion. The Na+ migration barriers (Em) along the two pathways of the c-tunnel are calculated to be within the threshold limit of Na+ migration energy barrier, which renders more sites electrochemically active, enabling the high 1st charge capacity. This novel study opens possibilities to use this unique tt-NMO as an efficient SIB (sodium ion battery) cathode by harnessing the modified structure.

Graphical abstract: Unveiling the structural integrity of tunnel-type Na0.44MnO2 cathode for sodium ion battery

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Article type
01 mei 2024
07 aug 2024
First published
08 aug 2024
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY license

J. Mater. Chem. A, 2024,12, 25109-25116

Unveiling the structural integrity of tunnel-type Na0.44MnO2 cathode for sodium ion battery

S. Chakrabarty, J. A. Dar, A. Joshi, A. Paperni, S. Taragin, A. Maddegalla, G. Sai Gautam, A. Mukherjee and M. Noked, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2024, 12, 25109 DOI: 10.1039/D4TA03034F

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