Issue 5, 2025

Energized dispersive guided extraction (EDGE): a promising tool for analytical chemistry applications


Analytical chemistry demands precise sample preparation methods to ensure accurate qualitative and quantitative determinations, especially those capable of clean-up and preconcentration of target analytes. Extraction plays a crucial role in enhancing the selectivity and sensitivity of analytical procedures. Thus, Energized Dispersive Guided Extraction (EDGE) has emerged as an innovative alternative to traditional methods, such as Soxhlet, maceration, and percolation, as well as modern techniques like Accelerated Solvent Extraction (ASE), Supercritical Fluid Extraction (SFE), and Microwave or Ultrasound Assisted Extraction (MAE and UAE). By combining dispersive solid-phase extraction (DSPE) with pressurized liquid extraction (PLE), this technique offers distinct advantages, including faster extraction times, reduced solvent consumption, and improved reproducibility. Its automated system also minimizes operator intervention, ensuring greater precision and optimizing workflows. However, there is a significant gap in studies exploring its various potential applications and perspectives. In this scenario, this is the first paper to broaden the range of applications of the EDGE system by exploring its use in food, pharmaceutical, and environmental areas. These sectors benefit from EDGE's ability to preserve analyte integrity, increase extraction yields, and promote environmentally sustainable practices. Moreover, EDGE's flexibility and efficiency make it a powerful tool for addressing emerging challenges, such as detecting contaminants in complex matrices and complying with stricter regulatory standards. Expanding EDGE's applications in these areas underscores its potential to transform analytical processes, driving advancements in food safety, pharmaceutical quality control, and environmental monitoring.

Graphical abstract: Energized dispersive guided extraction (EDGE): a promising tool for analytical chemistry applications

Article information

Article type
02 sep 2024
27 dec 2024
First published
20 jan 2025

Anal. Methods, 2025,17, 871-881

Energized dispersive guided extraction (EDGE): a promising tool for analytical chemistry applications

P. N. A. Santos, Y. B. Andrade, H. S. Granja, L. S. Freitas, A. S. Polidoro and E. B. Caramão, Anal. Methods, 2025, 17, 871 DOI: 10.1039/D4AY01623H

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