Volume 3, 2025

Electrochemical ozone production: from fundamental mechanisms to advanced applications


Electrochemical ozone production (EOP) as an advanced ozone generation technology with good safety, simple equipment and high ozone concentration has sparked considerable interest among researchers. However, the unfavorable thermodynamics and sluggish kinetics have restricted EOP from widespread application. Developing low-cost and robust catalysts is crucial to solving the efficiency problem during the EOP process. Besides the catalyst aspect, the development of an advanced electrolyzer can further promote the large-scale utilization of the EOP process. However, there have been few systematic reviews that comprehensively elucidated the progress made in advancing the EOP process to date. In this review, we firstly summarize the recent progress in understanding the EOP mechanism. The latest advances and effective strategies for designing efficient catalysts are then introduced. Moreover, the standards to evaluate the activity and stability for different EOP catalysts are provided. The influence of EOP electrolyzer design and operating conditions on the overall operation, as well as the progress and prospects in large-scale EOP applications are also demonstrated. This review aims to comprehensively explore the EOP process, providing both theoretical and experimental insights, and this will help to facilitate the advancement of efficient EOP large-scale application.

Graphical abstract: Electrochemical ozone production: from fundamental mechanisms to advanced applications

Article information

Article type
Review Article
23 sep 2024
21 okt 2024
First published
22 nov 2024
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY-NC license

EES. Catal., 2025,3, 170-204

Electrochemical ozone production: from fundamental mechanisms to advanced applications

J. Liu, X. Peng, X. Wang, X. Zhong and J. Wang, EES. Catal., 2025, 3, 170 DOI: 10.1039/D4EY00204K

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