Volume 3, 2025

Rare-metal single atom catalysts for large scale hydrogen production under actual operating conditions


The electrocatalytic hydrogen evolution reaction (HER) is an efficient technology for hydrogen production and holds great significance for the development of renewable energy economies. Rare-metal-based catalysts are considered benchmark catalysts for the HER; however, their application in HER reactors is limited due to their high cost and poor stability. Rare-metal single atom catalysts (RMSACs) can be considered as promising candidates for the HER due to several advantages such as high activity, high stability, and high atom utilization. The rational design of RMSACs for HER reactors has become a research hotspot in this field. This paper reviews the research progress in the development of RMSACs for large scale hydrogen production under actual operating conditions, including high current density, seawater electrolysis, and long-term operation. Firstly, the mechanism, design and synthesis method of RMSACs for the HER are summarized. Then the atomic-level rational design strategy of RMSACs was proposed for enhancing the HER performance under actual operating conditions. Lastly, the opportunities and challenges for industrial applications of RMSACs are also discussed.

Graphical abstract: Rare-metal single atom catalysts for large scale hydrogen production under actual operating conditions

Article information

Article type
Review Article
26 sep 2024
07 nov 2024
First published
11 nov 2024
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY-NC license

EES. Catal., 2025,3, 32-56

Rare-metal single atom catalysts for large scale hydrogen production under actual operating conditions

J. Li, X. Tian, C. Yue, H. Guo, Z. Wang, M. Guo, S. Huang, Y. Song, W. Lin, Y. Li, B. Liu and Y. Pan, EES. Catal., 2025, 3, 32 DOI: 10.1039/D4EY00205A

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