Issue 4, 2025

Stabilizing molecular catalysts on metal oxide surfaces using molecular layer deposition for efficient water oxidation


The stabilization of metal–oxide-bound molecular catalysts is essential for enhancing their lifetime and commercial viability in heterogeneous catalysis. This is particularly relevant in dye-sensitized photoelectrochemical cells (DSPECs), where the surface-bound chromophores and catalysts exhibit instability in aqueous environments, particularly at elevated pH levels. In this work, we have successfully employed molecular layer deposition (MLD) to stabilize ruthenium-based catalysts (RuCP(OH2)2+, denoted as RuCat). The application of polyimide (PI) via MLD onto the porous nanoITO surface significantly improved the stabilization of RuCat molecules for water oxidation. Additionally, time-resolved photoluminescence (TRPL) spectroscopy and femtosecond transient absorption spectroscopy (fs-TAS) results indicated that the MLD-deposited PI effectively preserved the robust redox capacity of the photogenerated electron–hole pairs associated with the catalyst molecules, thereby facilitating more efficient charge transfer. This research presents a novel approach for stabilizing surface-bound small molecules, which may contribute to advancements in heterogeneous catalysis and enhance its commercial viability.

Graphical abstract: Stabilizing molecular catalysts on metal oxide surfaces using molecular layer deposition for efficient water oxidation

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Article information

Article type
15 sep 2024
19 nov 2024
First published
20 nov 2024

Mater. Horiz., 2025,12, 1200-1206

Stabilizing molecular catalysts on metal oxide surfaces using molecular layer deposition for efficient water oxidation

H. Wang, J. Li, K. Liu, L. Lei, X. Chen and D. Wang, Mater. Horiz., 2025, 12, 1200 DOI: 10.1039/D4MH01274G

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