Issue 1, 2025

Cathode properties of a controlled crystallinity nano-Li1.2Cr0.4Mn0.4O2 cathode for lithium ion batteries


The milled-Li1.2Cr0.4Mn0.4O2 (milled-LCMO) cathode, a promising material for next-generation Li ion batteries, is prepared by dry ball-milling of layered rocksalt-type Li1.2Cr0.4Mn0.4O2 (layered-LCMO) obtained by solid-state synthesis. Despite undergoing ball-milling treatment, resulting in separation into Cr-rich and Mn-rich phases along with Li2O, milled-LCMO still exhibited a reversible capacity of 277 mA h g−1 at a rate of 16 mA g−1. However, it was also revealed that its cyclability was poor due to the contribution of oxygen redox in the charging process. On the other hand, layered-LCMO exhibited better cyclability because charge and discharge reactions proceeded only through the Cr redox. The thermally treated Li1.2Cr0.4Mn0.4O2 was prepared as a cathode material that combines the favorable properties of these two materials. In fact, each thermally treated sample showed a larger reversible capacity than the layered-LCMO obtained by the solid-phase method, and the cyclability recovered as the heat treatment temperature increased.

Graphical abstract: Cathode properties of a controlled crystallinity nano-Li1.2Cr0.4Mn0.4O2 cathode for lithium ion batteries

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Article type
16 mei 2024
30 sep 2024
First published
08 okt 2024
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY-NC license

RSC Mechanochem., 2025,2, 54-60

Cathode properties of a controlled crystallinity nano-Li1.2Cr0.4Mn0.4O2 cathode for lithium ion batteries

A. Kitajou, S. Matsuda, K. Ohara, K. Ikeda and S. Muto, RSC Mechanochem., 2025, 2, 54 DOI: 10.1039/D4MR00051J

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