Issue 8, 2025

Colorimetric detection of oxidizing metal ions using anilide-poly(phenylacetylene)s


Poly(phenylacetylene)s (PPAs) bearing para-substituted anilide pendant groups are sensitive to the presence of oxidizing metal ions such as Cu2+, Hg2+, Fe3+, Au3+ or Ce4+ due to a redox reaction between the anilide-PPA and the metal ion. Using a library of six different PPAs containing diverse chiral pendant groups connected to the PPA backbone through the N (anilide) or C (benzamide) atoms of an amide group used as a linker, it was found that anilide-PPAs are sensitive to oxidizing metal ions. In these polymers, and through a redox reaction, a radical species is delocalized along the polyene backbone, resulting in a color change of the solution from yellow to blue. UV-Vis, ECD, IR, EPR, XPS and computational studies were carried out to demonstrate the electron transfer from PPA to the oxidizing metal once the metal coordinates with the anilide of the polymer.

Graphical abstract: Colorimetric detection of oxidizing metal ions using anilide-poly(phenylacetylene)s

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Article information

Article type
06 sep 2024
15 jan 2025
First published
16 jan 2025
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY-NC license

Nanoscale, 2025,17, 4439-4443

Colorimetric detection of oxidizing metal ions using anilide-poly(phenylacetylene)s

M. Núñez-Martínez, M. Fernández-Míguez, E. Quiñoá and F. Freire, Nanoscale, 2025, 17, 4439 DOI: 10.1039/D4NR03662J

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