Sustainable nanofibrous membranes for air filtration, water purification and oil removal


The increasing demand for sustainable solutions to address environmental and energy challenges has driven the development of advanced materials. Among them, nanofibrous membranes have emerged due to their high surface area, tunable porosity and versatile mechanical properties. However, traditional nanofibrous membranes, made from petroleum-based synthetic polymers, pose significant environmental concerns due to their non-biodegradability and reliance on fossil resources. This paper reviews recent advancements in the development of sustainable nanofibrous membranes, focusing on the use of biobased and biodegradable materials, and circular design approaches aimed at reducing environmental impact throughout the membrane life cycle. Challenges associated with improving the mechanical strength and stability of biopolymer-based nanofibers and expanding application areas are discussed. By highlighting strategies to overcome these limitations, this review aims to provide insights into the future direction of sustainable nanofibrous membranes, paving the way for their broader adoption in eco-friendly technological solutions.

Graphical abstract: Sustainable nanofibrous membranes for air filtration, water purification and oil removal

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08 nov 2024
11 jan 2025
First published
13 feb 2025
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY-NC license

Nanoscale, 2025, Advance Article

Sustainable nanofibrous membranes for air filtration, water purification and oil removal

N. E. B. Surat'man, X. L. Quek, N. Wang, E. Ye, J. Xu, Z. Li and B. Li, Nanoscale, 2025, Advance Article , DOI: 10.1039/D4NR04673K

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