Strong and Reciprocal Magneto-Phonon Effects in a 2D Antiferromagnetic Semiconductor FePSe3


Magnon-phonon coupling and spin-phonon interaction, both of which are interplays between phonons and magnetism, provide a new way to manipulate phonons. Two-dimensional (2D) magnetic systems are anisotropic in their magnetic order and may have magnons carrying spin angular momentum. According to recent reports, angular momentum can be transferred by the interaction of magnons and phonons. Here focusing on two additional features in the Raman spectra at low frequencies that appear below the Neel temperature, we report that we can control the interplay between spin and lattice vibration and the energy of phonons coupled with magnons by changing the excitation laser power in the 2D antiferromagnetic FePSe3 which possesses the magnon-phonon coupling with the absence of external magnetic field. On the other hand, at high frequency of Raman spectra, another spin-phonon Raman scattering was observed in FePSe3. Our results show that out-of-plane magnetic field can control phonons and induce a Raman scattering rotation of Ag mode. In this work, we provide a method of local heating to regulate the phonons coupled with magnons and reveal a spin-phonon phenomenon in antiferromagnetic material.

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Article type
12 nov 2024
06 mrt 2025
First published
07 mrt 2025
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY-NC license

Nanoscale, 2025, Accepted Manuscript

Strong and Reciprocal Magneto-Phonon Effects in a 2D Antiferromagnetic Semiconductor FePSe3

Y. Sun, B. Liu, C. K. Gan, S. Xia, H. Lin, S. Liu and T. Yu, Nanoscale, 2025, Accepted Manuscript , DOI: 10.1039/D4NR04743E

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