Issue 4, 2025

Theoretical design and experimental realization of Fe3+-doped dual-band near-infrared garnet phosphors


Cr3+-free near-infrared (NIR) phosphors based on Fe3+ have garnered extensive attention due to their environmentally friendly and tunable optical properties. However, the reported luminescence predominantly originates from the Fe3+ ion in tetrahedral coordination, with wavelengths in the range of 670–830 nm. Phosphors with luminescence from octahedrally coordinated Fe3+, which are expected to shift to longer wavelengths over 900 nm, are limited due to the challenges such as quenching mechanisms. Garnets with the formula A3B2C3O12 are excellent hosts for phosphors due to their rigid structures and tunable luminescence properties. Theoretical analysis, supported by first-principles calculations, indicates that Fe3+ can occupy both tetrahedral (Fe(T)) and octahedral (Fe(O)) sites, potentially producing dual-band emission in garnet crystals with large octahedral host ions, such as Sr3 (Sc/Lu/Y)2Ge3O12 crystals. This has guided us in the experimental realization of dual-band NIR luminescence, peaking at 720–730 nm (Fe(T)) and 980–990 nm (Fe(O)), in these materials. Consistent with our optical transition analysis, the luminescence intensities of Fe(T) and Fe(O) show different temperature dependencies. Fe(T) exhibits weaker temperature dependence, while Fe(O) experiences severe temperature quenching via the 2T2 intermediate energy level. The dual-band NIR phosphors Sr3 (Sc/Lu/Y)2Ge3O12:Fe3+ show potential applications in luminescence intensity ratio-based and luminescence decay time-based thermometers, with a significant maximum relative sensitivity of 1.24% K−1 at 155 K. The materials designed here provide a foundation for related application explorations, and the strategy developed can be applied to the exploration and development of Fe3+-activated advanced optical materials.

Graphical abstract: Theoretical design and experimental realization of Fe3+-doped dual-band near-infrared garnet phosphors

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Article information

Article type
Research Article
09 okt 2024
15 dec 2024
First published
18 dec 2024

Inorg. Chem. Front., 2025,12, 1383-1392

Theoretical design and experimental realization of Fe3+-doped dual-band near-infrared garnet phosphors

Y. Wang, A. Chen, S. Jiang, L. Zhong, L. Li, X. Zhou, C. Duan and Q. Chen, Inorg. Chem. Front., 2025, 12, 1383 DOI: 10.1039/D4QI02523G

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