Issue 3, 2025

Sub-m-benziporphyrin: a subcarbaporphyrinoid and its BIII complex with an unprecedented planar tridentate 14π-aromatic network


Sub-m-benziporphyrins were synthesized by Pd-catalyzed cross-coupling of α,α′-diboryl-m-benzitripyrrane with 9,10-bis(1,1-dibromomethylenyl)anthracene. Reaction of sub-m-benziporphyrin with PhBCl2 and triethylamine gave its B-phenyl complex as a tetracoordinate nonaromatic BIII complex. In contrast, the reaction with BBr3 and triethylamine furnished a neutral BIII porphyrinoid with a planar and triangular coordination as the first example, in which the m-phenylene unit was partially reduced, allowing for the global 14π-aromatic circuit. This aromatic BIII complex is stable and inert towards nucleophiles such as pyridine, 4-dimethylaminopyridine, and fluoride anions but undergoes an oxygen-insertion reaction upon refluxing in the air. In addition, this BIII complex displays structured vibronic Q-bands, slow S1-state decay, and fluorescence (ΦF = 0.30 and τF = 9.7 ns), in line with its aromatic nature, while the nonaromatic BIII complexes show ill-defined absorption spectra and very fast S1-state decays.

Graphical abstract: Sub-m-benziporphyrin: a subcarbaporphyrinoid and its BIII complex with an unprecedented planar tridentate 14π-aromatic network

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Article type
Edge Article
23 okt 2024
02 dec 2024
First published
03 dec 2024
This article is Open Access

All publication charges for this article have been paid for by the Royal Society of Chemistry
Creative Commons BY-NC license

Chem. Sci., 2025,16, 1155-1160

Sub-m-benziporphyrin: a subcarbaporphyrinoid and its BIII complex with an unprecedented planar tridentate 14π-aromatic network

L. Liu, S. Song, J. Lee, Y. Rao, L. Xu, M. Zhou, B. Yin, J. Oh, J. Kim, A. Osuka and J. Song, Chem. Sci., 2025, 16, 1155 DOI: 10.1039/D4SC07199A

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