Issue 2, 2025

Role of SiO2 in enhancing CO yield by using silica-supported La0.5Ba0.5FeO3 in reverse water–gas shift chemical looping


Perovskite oxides, such as La0.5Ba0.5FeO3 (LBF), facilitate CO2 conversion by reverse water–gas shift chemical looping (RWSG-CL) at moderate conditions by employing an oxygen vacancy at the surface to aid CO2 adsorption and then to scavenge an oxygen atom from it to fill the vacancy. The formation of composites with silica is also known to enhance the perovskite oxide's performance. To better clarify this, experimental and computational methods are now combined to probe CO2 adsorption for both unsupported and silica-supported LBF. Chemisorption tests showed the CO2 adsorption sites increased from 12.4 to 60.6 μmol gLBF−1 after adding SiO2 (75 wt%) to LBF (25 wt%). Spectroscopic studies (DRIFTS) indicated that the carbonate formation during CO2 adsorption shifts from bidentate to monodentate because the surface morphology changes upon supporting on silica. Computational (DFT) results provide evidence for CO2 adsorbed as a monodentate and a bidentate carbonate, respectively, on the (111) and (100) surfaces. Monodentate species required lower energy, as determined by DFT, to dissociate C–O bond than bidentate species. Since XRD results identified increases in the (111) relative to (100) planes upon supporting LBF on SiO2, the combined DRIFTS and DFT approach revealed that the perovskite oxide restructures when in composite form, which explains the increased RWGS-CL process yield of CO.

Graphical abstract: Role of SiO2 in enhancing CO yield by using silica-supported La0.5Ba0.5FeO3 in reverse water–gas shift chemical looping

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Article type
25 jul 2024
27 nov 2024
First published
04 dec 2024
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY-NC license

RSC Sustain., 2025,3, 836-843

Role of SiO2 in enhancing CO yield by using silica-supported La0.5Ba0.5FeO3 in reverse water–gas shift chemical looping

H. Shi, J. Guo, P. Singh, V. R. Bhethanabotla and J. N. Kuhn, RSC Sustain., 2025, 3, 836 DOI: 10.1039/D4SU00416G

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