Steam activation of pitch-based carbon fibers for increasing CO2 adsorption behaviors


Activated carbon fibers (ACFs) have attracted considerable interest as versatile adsorbents for gas separation, water treatment, and similar applications due to their high specific surface area, chemical stability, and robust mechanical properties. In this study, we synthesized ACFs using steam activation and systematically evaluated their CO2 capture performance. The specific surface area of pitch-derived ACFs (SCF-X, where X is the activation temperature) increased significantly, reaching 2564 m2 g−1 in SCF-900. Notably, SCF-800 exhibited the highest CO2 adsorption capacity, emphasizing the role of micropores <0.73 nm in facilitating efficient CO2 uptake at 273 K (4.32 mmol g−1), while larger micropores <1.1 nm contributed to a maximum adsorption of 3.50 mmol g−1 at 298 K. Additionally, the adsorption kinetics were described by the pseudo-first-order model (R2 > 0.99) across all temperatures (303, 313, and 323 K). This indicated that physisorption predominantly governs the process. Moreover, stable cyclic adsorption–desorption tests performed under simulated flue gas conditions (15% CO2/85% N2 at 313 K) demonstrated energy-efficient regeneration. These findings suggest that steam-activated ACFs are highly promising for CO2 capture applications, offering advantages in terms of environmental sustainability, energy efficiency, and scalability.

Graphical abstract: Steam activation of pitch-based carbon fibers for increasing CO2 adsorption behaviors

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18 jan 2025
19 feb 2025
First published
20 feb 2025
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY-NC license

J. Mater. Chem. A, 2025, Advance Article

Steam activation of pitch-based carbon fibers for increasing CO2 adsorption behaviors

C. Kim, M. Kim, J. Lee, H. Choi, S. Lee and S. Park, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2025, Advance Article , DOI: 10.1039/D5TA00486A

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