Issue 6, 2023

Reversible adsorption with oriented arrangement of a zwitterionic additive stabilizes electrodes for ultralong-life Zn-ion batteries


The unstable electrode/electrolyte interface with inhomogeneous Zn deposition and side reactions plagues the practical application of aqueous Zn-ion batteries. Herein, L-carnitine (L-CN) is proposed to stabilize both electrodes and extend the lifespan as an efficient additive. Simultaneous quaternary ammonium cations, COO anions and hydroxyl groups in a trace amount of added L-CN have a huge synergy in manipulating the behaviors of Zn2+ electrochemical deposition/insertion and water molecule activity. Specifically, to accommodate the negative charge on electrodes driven by the electric field, the cationic portion in L-CN automatically orients toward the corresponding electrode surfaces (anode for charging and cathode for discharging), occupying active water sites and realizing reversible adsorption interfaces. The carboxyl anion provides a prominent interaction with Zn2+, regulating the Zn2+ flux to ensure uniform and fast charge transfer kinetics. Hydroxyl groups effectively capture free-water and coordinated-water through hydrogen bond fixation, thus suppressing side reactions and the cathode dissolution. Noticeably, a trace amount of L-CN additive actualizes ultralong life in the symmetric cell with an 87-fold improvement in cycle life (over 6000 h, 1 mA cm−2/1 mA h cm−2) for dendrite-free Zn plating/stripping and enables the Zn//V2O5 full cell to achieve 3500 cycles with a high capacity retention.

Graphical abstract: Reversible adsorption with oriented arrangement of a zwitterionic additive stabilizes electrodes for ultralong-life Zn-ion batteries

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Article information

Article type
28 mrt 2023
09 mei 2023
First published
09 mei 2023

Energy Environ. Sci., 2023,16, 2684-2695

Reversible adsorption with oriented arrangement of a zwitterionic additive stabilizes electrodes for ultralong-life Zn-ion batteries

H. Yu, D. Chen, X. Ni, P. Qing, C. Yan, W. Wei, J. Ma, X. Ji, Y. Chen and L. Chen, Energy Environ. Sci., 2023, 16, 2684 DOI: 10.1039/D3EE00982C

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