Issue 36, 2024

Photoluminescence and magnetic properties of isostructural europium(iii), gadolinium(iii) and terbium(iii) oxamate-based coordination polymers


Developing and investigating advanced multifunctional materials with magnetic properties as candidates for assembling spin qubits for quantum computing is imperative. A new polytopic ligand based on oxamate and aniline was used to promote the synthesis of three neutral homometallic lanthanide-coordinated polymers. New complexes with the formula {Ln(phox)3(DMSO)2(H2O)}n, where Ln = Eu3+ (1), Gd3+ (2), and Tb3+ (3) [phox = N-(phenyl)oxamate and DMSO = dimethylsulfoxide], were synthesized and well characterized by spectroscopic methods as well as X-ray crystallographic analysis. All crystalline structures comprise neutral zigzag chains. The lanthanide ions are linked by three phox ligands, in which two oxygen atoms from two different ligands are responsible for connecting the trivalent lanthanide ions, and one phox ligand completes the coordination sphere in a bis-bidentate mode, together with two DMSO molecules and one water coordination molecule. The coordination sphere of lanthanide ions consisted of spherical capped square antiprism (CSAPR-9) symmetry. The magnetic properties of 1–3 were investigated in the 2–300 K temperature range. The dynamic (ac) magnetic properties of 2 reveal a frequency dependence involving the phonon bottleneck mechanism below 33 K under nonzero applied dc magnetic fields, resulting in an example of a field-induced single-molecule magnet. Solid-state photophysical measurements for Eu3+ (1) and Tb3+ (3) complexes indicate that the N-(phenyl)oxamate ligands are very efficient in sensitizing the lanthanide(III) ions in the visible region of the electromagnetic spectrum. Compounds 1 and 3 exhibited an emission in the red and green regions, respectively. Experimental results and theoretical calculations using the Sparkle/RM1 method support a quantum efficiency of ∼72% for 1, suggesting its potential as a candidate for light conversion molecular devices (LCMDs).

Graphical abstract: Photoluminescence and magnetic properties of isostructural europium(iii), gadolinium(iii) and terbium(iii) oxamate-based coordination polymers

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Article information

Article type
02 mei 2024
16 jul 2024
First published
17 jul 2024

Dalton Trans., 2024,53, 14995-15009

Photoluminescence and magnetic properties of isostructural europium(III), gadolinium(III) and terbium(III) oxamate-based coordination polymers

C. O. C. da Silveira, W. X. C. Oliveira, E. N. da Silva Júnior, M. E. Alvarenga, F. T. Martins, C. C. Gatto, C. B. Pinheiro, E. F. Pedroso, J. P. O. Silva, L. F. Marques, M. V. Santos, F. R. Torres, R. Euclides, R. O. Freire, W. C. Nunes, A. A. de Almeida, M. Knobel and C. L. M. Pereira, Dalton Trans., 2024, 53, 14995 DOI: 10.1039/D4DT01290A

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