Issue 8, 2024

High efficiency graphene–silicon hybrid-integrated thermal and electro-optical modulators


Graphene modulators are considered a potential solution for achieving high-efficiency light modulation, and graphene–silicon hybrid-integrated modulators are particularly favorable due to their CMOS compatibility and low cost. The exploitation of graphene modulator latent capabilities remains an ongoing endeavour to improve the modulation and energy efficiency. Here, high-efficiency graphene–silicon hybrid-integrated thermal and electro-optical modulators are realized using gold-assisted transfer. We fabricate and demonstrate a microscale thermo-optical modulator with a tuning efficiency of 0.037 nm mW−1 and a high heating performance of 67.4 K μm3 mW−1 on a small active area of 7.54 μm2 and a graphene electro-absorption modulator featuring a high speed data rate reaching 56 Gb s−1 and a low power consumption of 200 fJ per bit. These devices show superior performance compared to the state of the art devices in terms of high efficiency, low process complexity, and compact device footage, which can support the realization of high-performance graphene–silicon hybrid-integrated photonic circuits with CMOS compatibility.

Graphical abstract: High efficiency graphene–silicon hybrid-integrated thermal and electro-optical modulators

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Article information

Article type
11 apr 2024
11 jun 2024
First published
14 jun 2024

Nanoscale Horiz., 2024,9, 1372-1378

High efficiency graphene–silicon hybrid-integrated thermal and electro-optical modulators

X. Wu, Z. Cao, T. Zhao, Y. Wu, Z. Li, S. Doukas, E. Lidorikis, Y. Xue, L. Liu, O. Ghaebi, G. Soavi, J. Lu, Z. Ni and J. Wang, Nanoscale Horiz., 2024, 9, 1372 DOI: 10.1039/D4NH00160E

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